𝘊𝘢𝘳 𝘱𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴

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"𝐎𝐊𝐀𝐘, 𝐀𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐄" Y/n teased Randle, it was awful that he popped his tires but a part of Y/n enjoys that, she felt like Bob really deserves that, "You should've seen the look in his face" Soda kept laughing and even wiping his mouth, trying to remove an invisible stain of some sort.

"Come on, let's go home before Soda kills me" Soda kept a smile on his face, still chuckling from then and there, then from time to time look behind him before looking back at the path, Y/n just observes his actions, creepily. Well she didn't mean it that way but she really thought he was perfect for the character she gave her main character.

After looking at him, she quickly looked away before he realized and freaks out about it, and began reading a few lines in her clipboards she was suppose to put away in her car before Steve popped Bob's tires. Eitherway it was worth it, she never done anything like that in her life. Whether she admits it or not she sticks to the line too much, and even though she convinces herself that she tries not to be like everyone who follows the same line, she does. She never broke any rules or lived a little, the best she could ever do was steal a couple drinks from her parents and buy cigarettes from time to time.

"Okay Randle we really need to go back to Soda's house, we need to practice before my parents kills me I've been out for too long." Y/n stated, "And I still need to pick up my car." Y/n looked behind at the path that leads back to her car, "Stop worryin' we'll go back for your car, for now let's go back" Steve stated which made Y/n smile, she's never met a guy like Steve. 

"Think you could keep up?" he randomly stated which confused the girl, "What?" she questioned before the boy started jogging away from her, swiftly. Which made her giggle and catch up with him, jogging as well, with the jacket wrapped around her waist shaking side to side as the two assholes who popped Bob Sheldon's car are running towards the familiar Curtis abode.

It wasn't too long till the two made it to the house that had lights on in every room, by then the skies were a shade of blue, with a few hints of the sun still being there before it fading completely; crickets started chirping, filling up the whole neighbourhood with chirps with patterns but not in unison. 

Steve opened the door without knocking, and Y/n shyly followed to be greeted with people once again. Two-bit was drinking beer on the floor, Darry was coking, Soda and Ponyboy were talking in the hallways nearby the living room, Dallas was no where to be found and Johnny was sitting on the couch, it didn't take long either for everyone to look at who went in the home.

"Hey" Steve chirped happily, "Where have you two been?" Soda put both hands on his waist as he turned to the doorway to see Y/n hiding behind Steve, not intentionally. "We just did business" Steve looked at the girl who looked at him back, the two tried not to laugh to avoid any sort of suspicion. "Y/n why don't you stay for dinner?" Darry walked out of the kitchen to offer the girl, "Oh of course, if you don't mind" she politely accepted, she didn't want to be rude, besides she was starving. 

"It'll be ready in a minute" Darry informed before Soda, Steve, Pony, and Y/n look back at their little conversation circle, "Ponyboy, this is Y/n" Soda introduced, "Hi" Y/n shook the boy's hands, "Hi" he mumbled softly, "Heard you were a good writer" Y/n smiled, "Yeah, I guess you could say that" he nervously chuckled, "Mind if I see your writing?" the girl softly questioned hoping she was overstepping boundaries, "Oh uh yeah, yeah of course, I don't mind" Ponyboy scratched his head before walking to his room, Steve and Soda stayed behind as the young Curtis brought the soc to his room. 

"I haven't written anything seriously, just uh a bunch of homeworks n' all" Pony quietly mentioned, "Don't worry about it, Curtis" Y/n reassured as she sat on his desk and he stood up to shuffle over his files to look for his writings for homework purposes. Y/n's eyes quickly looked at each letter written at one of the papers that Ponyboy gave him, her eyes widened, because she seemed impressed at the boy's talent, "Do you read books?" Y/n randomly questioned, "Well sometimes." Ponyboy replied, "You're good at writing, how much grades do you get in this?" Y/n pestered once more, "I mean, you don't need to answer that I'm sorry, I'm just impressed," Y/n snapped out of it before reading more, "Thank you" Ponyboy instead just sat on the edge of his bed as the girl continue reading his works. 

It was shortly interrupted by some cheering outside of his room which made Ponyboy quickly stand up and opened the door to peak at the hallway. Y/n carefully placed the the papers down and followed after Ponyboy to peak outside. Luckily there was no argument ongoing, instead just the boys cheering for each other as Dally walks in. 

"Hey Pone" Dallas let his hand out for Ponyboy to take, "Hey Dally" Ponyboy greeted back and the two leaned in for a hug, yet their hands remained intact; Dallas then patted Ponyboy's back gently before pulling away and acknowledging the figure on the corner of his eye. Y/n opened the door wider for her to give a smile to the boy, "Hey I'm Y/n S/n, nice to meet you" Y/n kept her hand holding the door and the frame of the door, "Dallas Winston, nice to meet you. Are you a soc?" he questioned before pulling out a cigarette pack from his pocket and put the cancer stick between his lips, "Is it obvious?" Y/n sarcastically joked before fully opening the door and leaning on the door frame, "A little" Dallas played a long and the girl chuckled at his response.

Steve then aggressively put his arm around Dallas' shoulder with a goofy smile, and Soda squeezed in the narrow hallway to join the conversation, "What have you been up to?" Steve pestered with a small on his face and with his heavy arm around Dally's shoulder, Dally sways around lightly as Steve moves slightly around, "You've been gone the whole day" Soda added with a smile, "Pone can you get me a shirt" Soda added. 

Ponyboy nodded his head and went by Y/n, their shoulders slightly brushing as he passed her to get into his room to get his brother his request. "It's not that long, i've been gone" Dallas replied to Steve, while struggling to reach down on his pockets looking for something, "Yeah you haven't visited us at least once today, you're up to something" Soda walked into the bathroom, "Yeah watchu up to again?" Steve continued pestering, "Hey, it's a secret man.. Got any lighter?" Dallas brought up since he didn't succeed looking for his lighter. 

"Here"  Y/n pulled out one easily from her pocket and threw it to Dallas who got it with both hands, "You smoke?" he added before lighting up the lighter between his lips. Ponyboy went passed the girl once again to knock on the bathroom door for his brother, "Soda" he called out.

"Yeah I do" Y/n looked at Ponyboy waiting outside of the door for his brother to respond, "A doll like you shouldn't smoke, anyway cute lighter" Dallas threw back the light to the girl to which she caught with both hands before looking at her lighter, it was color pink with a chain attached to it so it worked as a keychain as well, a few charms were attached to the chain. She shoved it back to her pockets before she stopped leaning from the frame. "Thanks it was a gift" she responded, "Yeah Y/n is here to talk about the play" Steve enthusiastically shook the boy besides him, "Even though you don't attend school?" Dally honestly replied to which Steve slowly let go off him gently and putting both hands on his tight pockets, only four fingers were able to go in the pockets of his jeans.

"Yeah it's fine, I don't think the school minds." Y/n defended, "Well does that mean we're invited?" Dallas added, "Be my guest" Y/n mumbled before looking at Randle and back at Dallas. "Yeah, Y/n here is persuasive" Steve added, "Hey I kept calling that dinner is ready" Darry peaked from behind the two boys, "Also don't smoke in the house Dally" his voice faded as the older man walked back to the kitchen

"Thanks Pone" Soda peaked out a bit before grabbing the shirt and going back in the bathroom. Dally, Steve, and Ponyboy proceeded to go back to the main room and everyone sat down to join in Two bit that was watching his cartoons, "Hey" he simply greeted before focusing back on his show. 

"Hey Johnny, didn't hear you get in" Pony sat besides Johnny once again and Y/n stood with Steve since she was only comfortable with him around. "Well I gotta run" Dally calmly walked out of the house, "Already?" Soda peaked out with soaked hair that made stains on his new shirt that he was adjusting, "Yeah, I gotta go" Dally put both of his hands in his leather jacket, "He's a busy man" Steve teased before nudging his bestfriend on the stomach gently. "What do you think he's up to?" Soda put his hand on Steve's shoulder and his other hand on his waist as the two unconsiously stared to the cartoon Two-bit was still watching.

"Probably a new girlfriend" Steve whispered before the two snorted; Soda then patted his best friend's shoulder before walking to the kitchen to assist Darry. "Wanna smoke?" Steve offered at Y/n, "Before dinner?" Y/n scoffed playfully, "It adds more flavor" the two chuckled before Steve went outside and Y/n followed. 

"That's the first time I've ever heard Steve offer to smoke with someone" Ponyboy loudly claimed, "Steve is unpredictable" Soda walked back in the room, "Or maybe he's in love" Two-bit added, "Shut up, Steve has a girlfriend, he loves Evie" Ponyboy debated, "Yeah but their relationship is long distance" Two-bit argued before drinking again, "What are you trying to fight for, Two-bit?" Soda sighed, the whole room became silent, "Maybe he's just in the mood to smoke" Johnny added.

"𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐇, 𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑" Steve whispered yet his accent remained strong, "Sudden offer?" Y/n questioned, "For smoking, I don't really smoke lots" he added before sitting on the railings out on the Curtis' poarch, "So why did you offer?" Y/n leaned on the railing he was sitting on as the two stared at the distance, "Because I could tell you got quiet" Steve looked at the girl with his infectious smile once more. 

Y/n scoffed playfully before chuckling, "Am I that normally talkative?" Y/n shook her head before looking at the ground, "Nah, not really, I just felt like you couldn't keep up", "With the discussion?" Y/n finished his sentence, "Yeah" he slowly nodded his head as he looked around, "You got it right" the H/c haired girl chuckled before fiddling with her fingers, "And I ain't being honest if I didn't say that Dallas doesn't like you" Steve laughed, to which Y/n laughed, "Really?" Y/n commented before it was quiet and the two looked at the distance again.

"But Dally got a point though." Steve turned at the girl before slightly rowing his legs back and forth, "About you being allowed to act as a main role in school?" Y/n  explained, "Yeah" he agreed, "What if I ain't allowed there or welcomed?" he worried, "That's my problem Randle, not yours don't worry about it" she reassured before leaning further to the railing, this time both of her arms were on the surface of the railing and she rested her chin on her arm, "Hey check this out" he randomly brought up which made the girl lift her head as he jumped off the railing. 

In the distance was a tall metal chain type of fence to which he climbed on top of it and did a handstand on it before flipping and failing his acrobatics flip and falling on his rear end and he made a loud moaning sound of pain, he held his back attempting to get up as Y/n ran towards him laughing yet offered to help him get up.

"What were you trying to do?" Y/n crouched down and stayed on the ground waiting for him to gather the strength to stand up again. He still had a sour look on his face since he was in pain and he groaned everytime he tried to fix his position. Y/n laughed once again and the boy this time laughed along with her.

Soda peaked out of the door to look for his bestfriend but saw the two sitting on the side of the road, talking and laughing with each other. He smiled at the sight that at least Steve met someone new, not that he has other friends, which he does but it was rare for him to get along with soc, nor talk to another soc girl other than Evie. 

"Hey time to eat!" Soda yelled which made the two look from their shoulders, "C'mon" Steve chuckled before enthusiastically getting in and even slamming the doors loudly. "Hey,hey careful with the door will ya?" Darry stood up eating, while Soda came out from the kitchen to give it to his bestfriend and Y/n before sitting on the couch and grabbing his food on the side table. "Here" Steve pointed at a smaller chair for Y/n to sit down and he leaned on a hard surface beside the table and began eating. 

It was quiet at first before Darry brought up a topic, "So Y/n you graduating next year?" he questioned while slightly chewing his food, "Yeah, it's my last year" Y/n smiled before taking another bite, "This is good" she added, "Thanks" Darry replied, "Where are you going to college?" Soda asked, "I don't know, another capital probably" Y/n replied, "What capital do you have in mind?" Ponyboy asked out of curiosity, "New york", "Hell, that's far" Two-bit commented that took a sip of his beer after his bite, "Why not washington?" he added, "Washinton is still far" Ponyboy corrected, "So you're not staying in Tulsa?" Darry continued to question.

"Yeah we're just temporarily here I guess, I mean I studied in middle school somewhere in Utah so yeah" Y/n

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