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"TELL me why I had to come to Whole Foods with you?" Lucia asked.

"Because I needed to go food shopping, duh." Moon reminded.

"Why couldn't you go to a regular supermarket? Whole foods is so...fancy." Lucia replied.

"It is not fancy. It just has more vegan options." Moon said.

Lucia sighed and continued to follow Moon around the store as the girl picked out her vegan meals and vegan snacks. Moon had tried to convince Lucia to become a vegan as well, but she knew it wasn't really for her.

Lucia stopped in the middle of the aisle when she got a call from Sam.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey. Party at my house tonight. Feel free to bring Moon. Not Tory." Sam informed.

"Don't worry, Tory and I are done. I don't know if Miguel told you, but I'm staying as far away from Cobra Kai as possible because Hawk called me a girlfriend hopping slut. And they're also a really terrible influence." Lucia answered

"Good, I'm glad you're done with Cobra Kai. And I'm sorry about all of the other things. You didn't deserve what Hawk said to you and I'm sorry about Tory. You deserve so much better."

Lucia swallowed. "Yeah."

Sam cleared her throat. "So, party, my house. Bring Moon."

"What time?"

"Uh...let's say 7:30?"

"Okay. See you soon."

"Awesome. Bye, Lucia."

"Bye, Sam."

Lucia hung up the phone and looked at Moon.

"What did Sam have to say?" Moon asked.

"Party at her house. And we're invited." Lucia answered.

"Cool! I'll grab some stuff to bring."

Lucia nodded and they continued to walk through Whole Foods.


"Hello party...people..." Moon trailed off. "Oh. This doesn't look like a party."

"Yeah, where is everyone?" Lucia asked.

"What is she doing here?" Chris squinted.

"I'm here because Sam invited me. And I know what you're thinking, but I'm done with Cobra Kai. Moon and I are here to have a good time and that's it." Lucia explained.

The Miyagi-Do's all looked around at each other, mumbling, except for Demetri.

He stood up and walked over to the blonde, engulfing her into a hug.

"I missed you, Dem." She whispered.

"I missed you too." He replied. "And you too Moon."

Moon giggled and Demetri went to sit back down.

Sam clapped. "This is great. The—."

The doorbell rung, interrupting Sam.

"Keg's here." She announced, opening the door behind the couch to reveal the very few Eagle-Fang members.

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