chapter fifteen

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tom: so rehearsals are back up?

harry: yeah, be at mine by 5.

louis groans, throwing his pinging phone to the floor with a thud and burying his face back into the pillow. his head feels as if it's shrinking, like his skull is going to be crushed any minute.

but as bad as the pain is, louis doesn't want to get up to take some tablets to make it stop. he has only been up once today. at two pm he was rudely awakened by some random guy that looked somewhat in his thirties pissing on his wall.

that startled louis, to say the least.

he then shouted at the guy for pissing, shoving him out the front door and then calling him a freak for coming to a party with a bunch of people over ten years younger than him.

that awoke the rest of the people sleeping on the sofa, and the floor, and the stairs, so he shouted at them and pushed them out too.

that's when louis finds himself back in his bed, falling asleep once again. he's then awaken by his phone two hours later, regretting whatever shit he took last night, and whatever shit he did last night.


louis leans up on his hands and turns with wide eyes, sitting up and leaning against his headboard. he shakes his head, glad he didn't go to college today otherwise he would have seen harry, and harry would have seen him, and last night would all come back to him and he would have died of embarrassment.

louis thinks that seems like a bad way to go.

he grabs a cigarette from the side of his bed, lighting it as he sits there, only covered by his sheets.

fuck knows where his clothes are.

he closes his eyes, relaxing against the drags for a moment before his phone rings. he groans, leaning down to grab it off the floor. when he pulls it to his face zayn's name is across the screen, the brightness hurting his eyes. he answers it.

"hungover?" zayn's voice is raspy through the speaker. maybe that's just zayn's voice, or the fact louis has dropped his phone down the toilet a few times.

"mate, i'm gonna die."

"don't be so dramatic, i'm sure you're fine."

"no, i'm sure i'm gonna die."

zayn laughs, "need me to come over with some of my mum's soup?"

"yeah, or your mum could just come over."

"urgh, shut up." zayn groans, "i'm not coming now."

"she'll be coming th—"

"louis, you deserve that hangover. and more."

louis laughs, taking another drag of his cigarette and leaning his head back. he goes quieter, "i'm supposed to go to harry's today."


louis checks his alarm clock, "in five minutes."

"you want me to drive you?"

"no, i don't want to go."


louis looks up, "no reason."


"there's no reason, i swear."

"promise me?"

"yeah, yeah."

zayn takes a moment to respond, and when he does he laughs, scoffing. "oh you two have so fucked!"

Louis' Revenge ➸ Larry StylinsonΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα