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"I think i'm just going to go.. I'll see you two later" Noah then said as he made his way to the door

"Don't be dreaming about her either!" Fae shouted as he closed the door

"I won't!"

"What was that for?!" You then shouted over towards Fae

"Child, he's not your type, I can sense it" Fae stated as she went to get her cup of tea from the table

"Nothing was going on between us to begin with! He only got close because he seen a scratch on my face!" You exclaimed when Jack walked over to you

He took his thumb and caressed your cheek where the scratch was at making you sit there completely still

"At least the scratch part wasn't a lie" he then said aloud making Fae go back towards you once more, shoving Jack out of the way

"Hey! Rude!"

"Shush it, ice boy" she stated when she turned to examine it as well

"Fine, I'll let this slide once, but don't get too close to him, he's not healthy for you as long as he's hanging out with those troublemakers" Fae then said crossing her arms

"Like I said, there was nothing going on to begin with"

"Honestly, the only one that I have ever seen you to be a good match with, was with him" Fae spoke up pointing her thumb back at Jack when you immediately jumped up and threw her arms back down

"Huh?.. Me?" Jack then asked, seeing Fae point at him

"No! She meant someone else that is somewhere outside probably, you were just standing there in the way when she did that" you reasoned as Jack just silently looked over at Fae, causing Fae to shrug at him

"Okay?" He then said, a bit confused making you sigh of relief

"I'm surprised you don't have anything to say about what just happened with them two" Fae said towards Jack

"Eh, it's not my love life" he simply said with a little shrug, leaning against the wall

"Really?" Fae then said with a sarcastic tone, raising an eyebrow at him

"What? You expect me to butt in onto someone else's love life? What if she really does like him? I don't want to ruin it as long as there isn't anything wrong"

"You are so clueless" Fae sighed, facepalming herself

"I don't see what's the problem with it, he did save her, and was the only guy who never really made a negative comment towards her"

"It's the fact that he's hanging out with the wrong group, therefore getting a bad influence from them, sooner or later, he'll catch onto their acts and start doing it as well" Fae commented

"Everyone is different" you then said, getting their attention before she looked right back at Jack, basically ignoring you

"And how do you know that for a fact?" Jack then asked towards Fae

"Because, I was a part of their group before I left to to form a group with you two" she answered making Jack go silent

"Okay you two, sick person over here, cough cough" you spoke up, a little sarcastic, trying to get their attention

"Geez, you two actually argue like a couple" you then said rolling your eyes making them both silently look at each other

"Her? Are you joking me?" He then asked with a little scoff

"You got a problem with me?" She then asked, obviously offended

"Not with you, but with the statement of us as a couple, then yes, yes I do" he said boldly making Fae glare at him

"You little-" you muttered aloud as she jumped to attack Jack making him slide out of the way, causing Fae to hit the floor

"Ooh~ are you okay?" He then asked, flinching at the hit when she jumped back up, ignoring his question as she charged at him

"(Y/n)! Do something!" He then shouted when he purposely jumped on you making you yelp

When you seen Fae about to jump on top of him, you immediately wrapped your arms around him and pulled him aside, closer to you

He climbed over you as he laid beside you, grabbing onto your arm, opposite from the side that Fae was on

"You are so lucky that (y/n) is right there you little dirtbag!" She exclaimed

"Hey! It's not my fault that you take things the wrong way!" He shouted back, taking advantage of being around you

"Can you two just zip it for a second?!" You finally shouted getting both of their attentions

"First off, Quit trying to attack him!" You shouted towards Fae

"And second of all, there's something called a personal bubble for a reason!" You then said when you shoved Jack off the bed, causing him to hit the floor making Fae laugh

"Aw man! That totally makes up for what you said!" She laughed when Jack sat up from the floor rubbing his forehead

"Haha, very funny" he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes when Fae immediately stopped laughing

"Hey look, your marks are gone" she then said when she made her way towards Jack

He immediately tensed up, thinking that it was some act for her to get close and attack him

"Mark?" He then asked after he realized that she wasn't going to try anything when you started blushing due to realizing what she meant

"Fae, no, don't" you then said aloud causing them both to look at you

"Why not?" She asked, tilting her head

"Memory loss, remember?"

"Doesn't mean you can't say anything about it" she commented

"But I don't want anyone to know anything about it" you stated

"Why not?"

"I have my reasons.." you simply said, looking away as Fae just stared at you silently before slowly nodding

"You're lucky that it isn't my place to tell"

Love Lies  -Jack Frost X female reader (on hold)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ