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A week has passed since the incident, still, no body was found

Everyday grew colder and colder keeping everyone from being able to even try and find him under the ice, the ice had been frozen back to the way it was before everything had happened

Everyone slowly returned back to their normal lives like nothing had happened, outsides the family and close friends of course


"W-who are you? Why are you in my room?! Where did you come from?! I have never seen you here!" You exclaimed when you threw your pillow at the boy, hitting him in the face, knocking him to the floor

"I.. don't know.." the boy then said moving the pillow off his lap when you noticed his clothes

"Wait.. Jackson?" You questioned, sliding off the bed as you slowly made your way over to him

"Who?" He asked confused tilting his head like a lost puppy

"I'm not imagining this.. am I?" You asked when you got to your knees in front of him

"Out of all things, you can actually see and hear me?" He questioned back sitting up

"Wait, so you're like.. gone?" You asked

"Gone?" He questioned back

"I'm trying not to be rude here" you replied crossing your arms

"You mean as in dead? No.. I'm here, aren't I?"

"But- you literally just asked if I could see and hear you as if you're a ghost"

"You're the first person that has been able to see and hear me, everyone else can't.." he drifted off when you slowly reached your hand towards him

He looked over at your hand silently before looking at you when you placed your hand on his cheek before immediately jolting it away

"I-I can literally touch you! This has to be a dream, I'm dreaming, you look so- different.." you started when you stopped to look at him closely as you noticed his changes

"Different? How? How do you know me?" He then asked immediately getting close to you

"Wait.. you don't remember.. me?.." you asked a bit upset when all he did was shake his head silently

"Oh.." you drifted off before looking away silently in thought before you started processing everything

"So.. you're here, but at the same time, you aren't? You look completely different and yet don't remember anything?"

"I mean.. if you want to put it that way" he shrugged

"I can't believe this, I thought I had lost you but yet you're here, looking hot as hell, but here! in my room!" You exclaimed getting excited

"Excuse me?" He then said catching your attention

"Oh, I meant that you're cute and all" you corrected a little flustered

"So~.. how do you know me?" He asked trying to change the subject

"Oh uh.. we were.. friends.."

"We were?"

"Out of all things, I'm wondering why I'm not freaking out about this, after all, you died! And here you are, I can literally see, touch and hear you!" You exclaimed

"But at the same time.. if you don't remember me, then why are you here? In my room?" You asked

"I overheard you mentioning my name.. I had to find out how you know me" he answered

"This is still hard to believe.." you sighed before laying down on the hard floor with the pillow that you tossed at him

"I think I should go now.. it's getting late" he then said before standing up

"Wait what? No!" You shouted when you immediately turned over onto your side and grabbed him by his ankle making him look down at you

After a few seconds you moved your hand away due to your hand getting cold

"I- I don't want you to go.." you said softly looking away as he just looked at you silently before looking away as well

"I can't.." he then said making you look up

"Why not?"

"I can get you sick"

"How?" You asked when he sighed before walking towards the window in your room

He waved his hand when the same staff that he used for the goats appeared in his hands

You just stared on blankly progressing everything that is going on as his he took the staff and tapped it against your window as frost started forming onto it, spreading across the glass

"What the-"

He turned to look over at you as he just leaned against the wall waiting for your response

"D-did you-?"


"Did I miss something here?"

"No, not really"

"You- that- what?" You questioned aloud trying to process everything which kept failing you

"You have ice powers?" You finally managed to say

"More than that apparently"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I can do snow too"

"So like, a winter ghost or something?"

"Or something"

"How are you so chill about this?!" You exclaimed

"I was scared at first, but after seeing the moon, all of it just.. went away"

"The moon?"

"The man on the moon" Jack corrected

"When you went underwater, did an ice patch hit your head or something?"

"It's hard to explain.. without the moon.. I wouldn't have known who I am.."

"Who you are?"

"Jack frost?" He answered questionably looking back at you

"Huh? Jack, I'm to the point to where I really do think I'm dreaming now" you sighed, standing up

"Either way, if I stay with you, you could end up getting sick because of me, and I just met you"

"Or so that's what you think" you corrected crossing your arms

"I guess.." he drifted off

"If you really have to go then fine.." you replied when he just gave you a small smile before going towards your door

"Goodnight, Jackson" you said, stopping him in his tracks

"Jackson?" He asked, turning to face you

"Your name? Jackson? Jack is just your nickname everyone called you"

"No.. that's not what the-" he stopped when you cutted him off

"What the moon said?" You asked finishing his question

"Jack, your name is Jackson, Jackson Overland, we just called you Jack for short, I don't know anything about this moon situation but your real name is Jackson Overland, not Jack Frost"

"Then I guess the moon changed it" he simply said before walking out your room leaving you there silently thinking

Love Lies  -Jack Frost X female reader (on hold)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat