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NORMALLY Lucia sat with Moon at lunch, but today she decided to sit with the Hawk and the Cobra Kai's.

Red was recording Hawk playing with the soccer ball, Lucia standing next to the boy.

"Hey, 22 in a row. New record." Hawk smiled.

Lucia looked at the camera, then over at Moon's table, watching Demetri make Moon laugh, their hands inches away from each other on the table.

Lucia squinted, jealousy rising in her chest.

She picked up Hawk's ball and kicked it over to the table , destroying the project.

"Oh...Dem!" Lucia ran over. "I'm so sorry! Hawk's ball got away from me and it landed into your project. I'm sorry."

"That took me three weeks to build." Demetri informed.

The guilt took over the jealousy in Lucia's stomach. She didn't want to hurt Demetri or ruin anything for him, but he was getting way too close to Moon, and she couldn't have that.

"Eh, it took my ball three seconds to destroy." Hawk called.

Lucia looked over at him, then back at Moon who had anger written all over her face.

Lucia's face turned red and she walked away in silence.

Moon had had enough. She stood up and stormed over to the table.

"Why the hell did you do that?" Moon's sweet voice asked.

Lucia spun around, her heart rate quickening. "It was an accident, I—."

"Don't give me that nonsense, Ci Ci. Why would you do that? He worked so hard and you destroyed it. Why?" Moon questioned.

"Did you not see how close he was to you? I mean seriously, Moon! He was practically  holding your hand."

"Oh my god, you're jealous!" Moon exclaimed. "You have to be kidding me! You're with Tory, okay? You cant be jealous of me when your with some other girl, so for your own sake, stay away."

"No! Defeat...Defeat does not exist, I'm not staying away from you as much as you want me to, Moon, I'm not fucking going anywhere!" Lucia exclaimed.

"Then break up with Tory." Moon folded her arms.

Lucia opened her mouth to say something, but then closed it.

"That's what I thought. You're going to have to choose between us one day. It's in...inevitable, but until then, just please, let me be." Moon pleaded and walked away.

Lucia watched Moon walk back to the table, then turned away and looked around at all of the Cobra Kai's before storming away.


Lucia sat in the sidelines as the Cobra Kai's walked out.

"You gonna participate, Parker?" Coach asked.

"Do I have to?" Lucia questioned.

"Do you want a grade?" The woman put her hands on her hips.


Lucia shuffled over to the Cobra Kai's and stood on the field with them.

Once the game began, she barely tried, until the Miyagi-Do's began fighting the Cobra Kai's.

"No the fuck they're not." Lucia groaned, leaning her head back.

Sam was the one who began it and Lucia put her hair up, going over to Sam.


Lucia kicked her feet out from under her, the girl falling on her stomach.

"Leave us the fuck alone and we won't have a problem." Lucia spat and ran away.

She looked over at Moon and gave her a half-smile, but frowned when Moon rolled her eyes and nudged the guy standing next to her.

Lucia big down in her tongue and pushed over a Miyagi-Do out of anger.

"Take it easy on the physical contact!" Coach exclaimed.

Demetri ran up to Lucia, on her left.

"Dem." She said.

"She loved you, ya know." Demetri cut to the chase.

Lucia didn't say anything and swallowed.

"She told me. You just lost the one real thing you've ever known, the best thing you've ever had, for a girl that will turn on you if you breathe wrong. But you know, that's on you, so you better choose wisely." Demetri warned.

"I don't want to fight you, Metri. Go away." Lucia ordered.

"You wouldn't fight me anyway. You're too weak."

Lucia knew what the boy was trying to do and sped up, going after a different Miyagi-Do. Demetri was part of Cobra Kai's enemy, but he wasn't her enemy, so she saw no reason to go after him.

Hawk, though, did. Demetri was the last part of who Hawk was before, so if hr got rid of him, there'd be nothing of Eli left.

Hawk got pushed over by Demetri, but jumped up.

"Remember what Sensei said, fight smart."

They all continued going after each other, Lucia not caring about the rules and picked up the ball, flinging it at Sam, annoyed at her for staring this.

"You know what, that's it! Everyone to the principal's office now!" Coach exclaimed.

They all walked inside, Hawk going inside the office to talk to Councilor Blatt.

She knew he would get them out of it, playing his usual cards of being bullied. Councilor Blatt knew Hawk well before when he was Eli, so she'd surely let them go.

Waiting outside, the Cobra Kai's and Miyagi-Do's stood across from each other. Except for Lucia who sat in the floor with her head against the wall.

Councilor Blatt stepped out of the office with Hawk.

"Caldwell, Johnson, Rickenberger, Parker, the four of you and Eli are free to go." Councilor Blatt decided.

Hawk helped Lucia up and she dapped him up.

"Nice going." She smiled. "I guess we can thank Eli for that one."

Hawk looked down and played with his lips, the five beginning to walk away.

Lucia frowned. "Did I say the wrong thing."

"Nah, everything's fine." Hawk fake-smiled.


As Lucia walked down the hallway, Moon walked up to them and pulled her arm.

"What the hell was that?" Moon spat.

"What?" Lucia furrowed her eyebrows.

"Out there? On the field!" Moon reminded.

Lucia scoffed. "You're blaming me for that. Your friend Sam started that shit, not me! I could've beat the shit out of Demetri, but I didn't because he's my friend. You may not think so, but I still have a heart, Moon, I still care about people."

"Do you?"

"Fuck you!"

Lucia then stormed away to the locker room, grabbing everything and leaving the school.

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