Ch. 20 Aubrey

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I was laying down in bed when my water broke and before I knew it I was being wisked away to a hospital to where I am now in excruciating pain I hve never felt worser pain in my life.

"Ahh mom." I said clenching Jason's hand.

"Honey, just stay calm it will be okay just breath." My mom said trying to soothe me.

"I'm trying." I said trying not to cry.

The doctor came in and gave me the epidural, which helped releive some of my labor pains.

Before I knew I was ready to pushand that right there was also very painful.

"Come on Jocelyn give me one big push." The doctor said to me.

I pushed hard with a big scream.

"your almost there Jocelyn, just give me another big push sweetie." The doctor said again.

"Your doing great dear." My mother said tears forming in her eyes.

I pushed hard, sweat dripping down my face and then I heard it my beautiful baby girl crying.

"It's a baby girl." The doctor said, while the nurses cleaned her up.

"What's the name dear?" The nurse asked.

"Joslyn-Aubrey Alexandra Goulding." I said taking her into my arms.

Jason wrapped his arms around me. "Look at our sweet little angel."

I smiled and turned to Aubrey. She looked at me with her soft brown eyes. I couldnt't help but let out a tear. This was my legacy she was the one to help me in my moments just like her father.

It was about two months later and I was back at home with Aubrey. She was actually a pretty mellow baby, but was hungry constantly. Which she defenitly inheirited from her father.

"Jocelyn did you need any help?" My mom asked.

"No, but thanks for asking." I sato my mom while I was feeding Aubrey.

If depressed Jocelyn would have know all the good that would happen to her after Jason's death I think she would have turned out just fine. I was finally happy and had many reasons to be first off I was engaged to the love of my life and secound I had amazing friend with great support and thirdly the most beautiful girl in the whole wild world as my daughter life couldn't get any better than this.

"Jocelyn, Jason's here go have a litttle fun I'll take care of Aubrey." My mom said grabbing Aubrey from me.

"Thanks mom." I said with a smile giving her Aubrey.

I walkd downstairs to see Jason organizing some of Aubreys diapers and other stuff.

"Ready to go to lunch?" Jason asked.

"Yes, I very am." I replied back taking his hand.

We walked to the backyard with Cesar salads in are hands that Jason made for lunch. We kept talking about our plans with Aubrey and how we were going to really be there for her whenever she needed us.

We were talking when out of no where this crow came up close to the patio and began honking at us.

"Go away!" Jason yelled moving his hand towards the crow to try and make it fly away.

It didn't budge it kept honking at us as if warning us about something, until it finally flew away.

"That was weird." I said cleaning up my plate and Jason's

"You don't say." Jason said looking around to see if the crow was still anywhere near.

We headed back inside to go get Aubrey and go take care of her.

i turned to see Jason who looked like something was startling him.

I didn't question him about it. I just couldn't stop thinking about Aubrey and everything I wanted to do with her like with what Ms. Sanders did with her daughter I was very excited for our future because I knew it was bright.

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