𝘗𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐀 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐓 the girl was tired, panting as a matter of fact. She was parched, overwhelmed with fatigue, the running took half of her energy and she felt tired.

She only realized her surroundings; the houses were far apart though not as fancy as it looks in her street. She knew she was in unwelcomed territory. It was a home for greasers, and yet even as a soc and automatically making her a rival to the greasers, she somewhat pities the state of the residence.

She was so privileged that she only realized that not everyone was able to provide as much as her. It was enough to wake up another part of her mindset.

She walked down the quiet streets, not wanting attention of any greasers, she didn't want to argue with anyone nor fight physically she just wanted a walk and a path way home.

Her tranquility was disturbed by a car beeping, it was enough to make her heart drop, fearing for the worst since she was turned away from the vehicle.

The beeping grew louder indicating it was nearer; tempted to look back she hesitated and instead debated and contemplated whether to fight or flight, better yet to freeze.

The car paced up till it was driving side by side her, nonetheless the vehicle look rather fancy for a location like this. Hoping it was good samaritan offering for her to hitchhike she enthusiastically turned around just to be disappointed at the view.

She wished it was a dream because the driver was no other than Bob Sheldon, the one she didn't really need at the moment.

"Sheldon" Y/n groaned angrily, preparing for the worse insult he could possible come up. "Y/n?" He got off his car rather confused than teasing her.

His friends at the backseat seemed to stay in their places and didn't follow him when he fully got out of his car. "What are you doing here?" He approached the girl closer, his behaviour was odd and though there was a small scent of alcohol he seemed rather sober, and didn't have any signs of beers in their vehicle meaning that they must've took a few drinks just an hour ago.

"I should ask you the same thing" Y/n crossed her arms with a confused gaze. She still held on to her heels tightly. " I shouldn't be surprise if I found you in this dump." Bob teased, "Alright you are the real Bob Sheldon" Y/n looked at him surprisingly, "Of course I am, what the hell are you drinking?" Bob scoffed in genuine fury. "What's with the outfit" he added, "what about it?" Y/n looked down at her outfit then back to the soc. "You went to a party again didn't you?" Bob snickered, he knew about her situation, he knew her parents, her parents knew his.

He knew everything in her life just by eavesdropping some gossip from both parents, it's not that hard to figure out Y/n's crises, and embarrassing moments.

"Yeah" She frankly admitted, she found no reason in being dishonest as it wasn't going to benefit neither of them in the situation, "Do you want a ride or not you could just ask or something." Bob added and this time approaching her, it was odd behavior, furthermore Bob did act differently whenever he was alone with Y/n, however this time he was acting inhumane.

"What if I don't want to ride with you, you reek alcohol" Y/n was about to walk away before her wrist were pulled back to her spot, "Hey we drank an hour ago alright? Don't worry about it come on let's get you home." Bob offered, "Why are you being kind to me Bob?" Y/n waved off her wrist from his grip leaving him to put both of his free palms on his waists.

"Awhile ago you were getting in my nerve and annoying me, like what you always do actually. And now you act different? What's going on here, you're obviously just gonna find a way to piss me off" Y/n softly scolded, "Don't do this to me Y/n, stop being so stubborn and just take the damn offer." Bob raised his voice, she was starting to fear him, he didn't seem drunk he really was sincere, it was written over his face.

"Do what to you?" She questioned which made he groaned, "Listen here alright, I really like you Y/n and I just hate seeing you in dump like this place and it's dangerous, and even though i may piss you off I always watch from afar making sure you're safe. Do you believe me now? Will you come with me now and go home? This place is not a place for you." Bob whispered, furthermore he was inches away from Y/n. He was leaning in to kiss her, he was leaning in because he was frustrated with her stubbornness.

Y/n moved away, distressed with the news. She let her hands go through her hair as she sighed in disappointment and anger, "You're not doing this to me Bob" she muttered, "You're not confessing to me right now" her eyes started to water and soon enough tears were forming in the creak of her eyes.

"You're dating Sherri, Sheldon. You can't do this to me, nor to her" The girl added, she was stressed. "Take back everything you said and drive away." Y/n mumbled hoping he would leave, she never felt so much betrayal in her life, "What's wrong with you? Come home with me Y/n I don't care about Cherry, my heart truly belongs to you" Bob confesses, nonetheless a hint of wrath peaked in with his tone.

"Stop being stubborn! Y/n just take it" Bob shouted with fury, "How am I suppose to take it? You're playing with my friend's feelings Bob that's not right!" Y/n sniffled and moved backwards but Bob was persistent, "Damnit it, Y/n she doesn't need to know." Sheldon continued as he approached her.

Before she could say a word Bob was hit by something in the face, it was a small pebble that scratched his top cheek, the cut bled almost immediately. The two Socs turned their head to see two greasers throwing pebbles at Bob which was enough for him to grunt and stomp back in his car driving away almost hitting the two greasers.

She exhaled the air she stacked in her lungs and was in the urge to let go of her heels to the pavement only for her thoughts and daydream to be disturbed by the boys. "You alright?" They had an accent and Y/n found it cute, "Yeah" she smiled at them, "Thank you" she added slightly bowing her head, "You're a soc aren't cha?" The greaser with a plaid polo shirt that was unbottoned questioned.

"Will something bad happen if I say yes?" Y/n had a frown which was enough to make the boy chuckle, "Don't worry we won't hurt you."the boy said, "Yeah, especially for a pretty thang like you" Randle added, "Honored. Y/n, Y/n S/n" she took her free hand to shake both of the boy's hands, "I'm Sodapop Curtis, Soda is fine." The boy in the plaid spoke, "Randle, Steve Randle." The other boy uttered, "Nice names" Y/n reassured. "What's a soc like you doin' out here?" Steve inquired, "And what does Bob want from a soc?" Soda added.

"I was just running away from a party and accidentally ended up here. Bob and I don't really like each other from the start so we were just arguing" Y/n scratched her neck quietly and softly, "And, It's Bob Sheldon, he wants something from everyone" she reasoned. "Do you need a ride home?" Soda offered, "If it's alright with you?" Y/n didn't want to ride with a bunch of strangers she just met but for some reason the two seemed hospitable, better yet approachable especially Steve's toothy grin. There was something in his features that made Y/n ponder for a bit.

"We need to uh get the truck back in our house to drive you home. Would that be okay?" Soda smiled which was enough for Y/n to nod, "I don't mind." She followed the two to their home.

The two talked among themselves with giggled and joking around, with Randle being the loudest between the two; his volume was the reason why Y/n didn't worry if they were talking badly about her, since she could hear every joke and word he said.

Something about his personality, and looks perhaps his energy intrigued the girl. She observed his actions and felt like he seemed perfect, he deemed himself perfect without even putting an effort in auditioning for the role that Y/n created. The role of her main character, the special role that anyone in her school whom was interested in drama could ever wish for and seek. The role that always made everyone a star for somewhat a long time in the school, being in Y/n's plays were special to some. They gave them reputations being as she has a reputation herself.

Her roles she gave and assigned to people, the roles that she carefully wrote gave recognition to some people in her school. All anyone cares about there is an opportunity to shine and get a reputation yourself.

And she knew Steve Randle, The greaser she met 5 minutes ago, the man with high confidence and a loud mouth was the perfect one.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐫 ༺ ꜱᴛᴇᴠᴇ ʀᴀɴᴅʟᴇWhere stories live. Discover now