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"CAN I drop you off?" Moon asked.

Moon was over Lucia's house before karate that day. She had to go to the dojo early to help Hawk and Demetri with Hawk's plan.

"I'd love you to, but...I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea." Lucia replied.

Moon frowned. "You don't want anyone to think we're dating. You want people to know you're single."

Lucia's face fell. "Moon, you know that's not true, I want to be with you more than anything, but now is not the time for me to be focusing on a relationship. I just don't want people getting the wrong idea because it would make it more complicated."

Moon sighed. "I understand. I'm here whenever you're ready, I'm not going anywhere."


"I promise."

Lucia smiled. "Well, I should get going. I'm picking up Dem and Hawk, so that's another reason why I should just drive myself.

"Well, I could've just drove all of you..." Moon trailed off.

Lucia gave her a look.

"I know, I know."

"Alright. I'll text you later, Moony."

"Okay. See you, lovie."

"Bye." Lucia smiled.

She hopped off of Moon's bed and grabbed her bags before walking out of her bedroom.

Moon watched her go, then looked to her bedside table and noticed her water bottle still there.

"Lucia, your—."

Moon then stopped and smirked. This was her excuse to see Lucia during the day.


Demetri and Lucia were looking over the design with Hawk.

"So, a sparring deck, huh? I don't even think that was on our list yesterday." Lucia nodded.

"It's better then buying everyone a dog." Demetri rolled his eyes.

"What? It was a cute idea!" Lucia exclaimed.

"And where were we gonna get the money for that?" Demetri asked.

"Take out a loan from Mr. LaRusso..." Lucia trailed off.

Demetri huffed. "Like that would ever happen."

"Okay, fine, it's unrealistic, but still! You can't tell me it wasn't a cute idea."

"Fine, fine, it was a nice, unrealistic idea."

"Thank you."

"You two done?" Hawk raised his eyebrows.

"I think so."

"Yup, pretty much."

"Okay, I'm gonna go grab some tools, you guys stay here."

Lucia nodded and Hawk turned and walked away.

A few of the Miyagi-Do and Eagle-Fang students began to arrive.

"What's goin' on?" Chris asked, giving Demetri and Lucia fist bumps.

"We are helping Hawk." Lucia replied.

"With?" Mitch asked.

"With his great idea for a sparring deck." Demetri answered.

"As in the Okinawan one on the wall inside?" Nate raised his eyebrows.

Lucia and Demetri nodded.

Hawk came back just in time with Sam and Miguel following behind him and a few more students showing up.

They explained the plan in detail to all of them, Hawk doing most of the talking because it was his idea, and then got to work on clearing out the empty space they were going to build it on.

"Alright, stand back, it's coming down!" Hawk called and went to hit the fence with a sledgehammer.

"Hey! What're you doing!" Daniel yelled.

Lucia stood up and looked over to see Daniel and Johnny coming around to the back of the dojo.

"Oh, blondie, your hot babe is here again." Johnny informed before Hawk could reply.

Lucia furrowed her eyebrows and looked behind Johnny. "Moon."

She jogged over as Hawk and Demetri began explaining Hawk's plan.

"What're you doing here?" Lucia asked.

"You forgot your water bottle. Again." Moon replied and handed the girl her water.

"I'm starting to think you're letting me forgot it on purpose." Lucia squinted.

"Maybe." Moon sang with a giggle.

"Moon. If you want to spend more time with me just ask."

Moon nodded and looked over Lucia's shoulder. "What're you guys doing over there?"

"Building an Okinawan sparring deck. Hawk's idea."

"Can I help? Moon asked.

"What? You want to help?"

Moon nodded.

"Let me talk to my team."

Lucia jogged over.

"Can my bisexual friend help?"

"What's a bisexual?" Johnny asked.

Lucia sighed. "Moon wants to help."

"I don't care, help is help." Johnny shrugged.

Lucia gave Moon a thumbs up and she ran over, everyone getting to work.

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