Ch. 10 Sweet Dreams

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"Hi Jason." I said with a smile.
"Hi Jocelyn." Jason said with a smile also.
"It's kind of funny no matter how much I fail your still there for me." I said solemnly.
"Jocelyn, like I said no matter what I will always be here for you. Even when you can't feel, hear, and even see me I'll be there." He said lovingly.
I smiled. "Thanks Jason."
I felt mixed emotions here I was trying to get over Jason, and now we're here again and I don't want this feeling to go away, ever.
"So what's the problem?" Jason asked.
i was pulled out of my thoughts.
"Oh, just some family issues." I said putting my hands in the sand.
"Is this about feeling abandoned?" Jason asked.
"How did you know?" I asked back.
"Jocelyn like I said I'm always here when you need me." Jason said with a laugh.
"Right." I said shyly.
My emotions were heightened. I didn't feel sad anymore when I was Jason, I felt compassion and love. Love was something I couldn't get from my parents.
"You know your parents love you." Jason said as if reading my thoughts.
"Well they have a weird way of showing it." I said crossing my arms.
"Jocelyn." Jason said trying to make me understand.
"I know what your going to say." I said coldly. "Give them a chance."
"So my words do go through your thick skull of yours." Jason said poking my forehead with a laugh.
"Don't do that!" I laughed playfully hitting Jason.
It felt great to have Jason to talk to, but the thought crossed my mind again of when Jason said he didn't love me.
"Anyways back on topic." I said moving my hands back from Jason.
"Right." Jason said shyly.
"How do I give them a chance?" I asked.
"Only you know the answer." Jason said with a smile. "What does your heart tell you?"
"Ugh. Your starting to sound like Ms. Sanders." I laughed. "But your right, if there not going to make the effort I'll try."
Jason smiled. "Look at my little Jocelyn basically all grown up.
I smiled. I didn't know what to say it seemed like he was flirting with me, but then he didn't love me. Plus I somewhat had David.
"Little." I said with a laugh.
"Yes little." Jason said with a laugh.
I couldn't keep my feelings in anymore I had to ask Jason the big obvious question, did he still love me?
"Jason, why are you hear?" I asked a little scared by my tone.
"What do you mean?" Jason asked a little taken back.
"I mean last time we talked, you said you didn't love me, but here you are." I said looking at the waves trying not to make eye contact.
He sighed. "I lied Jocelyn."
"You lied?" I asked.
My heart was beating fast. As weird as it sounded I still felt like me and Jason had a chance.
"I lied, to help you move on." He said. "Sorry for lying to you."
I froze he lied for me? In my head it didn't make sense, but to my heart it know that I was the sacrifice Jason had to make to help me get over his death.
"So you still love me?" I asked.
He sighed again. "Yes Jocelyn, but you can't use this as an excuse to move on understand."
"Understand." I said happily.
It felt great knowing my one and true love still love me, and that was when I knew that nothing could keep us apart life or death because love bad it's way of making a path for destiny.
"Did you wanna go for a walk by the ocean?" I asked. "Not meaning in a weird way."
Jason laughed. "Anything for you Jocelyn."
We walked down the beach leaving the footprints in the sand as we walked side by side. Laughing and talking about old memories.
"I miss stuff like this." Jason said looking at the horizon.
"Me too." I whispered.
Jason looked at me, and I stared back. He reached down and grabbed my cheek then kissed me on my lips. It felt amazing to be kissed by Jason again even if this was a dream it felt real.
"I love you Jocelyn Rivers." Jason said with a smile.
"I love you too." I said smiling back.
It felt amazing I didn't feel depressed anymore or any anger towards my parents, somehow it left my body soon as I got close to Jason.
The scenery changed, we were still at the beach, but instead there was a beautiful beach house.
"Let's go?" Jason asked.
I nodded my head. "Yes."
We walked up to the beach house and opened the doors. It was beautiful it had wood paneling floors, the walls were a nice shade of white not to mention the furniture was on point.
"This house is gorgeous." I said looking at it.
"Not as gorgeous as you." Jason said with a smile walking up to me.
"Your so corny." I said with a laugh be for embracing him in a long kiss.
We kissed for what seemed like forever, and forever led to something more. Before I knew it we were in the bedroom doing as what my mom would say "The Dirty Dance."
Every time he touched me though it felt so real and amazing.
"I love you Jocelyn." Jason said again.
"I love you too Jason." I said back kissing him.
We continued this for awhile. After we're done we just stared at each other like it was the first time we had seen each other.
"I wish my life could be like this everyday." I said looking into Jason's eyes.
"Me too." He said replying back.
"Jocelyn it's eight o' clock time to wake up." I heard my moms voice echo.
"Will I see you tomorrow?" I asked Jason grabbing his hand.
"I sure hope so." He replied back with a smile.
I kissed him before waking up to my mom knocking on my door.
"Jocelyn did you hear me?" My mom said sounding worried.
"Yes I heard you, I'm up." I replied back getting out of bed.
I moved from my bed and went to my vanity table I started to brush my hair, as I brushed my hair I saw little particles in it.
"Do I have lice?" I asked myself worried.
I brushed a few pieces out of my hair I examined it very closely.
"Sand." I said out loud.

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