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LUCIA walked into the dojo the next day to see Miguel and Tory stretching together.

She removed her shoes and stepped on the mat, sitting with the pair.

"What's up?" Lucia asked.

"Just talking about our date later at the roller rink." Miguel answered.

"Oh. You guys are going out?" Lucia asked.

"Well, technically it's not actually a date date because Tory's working, but we can still have fun." Miguel shrugged.

"Oh, awesome." Lucia fake-smiled.

Tory smirked at the girl, sensing her jealousy.

Hawk then walked into the dojo and Lucia rolled her eyes. He took off his shoes and walked up to the three.

"How was your date? I hope it went terrible." Lucia said, then got up and moved away from the other three.

Miguel looked at Hawk in confusion, Hawk put his head down and Tory had her eyebrows raised.

"He went on a date with Moon." Tory muttered.

"Oh. Oh. Dude, really? The Medal of Honor and Moon?" Miguel said.

"Whatever." Was all Hawk had to say for himself.

"Everybody fall in." Johnny walked out of his office. "Today, we'll be learning one of the most important lessons a Cobra Kai could ever know."

"Where's Sensei Kreese?" Hawk asked.

"Up your ass." Lucia muttered, earning herself a few chuckles.

"Is there a problem, blondie?" Johnny questioned.

"No, Sensei!" She called.

"That's what I thought. Mr. Kreese will no longer be joining us."

Everyone looked around at each other in confusion.

"I made a promise when I became your Sensei." Johnny continued. "To always look out for your best interests. Despite his hard this may be for all of us, he didn't have our best interests at heart. John Kreese may have founded Cobra Kai, but he no longer represents what this dojo stands for. His Cobra Kai was old and outdated. He refused to move forward, and what happens when we do that Mr. Diaz?"

"You get stuck like cement." Miguel answered.

"Exactly. To be a great fighter, you gotta learn to adapt. This creed on the wall...Follow it to the letter, it'll make you strong, it'll make you formidable. It'll also make you an asshole. 'Cause that's just black paint on a white wall, but life's not black and white, more often than not, it's gray. And it's in those gray areas where Johnny Lawrence's Cobra Kai sometimes shows mercy. Doesn't mean you can't be badass, it's still a requirement. But you have to learn to think, not just with your gut, or with your fists." He tapped his head. "You have to use this. Which leads me to today's lesson. Head butting. Grab a partner."

Lucia walked up to Tory. "Well hey, partner."

"Hey. Are you ready?"

"Of course."

Tory head-butted Lucia and she stumbled back, but smirked and came back full force, head-butting Tory and knocking her over.


"That was awesome."

"Need some help?" Lucia offered.

Tory grabbed her hand and Lucia pulled her up.

"That was good." Tory nodded. "By the way, you should come with Miguel and me tonight."

"No. I'm not gonna third wheel the whole night." Lucia shook her head.

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