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MOON parked the car at a bookstore with a cafe.

"What is this place?" Lucia asked.

"Back in the seventh grade I'd always envisioned taking someone here. I was hoping it was Sam because I had a small crush on her, but this...this is much better." Moon exclaimed.

"Alright, let's check it out."

The two girls got out of the car and Lucia grabbed Moon's pinkie finger with her own, the two walking inside.

"Whoa." Moon looked around and Lucia smiled at her.

"It's so cute in here."

"You're damn right it is. Come on!"

Moon pulled the girl around and they browsed around, Lucia picking out a book titled The Song of Achilles and Moon picked out one called It Ends With Us.

After purchasing the books, Moon took Lucia upstairs to the cafe, the two ordering hot chocolates, then sat across each other, beginning to read their books.

While they were reading, the two girls would look over the tops of their books, sneaking glances at each other.

Lucia raised her eyebrows at Moon, then hid her face.

Moon giggled and Lucia put her book down.

"You know, this was fun. It really cheered me up." She smiled.

"Good, I'm glad." Moon smiled back.

They leaned over and kissed each other, neither having one complaint in mind.


The next day, Lucia decided to get to the dojo ten minutes early having to wait outside for Johnny to unlock the door.

Everyone began to show up, even the new recruits that Johnny made leave the day before.

Hawk, Lucia, Aisha, and Bert were standing before Chris and Mitch, two new students.

"What do you think?" Hawk asked. "Shithead One and Shithead Two?"

"I was thinking more Mary-Kate and Asshat." Aisha suggested, Hawk laughing.

"No no no, I like 'our little bitches.'" Lucia smirked.

"Ooh." Aisha raised her eyebrows.

"That's hot." Hawk whispered, earning an elbow to the ribs from Lucia.

He stumbled back, then cleared his throat and stepped forward again.

"Well, I'm Chris—."

"Did I say you could speak?" Hawk spat.

"Guys look, they're just messing with you." Miguel walked up to them.


"Besides, everyone knows your names are Assface and Douchebag."

"Ooh." Aisha repeated, the other three laughing.

"Dibs on assface." Mitch whispered.

Suddenly, the door opened and in walked an older man with a round nose in the middle of his face.

"Jesus Christ." He uttered.

"Who's that?" Hawk asked.

"I don't know." Miguel answered and went up to the man.

"How do I say this without saying it...he looks like he needs a shower." Lucia muttered.

Hawk chuckled and Aisha shook her head at the girl.

Johnny came out of his office and Miguel pointed to the man.

They began conversing, Johnny not seeming too happy with the man.

Everyone fell in and Johnny walked to the front of the class.

He cleared his throat. "Class we have a visitor. This is Mr. Kreese. He's just an observer, pretend like he's not even here. Diaz, warm them up."

Miguel walked to the from of the class and Johnny stepped back.

Miguel bowed to them and they bowed back.

"Fighting positions! Front kick! Yuh!"

"Yuh!" They repeated the action.

"Forward strike. Yuh!"

They did was Miguel said again.

"Side dab! Yuh!"

"Uh oh." Lucia sighed.

Everyone, except for her, dabbed and started laughing.

"That was cringey." Lucia shook her head.

"Oh come on, lighten up a little." Hawk muttered back.

"What the hell was that?" Johnny asked.

"We were just messing around. We have eleven and a half months until the next All Valley." Miguel said, excusing their actions.

"Yeah, besides, we already know how to kick ass." Hawk added.

"That's true." Lucia agreed. "I mean, we're the champs, we won."

"Oh, yeah, really, huh? So you know everything? There's nothing left to learn?" Johnny asked.

Aisha then started giggling to herself.

"What's so funny, Miss Robinson?" Johnny asked.

"Sorry, Sensei, you just wouldn't understand."

"Try me."

"It's a snake-do." She giggled.

"What's a snake-do?" Johnny asked.

The entire class starting hissing like snakes, but again, Lucia didn't participate.

"Quiet!" Johnny screamed. "5 AM, tomorrow morning, corner of Fulton and Raymer. You don't show, and you're off the team. Don't be late, especially you blondie. Class dismissed." Johnny threatened, walking into his office, Kreese following him.

"It was one time!" Lucia exclaimed, shaking her head.

"I guess he's really pissed." Hawk pointed out.

"Ya think?" Lucia rolled her eyes.

She gathered her stuff and made her way out of the dojo, Miguel, Hawk, and Aisha following behind her.

"Going out with Moon?" Hawk smirked.

"Going home alone?" Lucia raised her eyebrows.

Hawk made a face and Lucia smiled.

"I'm kidding. You know I love you, Hawkie."

She went over and wrapped her arms around him, giving him a hug.

"Okay, that's enough, Cia."

She pulled away. "See you tomorrow, guys."


"See you."

She then got in Lucas's car and drove her way home.

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