Ch. 8 Visiting

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I was doing well in the clinic lot of things were changing I was actually being productive and talking to other patients.
"Hey Jocelyn the clinic is holding a mural for lost ones are you in." One of my friends asked.
His name was David, he had short brown hair and light green eyes, he was semi muscular since he was in treatment and all. He was sweet and kind but I wasn't falling for him trust me.
"Actually I would." I said with a smile. "I have the perfect picture to hang up.
"Jocelyn your meeting with Ms. Sanders!" A nurse yelled.
"On my way." I replied back walking towards her room.
Ms. Sanders and I have finally started to have progress going on with my treatment plus I felt like I was helping her in a way to move on from Abigail.
"Hello Ms. Sanders." I said with a smile walking into the room and sitting down in the chair.
"Morning to you too Ms. Rivers." She said with a smile. "Let's begin."
Like I said treatment was getting better I could finally look at Jason's picture without wanting to runaway and burst into to tears. Did I still get sad seeing it yes I can admit that.
"I wanted to congratulate you on your progress Jocelyn." Ms. Sanders said putting her notebook down.
"Thank you." I said with a genuine smile. "But first I wanted to ask you a question."
"Go right ahead." She said with a hand gesture.
"I want to go see Jason's parents." I said looking at her in the eyes.
"Why is that?" She said starting to look concerned.
"To make peace with Jason's death, plus I think I owe it to them to return the necklace to his mother." I said holding the chair.
"Alright." She said with a smile. "You may be granted that request."
I got up from the chair. "Thank you Ms. Sanders."
I left the room and went to go tell David the news.
"Hey David." I yelled than ran to catch up to him.
"What's up?" He asked with a smile.
"I'm going out in town for a day." I said excitedly.
"Really? What for?" He asked with a confused expression on his face.
"To make peace with Jason and end to help my treatment improve towards leaving." I said swaying my hips.
"I'm happy for you Jocelyn." David said embracing me into a hug. "Pick me up a souvenir."
I laughed. "Maybe I will."
I made my way towards my room and began getting ready one of the head nurses was going to take me to Jason's parents house I was nervous I don't know what to expect from this at all it could either be a good experience or a great one at that.
"Jocelyn you ready?" The nurse said.
"Ready as I'll ever be." I said with a sigh.
We left the clinic and I was in the outside world it seemed so real.
We made are way down the road towards an old house with a beautiful lawn and flowers growing.
"I remember." I said in my head with a smile on my face.
We pulled up on the drive way and my anxiety began to set in.
The nurse knocked on the door.
Jason's mom opened the door. "Hi you must be Nurse Trisha."
Jason's father gestured for us to come in.
We went in and sat on the couch. I looked at Jason's mom who looked like she was having a nervous breakdown.
"How was treatment Jocelyn." Jason's dad asked.
"It was rocky in the beginning but it improved since then." I said nervously.
"Was there a reason why your hear Jocelyn?" Jason's mom asked tears forming in her eyes.
"Actually there is." I said moving towards my purse.
I grabbed Jason's necklace and placed it in Jason's moms arms.
She held it for a while before closing her hand on it and bursted into tears.
"Thank you." She said tears streaming down her face.
Jason's dad moved closer towards her to console her.
"Your Welcome." I said sympathetically.
"I know it's been hard Jocelyn." Jason's dad said tears also forming in his eyes.
"It has, but I knew I needed to move on from this." I said tears starting to form in my eyes.
"I remember that night." Jason's mom said tears sliding down her face. "I remember having a horrible gut feeling in my stomach."
She cleared her throat.
"And that phone call." She cried. "Receiving that phone call that my baby boy wasn't coming home ever again."
tears rolled down my face.
"I'm so sorry." I said crying.
"It's not your fault Jocelyn." She said sniffling.
"It was hard." Jason's dad begun. "I never got to tell him how proud I was of him."
More tears strolled down my face.
"One thing I do remember Jason telling me, is you can't ever dwell on the past. You have to Hope for new beginnings." I said crying.
"I used to tell him that." Jason's mom said with a smile.
I smiled. "This is a start isn't it."
"It really is." Jason's dad said with a smile.
"I just really wanted to thank you Jocelyn." Jason's mom said with a smile.
"For what?" I asked.
"For bringing the hope for better days back into our lives." She said with a smile.
A smile crossed my face. "Your welcome."
The meeting with Jason's parents was over and I felt like it had gone amazing.
We arrived back at the clinic and I went straight to my room and laid down on the bed.
"If you can hear this Jason." I said aloud. "I want to thank you, thank you for giving me hope, believing in me when I couldn't believe myself."
I felt a gust of wind and knew that was a sign Jason could hear me.
"I'll see you in my dreams Jason for forever and always." I said then closing my eyes and falling asleep.

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