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"What's up buttercup?" He joked when you punched him in the arm

"Wait so.. this is all real?" Fae asked completely shocked, surprised and a whole lot of other emotions while examining Jack

"Yeah, who's crazy now?" You asked

"Geez, I- I don't even know what to say" Fae scoffed before placing her hand on her forehead when you sniffled

"Are you okay?" Jack asked, noticing when you nodded

"Don't let her act of hers get to you, she has a cold" Fae spoke up

"Then why are you out here? You should go back"

"I don't want to"

"And I don't care if you do, I'm bringing you back" he stated as he stood up

"At least his personality didn't change" Fae said aloud, standing up as well when she pulled you up

"Exactly what I said"

"No time for talking right now, let's just get her back before the cold gets worse" He stated, looking over at Fae as she just stared at him silently making you fake a cough, breaking the eye contact between them

"Yeah, right, let's go"


"So, you're a winter spirit?" She asked, looking over at Jack who was leaning against the wall beside the window

"Yep, I learned a lot within about a month, Met some other spirits like me, learned a lot about my powers and everything else"

"At least you aren't alone now" Fae replied making Jack look down at his feet


"I still can't believe this, it's like you're here, but at the same time, you're not!" She exclaimed as you sat up from your bed

"Lay your butt back down" Fae then said pointing at you

"I don't want to stay in bed all day, it's boring~" you whined

"But it's better this way" Jack then said walking over towards Fae

"Yeah, what he said" Fae commented pointing her thumb back towards him when your moms voice was heard through the door

"(Y/n)! You have another visitor!" She shouted when you looked over at Fae confused as she did the same before shrugging when there was a knock on your bedroom door

"Am I okay to come in?" A voice asked

"Uh, yeah" you answered when the door opened, showing Noah with a concerned look across his face

"Noah? What are you doing here?" Fae asked as she stood up

"I came here to check up on (y/n) after last night" he answered

"Didn't think someone like you would be concerned about it" she commented

"I don't see the others caring, so in the end, someone has to" he said back before looking over at you when Fae scoffed as she rolled her eyes

"You guys are always getting into trouble, if not, getting others in trouble, unfortunately in this case, you guys got someone hurt, and that someone is my best friend" Fae spoke up, crossing her arms

"I didn't do anything to make her get hurt, The entire time Elisa kept causing drama, she was the one who caused her to fall into the river in the first place, Daniel was acting all big and bad since he was booing her for hesitating"

"And what about Zaiden? Huh? He's the "leader" of the group supposedly" Fae asked quoting with her fingers

"Zaiden was basically silent the entire time, outsides when he and Rose both tried to get Elisa and calm her down"

"Oh you little-" Fae snapped when Jack walked up behind her and placed a hand onto her shoulder

"He's not lying, I was there" he then said making Fae sigh as she rubbed her temples

"He was the one who saved me.. don't be so harsh on him" you spoke up making everyone look over at you

"Just wait until the next time I see Zaiden and Elisa, ooh~ they are gonna get a fist in the face" Fae then said, rubbing her hands together

"Would anyone like some tea? I made some for (y/n) to help with her cold" your mom then asked as she walked into the room

"We'll take some, I can help bring them in" Fae insisted as she left with your mom out to get the tea leaving you alone with the boys when Fae suddenly came back in as she gave a secret yet silent motion towards Jack to follow her as he did, leaving you alone with Noah

"So.. how is your arm?" He asked breaking the silence moments later

"Oh, it's.. still marked up pretty badly, I guess now since I have a cold, it took away some of the burning to where I haven't noticed it" you answered as Noah just silently nodded, walking over to you

"I don't know if that's a good or bad thing but I'll assume it to be good" he said with a little chuckle making you give a little nervous laugh as well when he just looked at you silently

"Stay still for a moment.." he then said softly as he leaned down towards you, making you freeze in place as his face inched closer and closer

"Did you know that you have a little scratch on your cheek? It's very hard to notice from afar" he finally spoke when he took his thumb and caressed the scratch making you flinch due to the sharp pain that it gave


You and Noah jumped to the sudden noise as he moved away from you showing Fae and Jack standing at the door with Fae holding a tray of tea

"I-it's not what it looks like!" You then shouted, realizing what they probably thought they saw

"Uh huh.." Fae then said a bit suspiciously as she slowly walked over to place the tray at the table in your room

"It's really not.. I just went to see the scratch that's on her cheek, it's hard to see from afar" Noah spoke up, also realizing what she probably saw, not being able to see Jack

Jack just stood there awkwardly at the door expressionless not knowing what to do

"You don't have to lie, I get it, you are at that age where you are into hot boys" Fae then said making you flustered and embarrassed, both at the same time

"T-that's not at all what's happening!" You exclaimed when you looked over at Jack now since he has gotten back his posture

He walked over towards Fae with his staff behind his neck

"I don't know about that, it's not everyday that you get to see some guy leaning onto some girl so close like that" he then said, looking over at you making you even more embarrassed

You wanted to say something to him but held it back due to Noah being there

"Yeah, so for you-" Fae then said when she turned to point at Noah

"-You are not allowed to get all close to her like that, she's too good for you"

"I- I wasn't trying to do anything" Noah then said, also flustered a bit

"We'll see about that" Fae stated before she picked up a cup of tea and walked over to you

"These boys are too hot for you, the hot ones are always the baddies" she then said, handing you the cup as you accepted it



Love Lies  -Jack Frost X female reader (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now