Chapter 10

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Seokjin could hardly bear to look at it happening, where the others seemed in raptures. For obvious reasons, it was pretty rare to actually see anyone bonding. The unpredictability of the situation made it a once in a lifetime occurrence that you might tell all your friends about. So he didn't blame the others for staring, but for him, it was intensely painful.

Back at the hotel, they'd both been upset when Seokjin had explained what was happening. He, because of what it would mean for him, for their bond and his group, and she because his pain was transferring to her. Personally, she was a little overwhelmed, but delighted all the same.

It really wasn't about it being BTS, or six additional men, or any of the other wildly lucky parts of it for her. She had just always loved the idea of soul mates, and so it came naturally to think of more of them as better for them all. She hadn't waited for years like Seokjin had. To find her and effectively lose her exclusivity on the same day was a bitter pill for him to swallow. Seeing her scent Taehyung's top had been like a gut punch, and he could still hardly face his younger band mate even now, even knowing that if given half a chance, he might start scenting that top too.

Narae had realised Jimin was out in the cold even before he really did. He was too busy raging at Namjoon's idea of them all being a large group, to think of anything else. She'd been instantly distressed about Jimin, wanted Seokjin to contact him and make sure he wasn't too worried. It had taken her a long time to persuade Seokjin round, firstly to come back to the flat, as Namjoon had wanted, and secondly that they needed to do the right thing for Jimin if it came to it.

When none of the others had seemed ready to claim their bond with Jimin, Seokjin knew he was doomed. Now, watching Narae with her hand stretched out to another, he knew he would have no choice but to let it happen. He knew he didn't yet have the same kind of sway over her as Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok had over Taehyung and Jungkook. Much worse, he found himself easily bending to her will, desperate to please her, even if that meant tolerating this kind of pain so early on in the bond. It was nothing to do with Jimin, he just couldn't stand losing half of her.

When Jimin reached his own hand forward to hold hers, he saw a new light flash up in Narae's eyes which he recognised from their own bonding before. She immediately seemed to go a little weak on her feet and Seokjin had to resist the urge to go to her and keep her steady. Instead, he watched as Jimin pulled her body close to his and settled one arm around her waist, the other cupping the back of her head, as though she was a precious child he was caring for.

"Woah, that's so intense. Are you okay?" Jimin asked, leaning her back a little in his arms to examine her face. She nodded at him but didn't speak. She looked as blissed out and dreamy as she had done with him, Seokjin thought. He dug his fingernails into the palms of his hands to keep himself in place, to let them have this moment together.

They had the advantage on the others, Seokjin thought, they were the only ones who'd known to expect their bonding so they weren't quite as caught off guard as he had been. Along with the natural feelings of euphoria, it was reasonable to experience a little fear at the total shift in your axis. But Jimin and Narae were only getting the good stuff.

Narae gave a little whimper and pulled herself closer into Jimin's body. He in turn buried his nose in her hair and whispered something too quiet for the others to hear. Seokjin couldn't look anymore. He turned away and walked towards the opposite wall, trying to hold his composure. Namjoon took pity on him.

"Jimin, why don't you take Narae to your room for a minute to give you both some privacy."

Without a backward glance, Jimin held Narae steady and led her away down the hall. Once the door was shut, Seokjin sank down in a vacant chair. Now he was the odd man out.

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