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"I got you!"

You got pulled up out of the freezing water, throwing the two of y'all back onto the ground, landing into the freezing snow, holding onto you tightly

You hugged back, gripping onto him tightly as well, not wanting to let go

"It's okay, I got you.."

"Are you okay!?" Zaiden shouted after he and Rose had finally got Elisa to calm down a little more

"I-I think so" You answered a bit shakingly when you looked over at them

"(Y/n).." Jack then said getting your attention as he just stood there, holding onto his staff with tears in his eyes, beside Daniel

"You're bleeding.." Noah whispered as he broke the hug, laying beside you in the snow

"Eh, it'll stop soon.." you then said before silence fell between you two, both laying on y'alls back, staring up at the night sky before you starting laughing a little, gradually getting louder as Noah added onto it, laughing as well

"Come on, let's get you up from here" Noah finally spoke up, calming down as he stood up, he then brushed the snow off of him as he extended a hand out towards you, slowly getting you to your feet

After you got up, everyone immediately surrounded you except for Elisa and Jack

"Are you okay?"

"Are you really bleeding?"

"Guys, give her some space" Zaiden said breaking everyone up

"Do you want to go back? I can take you" Noah offered, standing front of you while you were still gripping both of his arms

You looked at him silently, both making eye contact while Jack just stood there staring back and forth at you and Noah when his facial expression changed

"(Y/n)..?" He then spoke up breaking the eye contact between you and Noah

"No.. it's fine, I can walk back myself"

"You sure? You're all scraped up and it's dark.."

"I'm good" you stated before you took a step back

"If you need me, you know where to find me" he then said as you just gave him a silent nod and walked off


"Hey.. Jack?"


"I just wanted to say sorry.."

"It's fine"

"..that's it?"

"What do you mean?" He asked looking over at you, now in your room, both laying down onto your bed, beside each other after you changed into dry clothes, and of course, made Jack waited outside your room while doing so

"It's fine? That's it? Don't you have something mean or rude or whatever to say to me after what I did?" You asked

"No, why would I?" He questioned

"Why wouldn't you? All you were doing was trying to help and because of me, I ended up getting myself hurt"

"It's not because of you, she had no right to try and do that"

"I guess.."

"But why did you do it to begin with? Obviously doing that was dangerous"

"I just wanted to fit in.."

"If they don't accept you for you, then they are the one's who are missing out" he stated making you look at him

"You think so?" You asked

"I know so" he replied back with a smile causing you to return it

"You're the best" you said pulling him into a hug

"That's you"

"We'll see about that" you joked, giving his arm a little punch

"Assault? Ouch"

"Oh shut up! I was playing around!"

"And so am I" he teased playfully

"You always do" you scoffed, looking away before silence fell between you two

"I also have to thank Noah too.." you spoke up, changing the subject

"Yeah.." he replied softly in thought creating silence once again

"So.. why haven't you been back sooner?" You finally asked, breaking the silence for the second time

"I met some people.." he simply answered with a little shrug

"I thought no one can see you"

"Only people like me apparently"

"What do you mean by that?" You asked now confused

"Do you believe in the Easter bunny? Santa Claus? Sandman? Tooth Fairy?" Jack then asked making you burst into laughter

"Are you serious? I'm too old for all of that" you replied

"Oh.." he said softly drifting off as you noticed his expression changed

"But.. what about them?" You asked

"They are the ones I met.."

"Oh?.. What for?"

"They needed my help.."




"Pitch black"

"Who's that?"

"The boogie man?" He answered questionably looking at you

"Oh? What about him?"

"He's getting his revenge on the guardians, specifically after his main nemeses, Sandy"




"You ask too many questions" he laughed

"It's not my fault that I don't know what's going on"

"I know.. are you feeling better?" He asked, changing the subject

"Sore, still freezing, traumatized, probably going to end up sick, but still alive, so I call that a win, win" you answered a little jokingly making him just smile at you

"Then I'm happy that you're doing better, although the freezing part may just be because of me" he said with a little chuckle

"Or just because of me falling into freezing water, then having to walk in the middle of the night, still in the cold for a couple hours" you replied

"Then laying beside a winter spirit" Jack added making you scoff

"Yeah right, your coldness is nothing like what I just experienced" you stated

"Well either way, it really is late, so now's your chance to get really warm, without me" he then said, sitting up

"Did you not just hear what I said?" You asked, sitting up beside him

"I did, but either way, I do have to leave"

"You suck, you know that?"

"Well that's a bit rude" he replied, acting a little offended

"Can you at least promise to visit more and not abandon me for a week? If not, more?"

"I promise"

Love Lies  -Jack Frost X female reader (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now