Ch. 13 Dead or Alive

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I ran up and hugged him. Tears streaming down my face.
"How is this possible Jason?" I asked.
"I don't know." He said embracing me.
I looked at him and touched his face as weird as it sounds it felt amazing to touch him for real.
"Jocelyn dinners ready and I-" My mom said before stopping when she saw Jason.
"Mom are you okay." I asked.
"What? What?" She said scared.
"Mrs. Rivers, I don't know how it happened either but I'm here." Jason said walking over to my mom to try and calm her down.
"I'm gonna lay down." My mom said walking over to my bed. "Did you do witchcraft Jocelyn?"
"No." I said loudly crossing my arms. "I'm as freaked out as you are."
"Me too." Jason said taking my hand.
My head was spinning how was Jason alive how was this possible? Did I some how fall in a parallel universe.
"My parents, I can't see them." Jason said looking at me concerned.
"Why?" I asked.
"They think I'm dead, and if they see me they might be to freaked out." He said looking down.
"Jason, as weird as this is to me, you can stay here for a little bit but you do need to talk to your parents eventually." My mom said holding her forehead.
"Thanks Mrs. Rivers." Jason said with a smile.
"Just no sex you too!" My mom yelled.
My face froze I was reminded about the dream of where me and Jason had sex and I started feeling like maybe it was real.
"Understand." I said sternly.
The rest of the day was amazing besides the part where my dad freaked out and thought Jason was a zombie. Other than that I spent the day with Jason going through photos and videos.
"I missed actually talking too you." Jason said giving me a kiss.
"Yeah me too." I said coldly.
"Is something wrong?" Jason asked concerned.
I got up from my bed and shut the door so my parents couldn't hear me talk.
"Yes actually there is something wrong." I said nervously.
"What is it?" Jason asked sitting up from the bed.
"Remember in the dream, you know where we...Fucked!" I said trying to be subtle.
"Yeah I remember." Jason said winking at me.
I glared at him. "Stop that.
"Okay." He said the smile leaving his face.
I continued. "The next day I woke up with sand in my hair, and I've been feeling sick"
"And?" Jason asked not getting the point.
"I think I'm pregnant." I said to him.
His face changed to a concerned look. "The Fuck? How is that possible?"
"I don't know." I said putting my hand on my head. "But I asked L.A. to come over with a special stick."
"You made her buy a pregnancy test." Jason said standing up.
"Yes, plus I have to explain to her that some how your alive." I said walking towards him."
"Or I can hide." He said sitting back down.
"She will think I had sex with some random dude I'm not gonna be seen as a whore!" I said to him angry.
"Deal." He said obviously scared by my change in tone.
It was about two hours later and let's just say the two hours felt like months. L.A. arrived and walked in my room with a scream.
"Ahh! Zombie!" She screamed clinging onto me.
"Why does everyone think I'm a zombie?" Jason said crossing his arms.
"Jason not now." I said consoling L.A.
It took about twenty minutes for me to calm her down and tell her that Jason was back. She gave me the test and we all waited for about ten minutes or so to figure out if I was really pregnant.
"It should be done." L.A. said looking at Jason then trying to touch his face.
He slapped her hand away. "Don't touch me like that."
I rolled my eyes, and got up to grab the stick I looked down at it to see if I was pregnant.
I read the word out loud. "Positive."
L.A. and Jason both looked at me stunned.
"This is some weird Lifetime Movie Network shit." L.A. said standing up.
"Thanks for the positive feedback." I said sarcastically.
"Fuck." Jason said grabbing his head. "I barely come back too life and I find out I'm going to be a daddy."
"How are you going to tell your parents?" L.A. asked.
"Fuck! How do I tell my parents?" I said sitting down stressing out over my parents responses.
"Stop! Stressing you'll hurt the baby." L.A. said putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Thanks captain obvious." I said sarcastically.
"Don't get snappy with me." L.A. said. "I'm just trying to help.
"Everyone just calm down." Jason yelled.
Before I knew it my door opened and my mom walked in.
"Jocelyn what's all this-" She said before stopping looking at the pregnancy test in L.A.'s hand.
"What is that?" She asked angrily.
"I'm pregnant." L.A. said trying to cover up the fact that I was actually pregnant.
"What?" My mom asked confused.
"It's true I came over so Jocelyn can help me through this journey." L.A. said not blinking.
"Do your parents know?" My mom asked her.
"No mom she just found out." I said trying to back her up.
L.A. glared at me. I gave her a "I'm sorry" smile.
"Can we have a moment mom." I asked her getting up.
"Sure honey." She said looking at L.A.
We exited the room and I told her the whole story of the dream and Jason and the dirty dance. She didn't quite believe the dream part but once she knew I was pregnant she let me have it.
"Jocelyn Rivers!" She yelled.
"Mom keep it down." I said putting my finger over my lips so she would try not to cause dad to walk upstairs.
"I can't believe This." She said. "I just get you back, Jason comes back to life then I find out your pregnant."
"I know it sounds crazy." I said to her.
"Next your going to tell me Tupac never died." She said grabbing a wine bottle.
"Mom, be serious." I said grabbing the bottle and putting it back down.
"Honey I'm just." She tried saying but couldn't finish her sentence.
We continued talking for about thirty minutes then she finally was calm and okay with me being pregnant sort of.
"So did she kick me out?" Jason asked.
"No. Not yet." I said closing my door.
"Well at least she knows." L.A. said standing up.
It seemed more calm after telling my mom that I'm pregnant but the question remained is my baby going to be human considering Jason wasn't alive when we had sex. I was having a twilight moment.
"Well at least the hard parts out." I said shrugging my shoulders.
"Yeah." Jason said putting an arm around me.
I was to busy freaking out over Jason that I forgot about being pregnant and the fact that what was I going to do?
"How are you going to tell your other friends?" L.A. asked me.
"When the time is needed I'll tell them." I said laying down in my bed.
I didn't know what life had out for me or my future family all I knew was that my dreams had a why of coming to life and I felt nervous because I didn't know how long this happiness was going to last and hopefully it would. Sometimes though tragedy does strike and for me it happened constantly.

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