Ch. 2 Jason's World

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If there was only some way I could heal Jocelyn's pain, make her know she is worth every bit and part of life. I couldn't though I'm dead.
"I know it's hard to say goodbye." A voice said.
I turned around to see a familiar face, Kimiko. Kimiko was dead like me except her death was different she had cancer and sadly it took her life, but that never held Kimiko back.
Kimiko had long Auburn hair with blonde highlights, bangs that covered her forehead. Se had nice peachy skin and soft brown eyes with a nice light pink lipstick.
"You heard everything?" I asked looking down at Jocelyn who was sleeping.
"I always here because we're friends Jason." She replied back putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Jason come back." I heard Jocelyn say in her sleep.
A tear streamed down my face. I was her rock, but how could I be her rock when she can't even see me, feel me, or even hear me. I could do all those things for her. Let her know even after death life goes on.
"It's okay Jocelyn." I said patting her back.
"You know she can't hear or feel you right." Kimiko said very dreary.
"You don't think I know that!" I snapped at Kimiko.
She stared at me obviously a little taken back by my sudden change in tone.
"I'm sorry." I said to Kimiko while still trying to comfort Jocelyn.
"It's okay I know the pain, the guilt, the anger you feel Jason." She said kneeling down on the bed. "I was in the same situation as you."
"Not really we died differently mine was taken away from me not by choice." I said looking at Jocelyn's sleeping face.
"I didn't have a choice if I wanted cancer either." She replied back.
I let my head hang down. "I know I'm sorry."
A nurse came into the room.
"Jocelyn it's six thirty in the morning time for breakfast." The nurse said with a smile.
Jocelyn got up. "I'll be right there."
"Alright dear." The nurse said before she left.
Jocelyn sat up. I did too staring at her.
Her hair was mattered into bed head curls, her eyes showed her soul which was dark and depressing.
She grabbed my necklace.
I grabbed it placing my hand on hers.
"Jason I really need you right now." She cried.
"Im here Jocelyn I'm here." I said holding her hand.
"Because I can't do this anymore, my heart can't ever heal." She sobbed.
"I know Jocelyn, but you can't give up please don't give up." I begged looking into her eyes.
She got up and walked out of the room and into the breakfast hall.
Kimiko had her eyes closed as she leaned against the wall I could tell she had been crying.
"Are you alright?" I asked.
"Yes I am." Kimiko sobbed. "But that girl is not."
My heart sank to the floor. If Kimiko could feel Jocelyn's pain that meant Jocelyn was giving up.
Another tear rolled from my eye.
"How can I help her?" I asked looking up at the ceiling asking for a response from God is never receive.
"Come sit on the bed dear." Kimiko said as she patted for me to sit next to her on the bed.
I got up and sat down next to her.
"What is it?" I asked looking at her.
"I have a story to tell you about a woman and a man's love story." She said trying not to cry.
I let out a breath. "Begin."
"There was a girl who had thought she knew everything, which made people bully her, she would go home and cry and pray to God to take her life, until one day a boy came up to her one day and asked if she'd needed a friend. The boy's name was Jake." Kimiko said with a smile.
"Jake and the girl got rather close over the years eventually after high school they got married. They were madly in love nothing could break them apart. Until one day the girl fainted for no reason, she woke up in the hospital to find out she had a tumor not only in her lung but in other places in her body, it was too late for her to get an amazing treatment, but Jake was very optimistic that she would be this. Sadly it got worse treatment wasn't working and the girl began losing her eyesight, but before she did she wanted to go to the beach to see and hear the waves with the love of her live. That was the last greatest memory of the couples life because shortly after the girl died." Kimiko said choking up.
"The girls name was Kimiko." She said with tears streaming down her face.
Tears were streaming down my face to be honest I had never heard Kimiko's story before.
"Sometimes God has to make take away loved ones so that he can prove that love is infinite, and that if you really love someone you would help them in need and let go when needed." She said holding my hand.
I sat there in shock I never wanted to leave Jocelyn she needed me when I was alive not dead.
"Do you know why you are still here Jason?" Kimiko asked.
"No." I responded back.
"Because Jocelyn needs you, but their will come a day when you have to let go and join God." She replied back.
"What about you why are you still here?" I asked. "Does Jake still need you?"
She held her head high. "I finished my quest with Jake, I'm here to help you."
Kimiko grabbed my hand.
"Jocelyn is never going to see you while she's alive." Kimiko said to me.
"Only after death." I replied back. "But how ca I help her if the only way she can see me is death?"
"Her dreams." Kimiko said with a smile.
I stared at her in disbelief how could I talk to Jocelyn in her dreams when she couldn't feel me or see me and even hear me.
"But how?" I asked Kimiko.
"When she put on that necklace that was her letting you soul enter hers. Which lets you go in her dreams so she can see you, hear you and feel you. Kimiko replied back.
Jocelyn entered the room very somber she grabbed a hair brush and began brushing her long brown hair.
"This is my quest?" I asked Kimiko one last time.
"Yes." she replied back putting a hand on my shoulder.
I walked over towards Jocelyn.
"I will see you darling trust me when the moon begins to shine at night with all my love I will help you." I whispered in her ear before kissing her cheek.
I stood back up and walked out the room.

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