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"READY?" Daniel asked the class.

"Let's begin!" Johnny shouted.

There was silence after that and they all looked around at one another.

Demetri then raised his hand. "Uh, begin what exactly?"

"Yeah, it kinda feels like we're just standing here." Lucia nodded.

"Begin a new era. Many of us used to be enemies, but rivalries don't need to last forever. The All Valley tournament is just a few months away, and this year, the stakes are higher than they've ever been. We know that Cobra Kai is gonna use every dirty trick in the book. There's only one way we're gonna be able to beat them—." Daniel started.

"By kicking their asses so hard they shit themselves." Johnny interrupted.

Daniel turned to Johnny and gave him a look.

"We gotta take things to the next level. Gonna reach you an aggression stronger than anything Cobra Kai can throw at us. They strike first? We'll pre-strike!" Johnny exclaimed.

"Pre-strike." Lucia whispered to herself and shrugged.

"Okay, we're getting ahead of ourselves. We are going to respond to what they do." Daniel took over again.

"Eagles do not respond. They swoop down and take whatever they want and that's what we're gonna do. Take back the Valley." Johnny interrupted again.

"Take it back in a measured and organized approach." Daniel continued.

"We bite first!" Johnny shouted.

Daniel sighed. "Okay, let's just warm up with some simple exercises."

"Line up!"

They did as they were told and fell into position.

"Just breathe and follow me." Daniel inhaled.

The Miyagi-Do's followed Daniel, but Lucia waited for Johnny's instruction.

"Fighting positions! Right leg back! Front kick, ready? Hi-yah!" Johnny called.

The Eagle-Fangs did as they were told and Mitch ended up kicking Nate to the floor.

"Shit dude, I'm sorry."

Lucia covered her hand with her mouth, trying not to laugh and looked over to Hawk who smirked at his best friend.

"How is that funny?" Demetri furrowed his eyebrows.

Next, they all gathered around Bert and Mitch.

"Ready? Fight!" Johnny instructed.

"That's it, that's it, go for the teeth." Johnny encouraged.

"Hey, hey!" Daniel pushed them back. "You're just swinging at each other. Don't you teach any defense?"

"Best defense is more offense." Mitch clarified.

Bert kicked Mitch's ribs then his stomach, the curly-haired teen falling onto the rock behind him.

"Why do you have a rock in the middle of your dojo?" Johnny asked.

After Mitch and Bert, they had Demetri and Sam go up against each other.


Sam and Demetri began circling each other for what seemed like years and Lucia yawned.

"That's it, keep circling." Daniel encouraged.

"He wants them to circle more?" Lucia questioned.

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