8| A date w/ Mazel

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"Friendship is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world."- John Evelyn


It was a Tuesday after school, and Melody was preparing for her hangout with Hazel at the plaza near their school. The plan was to go roller-skating and get food.

After putting on music, Melody started to get ready. Going through her regular routine, she picked out an outfit, took a shower, and did anything that she needed to. Afterward, she styled her natural twists into a simple bun with two pieces framing her face. She wore a black baby tee, baggy ripped jeans, and a sweater in case it got cold.

While picking out her silver accessories, she thought about what happened at school, Luca all bruised and stuff. It reminded her of the first day of school when he had his hand wrapped. Why was he coming to school injured?

After organizing her essentials in her green Harajuku cross-body bag, Melody put her sneakers on at the door. She texted Hazel, letting her know that she was on the way.

She decided to walk since it was so nice outside. Not to mention, there were other people out too. Adults coming home from work, kids playing around at the park, and teens were hanging out. Typically, you wouldn't see high schoolers out on a school night, but the year had just started and they had a few more weeks until it really got busy.

Melody arrived at the skating rink and purchased her ticket. She found a seat and texted Hazel.


Me: I'm here, what abt u?

Haze: Im buying the ticket rn

Me: yayy :D

Haze: :))

Melody smiled at her phone before putting it in her pocket, putting her skates on. She had gone skating a few times in middle school for class trips and things like that. She instantly regretted her outfit though, she should've dressed more comfortably. At least she wasn't wearing shorts, and her jeans were loose and comfortable. She accepted her poor choices and finished putting on her skates when a figure walked up to her.

"Mel?" she raised her head at the voice. It was Hazel.

"Hey!" Melody got up to give her a hug but instantly regretted it. She would've fallen right on her ass if it wasn't for Hazel's death grip on her arm.

"Oh my gosh, thanks," Melody huffed out after making a few incomprehensible noises.

"No problem," Hazel assured, struggling to keep her laughter in.

"Hey, that wasn't funny," Melody protested letting out a chuckle herself.

"I'm not, I swear," Hazel promised, joining the short line to pick up her skates.

After she came back, the girls rented a locker to store their bags and sweaters in. The lockers were pretty deep, so they only needed one. Hazel put on her skates and shakily stood up, making their way to the rink.

"You bust your ass first, I get five dollars," Hazel suggested with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Mmmm, I don't trust that," Melody replied with humor in her voice

She was right not to. It turned out that Hazel was a seasoned skateboarder, and roller skating came faster than normal. Plus, if Melody had taken the bet, she would have lost. During the first twenty minutes, the girl lost her footing and tripped, almost bringing Hazel with her.

"Sorry, sorry," Melody apologized profusely feeling her face heat up with both laughter and embarrassment

"No problem," Hazel assured, lifting the girl up while laughing

Nevertheless, the girls had a blast. The rink was colorful, and the floor was smooth as they and tons of others skate around. They grew hungry fast but didn't eat since they planned to grab lunch afterward. Their time came to an end, and the girls lined up to return their skates.

"I'm so hungry," Hazel grumbled, resting her head on the shorter girl's shoulder

"Me too," Melody agreed, laughing

As they approached the front of the line, Melody saw a familiar face, instead of a familiar head of red hair working behind the desk.

"Jacklyn?" Melody asked unsurely

"Hey, Melody! Just Jack by the way," she responded

Jacklyn was a girl in both Mels and Hazels' art class. She had bright red/orange hair streaked with white. She wasn't your everyday girl with bright freckles and pale skin. She was tall, around Hazels' height. The three girls chatted as much as they could without holding up the line. Eventually, they said bye to Jack and made their way to the cafe.

The Cafe was scaled up, resembling a casual restaurant. The girls were seated and Melody was grateful that skating didn't leave her too sweaty.

"What are you planning on getting?" Melody asked the girl

"Mmmm, I'm not sure actually." Hazel pondered looking at one side of the menu. Melody copied her motions to see that she was actually looking at the vegan options.

"Are you vegan?" she asked making Hazel lookup

"Oh... yea," she admitted looking a little sheepish

"That's so cool." Melody complimented honestly "I think I'm gonna get something from there too."

"Are you sure?" Hazel asked probably not wanting Melody to feel obligated.

"Yea, what do you recommend?"

A/N: New chapter :) This is actually new and not one that I fixed up. Either way, I hope you enjoyed it.

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(Edited) 866 words

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