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"Fae! Fae!" you shouted as you ran towards her through the crowd of villagers

"What is up with you? I haven't seen you so happy ever since-" she stopped when you grabbed her by her shoulders

"He's still here!" You exclaimed

"He? Who?" She asked now confused

"Jack! Last night I seen him! he changed, he's like some sort of magical spirit or something! I was literally able to touch him!"

"What are you on?" Fae asked when you shook her

"I'm not joking! He looks completely different! He lost his memory of his past life! I have proof that he's still here!" You exclaimed

"I know you're going through a lot right now.. a lot of us are, but maybe you need help to get over him, you imagining him to still be here isn't healthy for you"

"I'm not imagining, I thought so at first also until I woke up this morning! You need to see this!" You shouted when you grabbed her hands and ran her off towards your cottage


"See?! There is literal frost in the inside of the room! Obviously there's no way that it can be possible if these windows can't open! Last night he showed me that he has this ice and snow powers by taking his staff thing that he had with the goats and tapped it against the window creating that!" You exclaimed pointing at the frost that was formed on your window

"It is odd for frost to form on the inside but come on, how do you expect me to believe this? Like ice powers? Snow powers? Memory loss? Some sort of moon talking? That's nonsense" Fae tried to reason

"His staff, his staff was on the lake when he fell in, it was there the entire time, even during the ceremony, meaning, if it's not true, then the staff should still be there, on the lake!" You shouted grabbing Fae's arm, running her out the room

"Here we go again" she groaned


"My point is proven" you replied proudly crossing your arms

"Okay? It's not like someone could've picked it up, like come one (y/n), you're being paranoid" Fae replied

"How can someone pick it up if everyone told the kids to not go onto the ice because of him falling in to begin with?"

"Not all kids behave, (y/n)" Fae said before turning to walk back towards the village as you stood there and sighed

You looked over towards the tree that was used to mark his grave

"Whether this is real or not.. I'll never forget you.. even if you forgot me.."

"(Y/n)" Fae then said looking back at you, getting your attention

"You coming?" She asked as you silently looked back over at the tree before nodding

"Yeah..I am"


Weeks have passed but he has not came back once

You were starting to really wonder if it really was a dream or paranoia

After two weeks of not coming, you decided to finally agree with Fae and call it all off as a dream or imagination, after all, you are grieving along with everyone else that were close to him

"What are you two up to today?" Zaiden asked throwing both his arms around yours and Fae's shoulders

"Honestly, I don't have any plans or anything, there isn't much to do here at all" you admitted

"Sadly I'm going to be helping my mom out today" Fae sighed

"In that case, if you would like, you can tag along with me and my friends" Zaiden said inviting you

"Depends on the occasion"

"The woods? We just wander off and let nature take us wherever, usually we find some cool places"

"That does sound like fun.. in a way.."

"It really does, I wish I could join you guys" Fae groaned

"You can tag along next time we go, if you want, both of you two can" Zaiden offered as you and Fae looked over at each other before smiling

"Sure" you both said in unison as he just nodded before looking at you

"Tonight, at sunset, meet us at the tree on the hill by the fields" he said, patting your shoulder before walking off leaving you and Fae standing there silently

"The tree on the hill?" You then questioned aloud before looking down at the ground

"Yikes.. big memory crusher, huh?" Fae said looking over at you

"Me and Jack used to always go there, to talk, hang out, literally for everything" you explained

"Yeah.. but it's only to meet up with them, once they all show up then you won't be staying there" Fae reasoned

"When he meant by his friends, they aren't ALL guys, right?" You asked

"No, I think Elisa is tagging along" Fae said with a bit of annoyance in her voice

"You say that, but you aren't the one who has to deal with her if she does go"

"Good luck with that" she said before playfully punching your arm as she turned to leave

You just stood there silently in thought for a few moments before you looked out towards the tree amongst the hill

"It's only for a short while"

Love Lies  -Jack Frost X female reader (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now