18| More Apologies...

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"Take your time" - n/a


"Fuck you," she answers, causing Melody's heart to sink further.

"How am I supposed to be mad when you're so good at apologizing," the Asian girl sighs, picking up her phone.

"So you're not mad?" Mel asked, putting on her best "Please say you're not mad" smile.

"Um, what? Of course I'm mad it's just fading away quicker than it was supposed to be," Hazel clarified

"I'm sorry, Haze. I blacked out, I'm at Lucas's house right now."

"It's alright. Things happen." she sighed "I would ask you not to do that again, but I think you have that covered," she playfully rolled her eyes, making me ask.

"I won't. The dry mouth sucks, not to mention the memory loss," she admitted cringing at the things she did remember.

"Yea, yea, but you're where right now? I didn't forget that detail,"

"Yeah, after I called you and we went to his house, I stayed over." she quickly explain, getting embarrassed.

"Interesting, so what did you guys do?" Hazel asked with a sly smirk

"Nothing Hazel. We just went to sleep, " Melody clarified immediately, causing Hazel to raise an eyebrow.

"Well... are you coming to school tomorrow?"

"Yea, of course. Have you heard from Jack? Is she okay?"

"Okay might be an overstatement, but she's alive." Hazel joked, making them both laugh. Mel made a mental note to text Jack later.

"That's good. How about Carter?" Hazel let out a sigh before she answered.

"He is surprisingly calm when he's drunk but twice as stubborn. She laughed, "It took me an hour to convince him to get off the pool table," she laughed.

"I would've liked to be a little more like that yesterday," Melodymumbled into my hand.

"What did you do?" Hazel asked with obvious concern.

She went over everything from seeing Valerie to waking up confused, occasionally getting a "what the hell" or a "no way, Mel."

"-And you know the rest," she finished

"Mhm, girl, you're gonna have to retell this at school."

"Please don't make me," Mel laughed

"I'm sorry, I'm going to have to hear this in person. No way Valerie said that this a movie."

"I know, right?!" Melody complained, laying back "Like huh? That dude was harassing me. She must have been drunk or something." Hazel nodded her head in approval.

"Yeah, then he deserved the punch shower," she determined

"I feel bad, though; I'll have to apologize at school."

"Why?" she asked, seemingly confused

"Haze! You said it yourself. I poured punch all over him in his house. He probably had to mop that alongside the puke and other substances."

"He probably has maids."

"You're right."

"I feel bad for them."

"Me too." Mel cringed imagining what the aftermath of that party probably looked like.

"I got to go......"

"Kay, I'll text you when I get home. For real this time., she joked

"You better. Later babe," she answered, hanging up. Melody hopped out of the couch and headed towards the kitchen. She wanted to play music but had to remember that she wasn't at her own house and didn't have headphones anyways.

After what she did, Melody decided that making breakfast was the least she could do. She got out the ingredients and got to work. She thought about making pancakes or french toast, but her skills with batters and sweeter foods were sort of lacking.

Mel took this time to admire the kitchen. The countertop was a gray-white marble, and there was even an island. The number of supplies showed that someone in his house liked to cook and bake.

First, Melody chopped peppers, onion, and spinach into the egg. After frying the egg and making the bacon slightly crispy she slightly toasted the bread and assembled the avocado toast. She added some strawberry and orange slices for health and wellness. She saw tea in his cabinet but didn't know if he drank, so she grabbed peppermint for herself and filled a glass of orange juice for Luca.

In the back of her mind, Melody hoped that she wouldn't get in trouble for familiarizing her with his kitchen. An even worse possibility would be to have someone walk into her using their things. The poor girl would disappear into the floor.

She set the plates onto the island and cleaned the kitchen as much as possible without the food getting cold. After making her way to Luca with a piece of bacon, I placed it on his lips, waiting to see if it would wake him. He didn't open his eyes before eating the slice.

"Mmm, breakfast?" he asked groggily, opening his eyes.

"Yea.... surprise?"

"Wait, actually?" he said, walking towards the kitchen.

"I hope you don't mind me using your kitchen-" Melody started before getting cut off with a hug. Her face was buried in his hoodie that smelled like laundry detergent and whatever the word 'good' would smell like. She wrapped my arms around his back, which was very.... muscle-ly.

"Mi amore," he pulled away, grinning, "you know the way to a man's heart.

"Was the Spanish?" Melody asked laughing

"Forse," he shrugged, sitting at the table; Mel sat beside him.

"Thanks, though... for real." he turned to her.

"No problem, it was the least I could do after last night,"

Considering all the shit Melody pulled yesterday, Luca seemed way more giddy than usual. Today he looked... happy.

A/N: Happy New Year, people. Another year, another chapter

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