Chapter 22

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"Narae, can you come and give me a hand. They're starting to head out and I need to make sure they're all good at the stage door."

"Of course!" Narae looked glad of the excuse and sprang up from where she'd been sat to take over Seokjin's hair.

As she approached him, they both took stock of who was around. Yoongi was in the next chair over, having his own hair done but his eyes were shut, and his stylists seemed pretty focused. The room was crazy busy but that gave them a bit of privacy. Everyone else was too occupied.

"Hi." Seokjin met her eyes in the mirror, brimming full of affection for her. It was such a shame he had to keep her a secret. She was the ultimate in everything he wanted to show off to the world. "I haven't seen you at all today."

He meant that he hadn't seen her all this week more or less, but they would have to speak in code for the benefit of those around who might listen.

"I know, I've been busy. So have you." Narae replied casually. It was true enough. They'd both been occupied with their own corners of the world. Narae had to keep up appearances on the stylist team, and Seokjin and Jimin had been focused on the planned comeback and preparations for the Japanese visit. And maybe a little bit with each other.

"What have you been up to?" He asked trying to keep his voice casual. But Narae noticed he was tipping his head back.

She indulged him and let the exposed back of her wrist drag against the nape of his neck, right where the suit ended in a fitted rim of elastic. His eyes closed in a long blink but righted himself before anyone could notice their touch. God, she was still the most tantalising creature he'd ever laid eyes on. Hey hands were like magic.

"I've been spending quite a bit of time at my flat." She told him, reminding him of the last few nights when the boys had been home so late and out of the house again so early, there was little point staying where they would be. "It needed a really good clean and it's always nice to be homes

Seokjin narrowed his eyes. He knew she'd been staying there, of course but he wasn't impressed. He was her home. Him and Jimin.

"Oh, I thought I heard you saying you were going to move in with your boyfriend?" He asked. "You could be making your home with him."

Narae supressed her snort of laughter. Not the first time he'd asked her to move in with him and Jimin, but the first time he'd used a fictitious boyfriend to code the message. His lazy eyes tracked her in the mirror. He wanted her to laugh again, loved it so much when she did. Even if she was laughing at him a little.

"I don't know." Narae mused, holding his layers out of the way while she applied some more powder to his cheeks, enjoying his eye contact in the mirror. "Sometimes I think I can do better." She teased.

Seokjin's mouth hung open in mock disbelief.

"Isn't he handsome? Talented? Someone said he was an idol. In fact, someone told me there were two of them." His fake-incensed voice made her smile.

"Nope, none of that rings a bell with me. You must be describing someone else's boyfriends. Mine are nothing like that."

She was supposed to use a brush, but instead, she took the pot of lip gloss and drew her thumb around the edge, then dabbed it against his soft plush lips, puckering her own in concentration as she leaned into him. She was teasing him like the magnificent brat that she was.

"Why are you like this? When I'm being so nice to you, letting you touch me."

Narae laughed, a little twinkle in her eyes. Her gorgeous smile lighting up the room for him. "You're mine Jin, I can touch you any time I want."

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