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"She wanted to go along today but my mom wouldn't let her, besides, it does get very cold up here during this time of the year, especially when we'll be out for awhile" Jack started as he gently poked one of the goats to move along the other side of the path with his little staff he always brings along so they don't go rolling off the mountain

"She's just so adorable, I find it pretty amazing about how much she looks up to you"

"She's my little sister, why wouldn't she?" He asked looking over at you when he then fell silent before he made the goats come to a hault

"What's going on?" You asked confused

"Are you okay?" He then asked

"I'm fine, the real question is, are you?"

"Don't reverse this back on me, something is bothering you, so what is it?"

"Nothing is, you assume too much"

"I'm not assuming anything when it's obvious"

"And what makes you think that?"

"You've been silent most of the walk here, you're usually never like that considering this is the only time we can really talk for awhile" he answered

"Well maybe there isn't anything that I want to talk about, have you ever thought about that?" You then said aloud with a little bit of annoyance in your voice causing him to stay silent

"If you don't want to talk about it right now then you don't have to.. just know that I'm here whenever you're ready.." he finally spoke softly before turning to face the goats as he got them to start walking back up the path as you just stood there

"Are you coming?" He asked as he looked back over at you

"..I think I'm just going to go back towards the village.. it's getting late" you then answered aloud before turning to walk away

She is right, we basically are nothing more than just best friends, even though we are actually more.. she's also right considering the fact that since we are going out, he hasn't once brung up the winter festival along with having a partner nor asking me, and it's not MY job and role to be the one asking

"W-wait (y/n)!" He shouted as he dropped his staff and ran towards you when he grabbed your shoulders and spun you around to face him

"Are you sure? If you want, I won't bring it back up, I don't want to see you going back alone in the dark like this"

"I'll be fine, besides, I'm not supposed to even be going with you like this" you stated while he just wasn't so convinced with the idea

"You better hurry up before you're the one who's going to be late" you continued making him look back at the goats silently as you shrugged his hands off your shoulder

"It's not like we're never going to see each other again, I'll see you tomorrow, love you"

And with that you walked away leaving him to tend with the goats

"What am I ever going to do with you?" He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose before forcefully forcing himself to continue with the walk up the mountain to return the goats for the night


"Guys are just too complicated" you groaned burying your face into your knees later that night in your room

"I mean- you can't really blame this on him"

"Well yeah, but obviously he lives in the same village, how does he NOT know about the winter festival?"

"I'm pretty sure he does"

"Exactly my point!" You exclaimed throwing your arms up when your friend Fae gently putted your arms back down into your lap

"But you are also forgetting that no one is supposed to know about you two"

"That doesn't mean he can't ask me to be his partner, even as a friend to everyone" you tried to reason back

"The festival is within four days, I'm positive that he knows about it, he does work a lot throughout the village, maybe he has plans to ask you sooner or later"

"Maybe.. it's just that he hasn't brung it up not once.. and now I'm freaking out because Elisa wants to ask him to be her partner for the festival and I can NOT let that happen"

"We'll figure out something, until then, I think you should calm down a little and let him come around when the time is right"

"When the time is right? The festival is in four days, less than a week, and I'm more than a hundred percent sure that Elisa had made up her mind to ask him, and most likely, soon"

"You going ballistic about it is only going to make the situation worse, like I said, we can figure something out, until then, just try to think happy thoughts like if you two do end up being partners"

"Like you two dancing together along the fire out in the center of the village at night surrounded by the beautiful sound of music, laughter, and glorious decorations, that would be a beauty" Fae sighed beside you in her own fantasy world about the festival

"I can't think about something like that when all I keep seeing is Elisa asking him to be her partner and they are the ones dancing together with his arms around HER, pulling her close to him and not me, he is MY boyfriend after all, not hers"

"I don't see him ever holding her like that, especially since he was the one who wanted to be with you" Fae reasoned out

"But what about the slow dance at midnight? He would have to"

"But it's not a forced slow dance, it's an option on whether or not you want to slow dance with your partner, and obviously he has the right mind to think between right and wrong"

"But Elisa doesn't know about us, if he declines the slow dance or anything that involves romance, she would most likely think either that he doesn't like her, he likes someone else or that someone told him things and since I'm the closest one to him, she's going to think me and the next thing you know, boom, both of our lives and reputations here are ruined"

"You sure do overthink a lot" Fae commented

"Who wouldn't when their boyfriend is being basically stolen by some other girl without realizing that they are already in a relationship? Keeping relationships a secret is really tough.."

"Honestly, I don't see why you two just make it known to everyone, you two are both close to each of y'alls families, I don't think neither of y'alls families would have a problem with it"

"Even so, it's not just our families, what about our friends and everyone else in the village? You know that all the females around our age literally adores him, and once they find out about us, a fist fight will be happening for decades"

"They would just have to get over it, besides, you have Jack, he wouldn't let anyone touch you, alongside your family, and me of course"

"But anyways, I think it's time for me to go, it's getting late and I don't want to get in trouble, I'll see you tomorrow" she continued as she stood up from beside you and walked towards your door

"Thanks, that helps a little" you spoke up

"Yeah, a little" she snorted with a little laugh before opening the door

"Doesn't change the thought of the other topic!" You exclaimed as she walked out the room

"I know!" She exclaimed back still laughing as she left

Love Lies  -Jack Frost X female reader (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now