7| Secrets

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"Kept from the knowledge of any but the initiated or privileged" - A Secret


Two weeks later

Tuesday was the best and worst day of the week. The best because Luca had to see his therapist, and the worst because he had to see his therapist. He didn't really know the purpose of it, but his older sis, Aless said he needed to get one. She was paying, so whatever.

Luca went downstairs since he usually woke up earlier than everyone in the house. Going down the stairs, he saw his uncle sitting on the couch, smoking. Luca tolerated almost everything he did except for smoking. Especially in the house with Leo inside. Usually, he would listen and go somewhere the kids wouldn't get lung cancer with him. However, of course, he wanted to do this today.

Luca grabbed the cigarette out of his uncle's hand and threw it away. His uncle immediately got up. Luca don't feel like fighting today, but he knew it would happen.

"Son, I don't feel like getting my hands dirty. Just do yourself some good and get me another cigarette," he demanded

I'm not your son. Luca thought

"Get me another cigarette," he repeated. Luca stared at him before answering.

"No," and there it was. He threw the first punch straight into Lucas' face. It wasn't anything he couldn't handle but knew it would bruise. Luca punched him back in the same spot. They were going at it until Leon came downstairs and pulled them apart. After separating them, their uncle simply scoffed and walked away. Luca just laid on the floor as he left.

This wasn't a new feeling for Luca. It was actually one he was well acquainted with. Laying on the floor, barely breathing with bruises all over his body. His brother yelling inaudible things because Luca was tuning him out. Oh yea, his brother.

"What the hell?" Leon practically shouted in Italian. "Why do you always have to say something to make him mad?" Leon complained.

"That prick needs to listen, someone has to," he sighed, getting off the floor, and holding his side. These wounds on top of his others will hopefully heal well. He may not act like it, but Leon is a pretty sensitive kid. He doesn't like it when someone fights or stands up to their uncle. This was part of his life that almost no one knew about.

Luca took a cold shower before looking in the mirror, concluding that he would have to wear a hoodie to school.

- - -

He decided to skip classes until lunch. When he got in the cafeteria, Shortcake wasn't there, but he didn't feel like talking anyway.

Luca went outside and waited for Carter to come where they usually sat if they weren't with Shortcake and Hazel. He heard someone walking towards the table, and he knew it was Carter.

"Hey man, why did you skip toda- oh." he put his bag down and sat beside Luca. He was a total goof, but he had some sense. After some mutual silence, Luca decided to speak

"What was it this time?" Carter asked

"Smoking and Leon still cries every time we fight."

"He's just a kid. He's in what? Grade 10?"

"Yea, but he needs to understand that we can't let him walk all over us."

"True" he responded in Spanish.

- - -

It was time for class, and of course, Luca was late. He contemplated lapping the halls but decided against it.

He sat down beside Melody ready to go to sleep

"Why'd you skip class?" she asked writing in her notebook.

"Because I wanted to," he mumbled

"Welp, these are for you." she pulled out a thin red folder and gave it to him. Inside were assignments Luca needed do to for all his classes. And not just the classes he had with her.

"Awe, you really do like me." he joked

"Shut up. I was just being nice," she insisted nudging his elbow. He couldn't help but wince.

"Are you okay?" she asked, squinting at him as if to get a closer look at something. Her eyes went straight to his hands, his slightly bloody, bruised, hands. She picked one up and examined it, slightly cringing.

"What happened?" she asked looking back at him.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it," Luca replied moving his hand from hers.

"Meet me at my locker after this class" she instructed

Their next block had a free period. Students could leave as long as they weren't going anywhere that required driving. Some kids ignored this rule but Luca just usually went to sleep.

- - -

The class was finally over, and the pair made their way to Melody's locker where she put some things away. She grabbed Luca's hand and looked around for a second. Afterward, she pulled him into the staff bathroom and locked the door.

"I don't know what's happening but I'm definitely not complaining," Luca smirked sitting down on the mini couch thing. She gave him an impassive look before replying.

"I..." she started while looking through her bag "am going to help you." she finished pulling out a first aid kit. Why the fuck-

"Why the hell do you have a first aid kit in your bag?"

"It's a mini first aid kit, and it's for times like this. Now give me your hand." she took his and wrapped it with something with ointment.

"All done-" she started before examining his forehead...again. She looked for a while before pulling his hoodie off. She used her palm to push his hair out of his face like she was taking his temperature.

He had a black eye and a busted lip. She looked him in the eye as if she was looking for something. He broke eye contact first and she dove back into her kit.

"Why didn't you clean your wounds?" she asked wiping his forehead with alcohol.

"I was running late." That was a lie. After the altercation with his uncle, he just washed his face and left. He never really took time to properly clean his wounds. Not until t was nighttime and he could asses his life or something. Maybe he wanted someone to feel bad for him, maybe he wanted her to.

She looked at him for a second. Luca could tell that she didn't believe him. Regardless, she didn't ask any questions. He sat in silence taking in her presence as she cleaned his wounds.

A/N: Hey guys I'm back with another chapter that I think I actually like🤭. Andddd I wrote this all-in-one day. But anyways I hope you enjoyed it.

If you did, please vote, comment, and share :)


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