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On the way to their cottage you ended up running into him talking to another girl who was standing there wearing a long green and white dress with blonde hair and braids, Elisa, the smart girl in the Village, seventeen, pretty, slim, the perfect girl any guy would imagine and very popular amongst the girls here

You stood there silently for a moment before taking a quick breath before continuing to walk up to them

"Hey, Jackson" you spoke up when he looked over at you

"I didn't think that your definition of seeing me later is in less than thirty minutes" he then said

"Oh, haha, yeah, I actually came here to ask you something" you spoke with a little laugh

"Well then, I guess I'll talk to you later tonight?" Elisa asked making him focus back on her

"If I'll be able to" he admitted rubbing the back of his neck nervously

"I'll just wait until the next time I see you not being busy, see you later" she waved before walking away from you two creating silence

"So.. what did you wanted to ask?" He then asked looking over at you

"oh, uh, I was just wondering if maybe you need or wanted some help or company during your walk with the goats back up the mountains"

"I've been doing that for awhile, I'm used to handling them, but you can still come if you want" he spoke

"I would love that" you replied when he just smiled

"First time I would be having someone to talk to during the long walk outsides the goats" he said with a little laugh

"That just makes you sound lonely" you joked nudging his arm

"I am not, I have friends you know" he said back acting offended

"Of course you do" you scoffed jokingly

"I have some time left before I would have to take the goats back, would you like to go somewhere and talk?" He asked

"Sure" you simply said as you both walked off towards the outer edge of the Village where the fields lay


"No way" you laughed laying in the soft grass underneath a large shady tree with him laying beside you also laughing

"I'm serious, my mom wouldn't stop mentioning it at all for the past month or so after that" he said calming down a little while you looked over at him

"You know, you still have your childish personality even after all these years"

"Is that a bad thing?" He asked looking back at you as you turned on your side facing him

"No, not at all, it's pretty cute, you're just being you and who wouldn't want someone to be themselves?" you asked

"You find that cute? You're weird" he laughed

"Oh shut up" you said giving him a little push making him laugh a little more before turning to face you too

"On a serious note, not everyone takes me serious for how I am" he said as his voice lowered

"I mean yeah, you're like a five year old in a teenagers body"

"Is it really that hard to accept someone like that?" He asked as you just stared at him silently for a brief moment

"No" you answered a moment later

"If they can't accept you for who you are, then they are missing out on a pretty cool person" you continued as he just stayed silent staring at you in thought before sitting up

"You okay?" You asked now sitting up too when he stood up and face you before he extended a hand as you accepted it

Right as you stood up he intertwined his fingers into yours while his other hand was around your waist as he pulled you close

I may have forgotten to mention, that even though we are friends, we do have a more closer bond with each other in a way than anyone else that we know

"Thanks, you're the only one who really understands" he then said as you just stood there speechless

"After all, you've been my best friend since we were kids" he continued

"Am I your only best friend?" You asked already knowing the answer

"Obviously, you can only have one, well, one for each gender that is"

"That helps a lot" you spoke as you removed your hands from his and wrapped your arms around him and pulled him into a hug

"Dork" he then said as he hugged you back

"Hey! I am not" you argued making him laugh

"Don't deny it" he joked making you break the hug and turn away from him and cross your arms

"Rude" you commented back

"How?" He asked now tilting his head like a lost puppy

"Calling me a dork when i'm not" you pouted when you turned back around to face him

"I was just joking"

"You always are" you replied when you reached up and took a strand of grass out from his soft brown hair

"Well you're stuck with me, so deal with it" he stated as he pulled you close again

Even though you and him have been friends for over eight years, you do have a thing for him, obviously, you always have, but you also know that he is known around the Village amongst the girls our age, of course he is, he's nothing but kind and sweet to everyone, always there to lend a hand, you're just lucky that you managed to even become best friends with him, and even though you do have a huge crush on him, you try to hide it as much as you can, although, you do give out hints every once in awhile, but in the end, you're scared that if you try to take it anywhere more than just friends, you'll lose him along with that friendship

"And what if I don't want to be?" You asked teasingly wrapping your arms around his neck

"Then i'm not ever gonna let you go" he answered as he held onto you even more

"You know, I'm actually okay with that" you replied with a little laugh

"Even if you are, you're not denying it, so that means I'll have to let go, besides, we should probably get going now" he said when he letted you go as you did the same

"Oh right, yeah.."

"We better hurry before we're late" he said as he walked off leaving you standing there as you just gave a little laugh and ran to catch up with him

Love Lies  -Jack Frost X female reader (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now