Chapter 5

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Jimin was stood in a department he hadn't been in for some time. The editing suite was populated mainly with massive screens spanning the length of one of the walls and covering each of the desks. People all around where peering around their monitors to check out the star in their midst. HYBE staff were used to seeing group members around the car park, the lift bank or the cafeteria, but never in their little part of the world.

Lee Minjae had listened carefully to Jimin's nonsense story about needing to excuse Narae from work.

"It's for a RUN episode you see."

"If you want an Editor to be there, Sir, I'd be happy to send up one of the managers, someone with a bit more experience to support Narae. She hasn't been here long, she's on a graduate rotation."

Jimin was waving his hands and trying to pull out his most relaxed and charming smile.

"No, no, It's not for the editing. It's, err, we've pulled out a couple of volunteers from the cafeteria this morning. We need them for, umm, to help the crew with, umm, some staging."

Jimin was starting to sweat. Seokjin owed him big time for this.

Minjae thought carefully about this ridiculous story.

"And she'll be doing that all day?"

"Yes, yes I think the shoot's going on all day. I think actually, we're going on location. In fact, she asked if I could grab her things and take them back to her, so she has them at the end of the day."

Even in the middle of this pathetic excuse for an excuse, Jimin was proud of himself for thinking to take her things so that wherever she was, whoever she was, she could have them later on.

The older man scratched at the back of his head a little. It obviously didn't make sense, but he couldn't argue with Park Jimin about it. The man wasn't his boss but he may as well be.

"Okay, Sir, just give me a moment, I need to go and inform our department head that we need to make some changes for the day."

Jimin puffed out the breath he'd been holding onto as Minjae walked away, shaking his head a little. That had gone pretty badly, but really, this man wasn't going to argue.

Jimin absently pulled out his phone while he waited to avoid the stares, or worse, the small talk, of those colleagues sitting around him.

Amongst the usual swathe of notifications, he saw that there was a message in the chat room he shared with all the members of BTS. Seokjin had text them all.

- Sorry guys, an emergency came up, so I have to duck out of ALL STUFF today. It's insane, but I'm sat here with my soulmate. I'll call you. –

Jimin gaped down at the phone in disbelief.

"Ha!" He barked in delight, without thinking. Many of those around him lifted their heads but then politely lowered them again when there was nothing to see.

Seokjin had found his soulmate! After all this time, he had found his other half. Of course. This must be her; the girl Jimin was pulling out of work for the day, Song Narae. She must be with him right now.

Jimin thumped his own forehead. She must have been in Seokjin's car as it had sped away from the building.

A chance encounter with a colleague, after all this time. Had he stumbled into her, helped her up when she'd fallen? Handed her something? Who could know. Jimin was sure he'd learn the story later when Seokjin resurfaced as a bonded man.

Jimin's eyes widened at the thought. What did it all mean? Would he move out? Or would she move in. A girl in the house! Jimin wanted to laugh again, it seemed impossible.

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