Chapter 4

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Jungkook stretched out like a cat in his bed. He was gifted with the only single person room in the house, but it was also the smallest and by his own choice he had a small bed to go with it. If he wanted to sleep in the grand super-king with Egyptian cotton sheets and crushed velvet throw pillows, he could always go to his own apartment across the complex. But he liked it here.

He liked his small bedroom and tidy but old bedclothes. And he liked being so close to his bandmates. His global reputation for being the baby of the group had shaped a lot of his character and so he still let the team mother him. He still snuck into their rooms and their beds from time to time for comfort, although it had been a while since he did that at home. They weren't all teenagers anymore.

So, on his own, he thrashed about in the bed, trying to motivate himself to wake up rather than fall back asleep. What was on the day's schedule again?

Oh, that was right, he and Namjoon in the car at 10. They'd need to get him to styling first off because he'd be filmed. So just time for a shower and a quick cup of coffee and then they'd have to be on their way.

Jungkook yawned widely. He wondered if Namjoon was up yet, but he couldn't hear any noise from anywhere else in the house.

Reaching above his head, his hand found his phone and brought it down for him to look at through bleary eyes.

A bunch of stuff to check in on. He started with the news. No one important dead... no resurge in the pandemic, no headlines for KPOP. All good.

There was always a lot to check on twitter. He had some notifications set up specifically. The new debut soloist from JYP had released a new teaser video. Jungkook liked her. He watched the video. It was a tease alright! She was a tease! He'd have to see if they could arrange a meeting the next time they were both at an event. She was so cute. It would be worth running his fingers through her hair, just to check if she and he might be something more.

Jungkook yawned again and lazily scratched his stomach. He was getting tighter every day, but his body still had a lot of work before their next scheduled comeback in a few weeks. On to messages.

The 97 liners wanted a drink that weekend. Not possible. He'd have to let them down and they'd bitch at him like they always did. His family chat had sent a link to the wedding photos from his cousin's marriage earlier that year. He'd look at them on his way in, it would be nice to see how everyone had dressed, as he hadn't been able to attend.

There were some messages on the Bangtan chat, so he opened them.

Jungkook blinked. What? No way? He read the message back three or four times to make sure he wasn't missing some part of it that obviously made it a joke. But no, a totally straight-faced message. Seokjin was telling them that he had found his soulmate.

"Ha!" Jungkook exhaled a quick laugh and sat up. If it was true, then that was fantastic news. Incredible. And why wouldn't it be true? If Seokjin said it had happened, then Jungkook was sure it must have.

Even as he was looking at his phone, re-reading the message again another came through, this time from Jimin.

- Hyung!!! We love you so much! We're so happy for you! It all makes sense now! Don't worry, I took care of everything –

Jimin flooded the feed with emojis and little celebratory GIFs to show his delight with the news.

Jungkook joined in and sent his own congratulations to Seokjin, hoping beyond hope that this would bring happiness to him and the rest of the group.

Jungkook saw a text come through from Namjoon. He'd sent through a selfie. He was clearly still in bed. His hair was messy, his thumbs up was goofy, and his smile was radiant.

The Missing Pieceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें