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"No one ever told me that grief felt so much like fear."- C.S Lewis


"I guess that's why I wanted to talk to you. I felt like I was hiding," he concluded. Luca felt physically ill talking about this. He didn't want to explain his feelings. He wanted to blend in and stay quiet, something he could never seem to do. Melody must have noticed because she pulled a small water bottle out of her bag.

"Thanks," he uttered

"Well, since we're sharing secrets, my mom is dead too," Melody replied, fiddling with her hair

Luca felt his breath hitch.

"She is?" he asked, accepting a head nod

"She died a couple of years ago. I mean, it was kinda like she was dead before all that. My dad wasn't really in the picture so he helped with my emancipation process and getting me a job and stuff. Pretty messed up huh?" she scrunched her face

Luca felt a sense of grief, not for him though. As dumb as it sounds, it never occurred to him that Melody had actual problems. Luca felt as if he was sitting in front of a stranger. He had never actually seen her as anything but lighthearted (and drunk).

"I mean." she continued "Ion know, I don't like talking about myself." she chuckled, hugging herself.

"Me neither." Luca added "Unless it's my sister or my therapist. Even Carter sometimes."

"You have a therapist?" Melody asked, confusion framing her face

"Yeah, Aless made me get one."

"That's great, you better be getting your money's worth." she scolded

Luca imagined that Melody would be kinda pissed if she knew that he had a therapist and didn't take advantage.

"Yea, yea, she knows everything and everyone," he confirmed

"Even me?" Melody inquired earning a head nod from Luca. She tried to ask about what Luca said about her. Before the girl could speak, their food was brought to the table. They quickly thanked the waiter and dug in. The two continued lighthearted conversation until leaving the diner. Luca didn't want to leave just yet, and he hoped that Mel felt the same way. He drove them to the local park and they continued to talk on a bench.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" Melody ironically asked

Luca gave her a face, and she huffed.

"Okay, whatever. Don't answer if you don't wanna, but do your parents have something to do with your suspension?" Luca paused

"They died five years ago, a couple of months after Leo was born. It was a car crash." Luca had mastered his poker face but Melody must have felt the sadness radiating from him since she cupped his hand in hers.

"In eighth and ninth grade I was just depressed and confused. My uncle wasn't any help either. But during sophomore year I became out of control. I guess I was sick of being sad and decided to be angry. I fought any and everything that provoked me." Luca felt shame and sadness wash over him. It was like he was that lost kid again.

He didn't realize he was crying until he felt Melody's warm fingers on his face. Her thumb swiped under his eyes, removing the tears.

"That's embarrassing," he mumbled ducking away from her hand, rubbing his face with his sleeve.

Melody stayed quiet as she cupped his face and turned it towards her own, her red eyes and teary face matching his. Luca realized that he had never actually seen Melody cry, there was a lot he hadn't seen. She pulled him into a hug, allowing him to take in her fresh vanilla scent.

A/N: Sorry for the short one, The last chapter was getting tew long. But yea, how sad ;(

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