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"Grief is just love with no place to go." — Jamie Anderson


Melody and Luca sat on that bench hugging in silence. He pulled away apologizing, cheeks and nose red from the cold.

"You don't have to apologize," she replied wiping her face.

"Um, do you want to talk about your mom?" Luca asked, fixing his hair

"Might as well right?" Mel sniffled

Melody as her mother didn't have a typical relationship. Even though she raised her, it was less of a mother-daughter relationship and more of a roommate one. Her dad left before she was even born, so he was completely out of the picture until her mom died. When that happened he helped her get emancipated and aided her financially. He wasn't willing to leave the new family he started.

"I mean." she continued "I was sad, of course, distraught, but I spent so little time with her that I kind of felt detached." she put her head in her hands

"But, compared to you-" she started before getting cut off

"Don't say that, your feelings are just as important," Luca said seriously

"Wow, how wise of you." Melody cracked a smile

"My therapist isn't getting paid for nothing." he shrugged

The pair talked for a bit, divulging more about their parents. Luca spoke about his parent's personality. His mom was a stoic yet loving individual, only showing her gentle side to her kids and Luca's dad, who despite his looks, was a cheery man with a soft spot for children. Melody spoke about how her mom was the cool calm and collected type. She wasn't rowdy, and she wasn't rude, she was the level-headed one in the bunch. Luca commented on how she sounded like she was describing herself. The only thing missing was the witty comebacks and expressive faces. It seemed Melody's more animated and rash side came from her father.

The day grew dark so Mel and Luca decided that it was time to head home. Luca pulled up to Melody's house and gazed at it for a few seconds, probably thinking about what Mel had told him. She got out of the car and Luca followed until they got to her front door steps.

"Well, uhm, thanks for hearing me out and stuff. I'm sorry that took so long," she apologized, realizing just how much time had passed

"If I'm with you, it's never too long." he replied "Plus, I guess I like talking to you," he smirked

"Gee thanks," she rolled her eyes, smiling "I enjoy talking to you too."

Luca was in front of her and took a couple of steps forward. He kept looking between her lips and her eyes without a word. After what felt like an eternity, he pulled Melody for a hug which she returned. She wrapped her arms around his torso and his long arms wrapped around her neck and played with her hair. She took in the scent of her vanilla perfume mixed with his lavender. Luca let go first.

"See you on Monday."

"Kay," she replied straightening out her clothing.

Melody quickly went inside and locked the door, feeling her heartbeat in her ear and heat on her face. Thank melanin.

What the fuck, she muttered under her breath

- -

After Luca dropped her off, Melody decided to chill for the rest of the day. She spent most of the night painting and streaming movies.

Sooner than later, Melody was forced to think about the events that took place earlier.  She was no expert on relationships, trust me, but it looked and felt like Luca was going to kiss her.

Hazel always joked about Luca and Melody crushing on each other but Melody never took it seriously. She especially didn't think that there would be feelings on Lucas' part. She never thought that she liked him either... until now. Of course she thought he was attractive, you didn't need eyes to see that. Luca was tall, at least from Melody's perspective. He had the whole unconcerned white boy thing going on. Don't even mention his face, feminine but sharp at the same time. He had long eyelashes and pink lips that contrasted with his dark eyes and strong features. Girls even considered his eyebags, which is usually a flaw, attractive.

Melody felt her face heat up again thinking about the boy in detail. She replayed the moment in her head yet again and realized that she wanted him to kiss her. She couldn't discern his intentions but she had finally realized hers

Melody liked- no she had a crush on Luca.

Unsure of what to do with this information, she just sat on it eventually realizing and questioning things that she hadn't before. Like at the party, her reasoning for getting upset was Valerie's arrogance, but was it? Was it really because she saw her flirting with Luca?

Before the overthinking could take over, Melody decided on the best solution, sleep. After having a warm cup of tea, she decided to let the thoughts rest until the next day, or at least she tried

A/N: Hey, hey, hey. I've been waiting for this one. Lemme know how it is, I haven't typed a chapter in a while so this felt a little awkward, I might have to revise. Also, I kinda left yall on a cliff hanger, sorryyyyy. HAPPY WOMENS HISTORY MONTH. 

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(Edited) 882 words

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