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LUCIA stormed into the back of the Miyagi-Do dojo.

"Dude, you're el serpiente. You're an All Valley champion. Just show Mr. LaRusso what you're made of. I know you're gonna crush whatever he throws at us today." Hawk was saying to Miguel.

Lucia put her stuff inside, then went back outside with the rest of the guys.

"Look who finally showed up." Hawk turned to Lucia.

"Lucia." Miguel dragged out the 'a' at the end of her name.

"Hey." Was all she said.

Hawk furrowed his eyebrows and Miguel looked to Hawk. "What's up with you?"

"I had a long night." Lucia answered shortly.

"Yeah, she had to leave dinner early. What happened?" Miguel asked.

Lucia sighed. "Moon was having parental issues which was already upsetting her and then Tory was calling her and saying all this shit to her, so I went, called Tory, and showed up at her house. When I threatened to fight her, she wouldn't do anything and she looked like she was trying to, I don't know, stay as far away from me as possible. Eventually, Moon showed up and got me to leave, but I don't understand why she was showing me mercy. God, I hate her."

"Because you're her Lucy." Mitch spoke up.

They all turned to look at him.

"If that was any of us, our asses would've been beat with no hesitation, but since it's you, she showed mercy. She's always showed mercy to you and she probably always will. You guys still lo—."

"Love each other. I know. Everyone keeps saying that to me and I don't know why." Lucia interrupted.

"Because it's true." Miguel answered.

"Wow. Penis breath actually has brain cells?" Hawk teased.


The two boys laughed and Lucia groaned.

"So, what're you gonna do?" Miguel asked.

"Nothing. I hate romance and relationships. I don't want to have anything to do with them ever again. I just want to learn karate and be with my friends, not have to deal with all of this nonsense."

"Just focus on today's training. You're gonna crush it too, Cia." Hawk replied and slung an arm around her shoulder.

"Thanks, Hawk." She leaned into him.

"Compared to Sensei Lawrence's training, today's gonna be a vacation." Mitch said.

"Who's going on vacation?"

They all turned to see Daniel entering the yard.

"Uh, no one. What do you got for us today, Mr. LaRusso?" Miguel asked.

"Come here."

They all followed the man in the direction of the koi pond.

"Now, I know you've all been taught to strike first. What do you do when your opponent is faster than you?" Daniel stood on top of some rocks in front of the pond.

"Are those real koi?" Mitch asked.

"They sure are. Today's lesson is simple. Catch a fish. But since I know you Eagle Fang's like a bit of competition, we're gonna make it interesting. So, the first to succeed will have the honor of leading class all week." Daniel informed.

They all looked around at each other.

"And you get to pick out what flavor of Gatorade I buy next." Daniel added.

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