Ch. 7 Goodbye World

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Ms. Sanders had left the room Jocelyn sat on the bed tears still streaming down her face.
"I'm sorry Jocelyn." I said trying not to cry.
"You did the right thing Jason." Kimiko said hiding my shoulder.
"Can I be alone with her." I asked closing my eyes.
"As you wish." Kimiko said leaving the room.
It was just me and Jocelyn. I felt so much guilt for lying to her. It was my sacrifice the sacrifice of love to help her become the best she could be.
"I'm sorry Jocelyn." I said kneeling in front of her.
"Jason, if your hearing this I need you to know I love you." Jocelyn said tears running down her face.
"I love you too." I said Holding her face.
"I know your their Jason but I can't ever get an answer it hurts so much." She said closing her eyes tight sobbing.
"I know Hun, it's difficult to understand." I said trying to soothe her.
"Sometimes I feel like I'm not breathing, because I feel dead." She said standing up.
"Jocelyn." I said grabbing her hand.
"How do people get over death, when your constantly reminded that the one you love is gone forever, taken away with no return. She said putting her hair up.
"I know it's hard Jocelyn, it was hard for me to." I said moving behind her.
"And Jason I know your there because I can feel you, feel this energy enter the room, but I can't see you." She said crying.
"Jocelyn please stop." I said tears streaming from my eyes.
"I don't want to say this Jason, but goodbye." She said taking my necklace off.
I felt my heart crumble and shatter as she put the necklace on the table.
She left the room. I just stared at her as she left tears running down my face.
"Goodbye Jocelyn." I said.
"It's time Jason." Kimiko said taking my hand. "Your quest is complete."
My heart sank further.
"Will I ever see her again." I asked looking at Kimiko.
"One day Jason." She said taking my hand.
A light began to shine from the doorway.
"Does it hurt." I asked.
"You already endured all the pain." Kimiko said staring at the light. "Whenever your ready."
I took a step.
"Goodbye for now Jocelyn." I said looking at a picture she had on the wall.
We took another step and then it was a blur of lights.
We arrived at the gates of Heaven.
"Welcome Jason." a familiar voice said to me.
I turned around to see my grandfather Derek.
"Grandpa." I said running up to hug him.
"Your home now Jason." Kimiko said with a smile.
I turned around and all three of us entered into through the gate.
"One day I'll see you again Jocelyn." I said in my head with a smile. "But I'll always see you in my dreams."
We entered to see a lot of people with sparkling translucent wings. I turned on my back to see I had them too.
"Gorgeous huh." My grandpa said with a smile.
"Very." I replied back with a smile.
I looked over to Kimiko.
She had long beautiful wings also.
"Will Jocelyn ever forget me?" I asked her.
"Nobody is ever forgotten Jason, even after death." She said with a smile.
I smiled back I was finally home. It felt very nonchalant though because my love wasn't with me, but I was happy she still could follow her dreams.
"What do you want to do now?" My grandpa asked me.
"I want to explore this place, run with the lions, be serenaded with a harp." I said looking around.
Heaven was beautiful all the other Angels looked happy.
I closed my eyes. "Jocelyn I know you'll be strong without me."
A smile crossed my face.
"Goodbye for now Jocelyn." I said walking with Kimiko and my Grandfather.
The gates of Heaven closed.

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