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"What do you all think?" Fae asked as everyone sat around the main room at her family's cottage

"It taste's amazing!" One of the children exclaimed causing little giggles amongst the group

"Thanks for doing this for us, mom" Fae spoke as her mom just held up her hand

"No problem dear, it's about to become winter soon, no one would want to get sick during this time of the year, and what's better than having a hot drink on a cold day?" She asked dropping her hand as she made her way to the door

"Where are you going?" Fae asked

"Some of us are going out to help set up and prepare for the winter festival coming up" she answered

"Isn't it still a bit early for that yet?"

"For some things, yes, but we are only doing the decorations for now"

"Ooh, can we help?" Fae asked jumping up almost spilling the tea out of her hands before placing it down


"I would help volunteer as well" you spoke up

"Isn't that just thoughtful of you all, if you all want, but please wait for everyone to get done before heading out"

"Will do" Fae said before sitting back down as her mom left the cottage


"I didn't know that tea knocks children out"

"I don't think so, I just think they are tired from the game"

"Possibly, what makes this even better is that Jack is amongst those children" Fae snorted now making you laugh

"Well, I guess we can't help decorate for the festival if we have to watch over the kids now since they are asleep"

"Eh, I don't mind, it's not like we can't help later on" she spoke

"So.. what now?" You asked looking over at her

"I don't know, there really isn't nothing to do, we are the only one's up out of like, seven children"

"Eight, counting the big child" you laughed as Fae just tried to hold back laughter

"We're just lucky it's not late, everyone would be looking for them"

"Yeah, well.. if there's nothing else to do, you matter as well join them, right?"

"That, I can agree with"


"They are all here, apparently a slumber party had been started"

"Should I bring out some coverings?"

"I would prefer so, we wouldn't want them to get cold"

"I'll be back"


"Psst- (y/n)"

"(Y/n), wake up"

"Hmm?" You hummed turning on your back as you slowly started waking up to Fae gently tapping your arm

"It's snowing!" Fae whisper shouted as you sat up

"Wait, really?" You asked as she nodded and stood up making her way over towards Jack and the other children around him

"Who wants to see some snow?!" Fae exclaimed aloud slowly waking up the children as they either looked around confused or started getting excited about it snowing

You got to your feet stretching away all the tiredness as you went to follow Fae

"Hey sleepyhead, time to wake up" she spoke up as she nudged him

Love Lies  -Jack Frost X female reader (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now