14| Drenched

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"Yikes"- Nicki Minaj?


"You ok?"

"Yea! "

Melody normally didn't spend this much time in the bathroom but for some reason, she seemed more aware of what herself today. Luca was overwhelming, to say the least. He made her mind race maybe even faster than her heart sometimes. Melody didn't know why she felt that way but the teen girl was scared to find out. She finished up a text with Hazel before leaving.

She walked out of the bathroom and Luca wasn't there. She looked around and saw him talking to Valerie. That girl subtly harassed Melody whenever she had the chance. From glaring and whispering among her friends, it was honestly child-ish the way she acted. Melody immediately knew that she was the type of girl to stay away from. Valerie caught her eye and smirked, proving Melody right.

Melody walked away trying not to let the encounter bother her, that was a mistake. She made her way downstairs, running into some acquaintances. There was Jordan, a popular dark-skinned guy that was in one of her classes. Melody was trying to make her way outside when someone stopped her. It was a guy, in the dark he seemed to have blond hair and green eyes. He was wearing a strange orange jumpsuit that was zipped down pretty far. It seemed like he mouthed something about Luca before greeting her.

"Hey I'm Jake, the one who threw this party," he smiled. Melody furrowed her eyebrows at his previous comment before introducing herself.

"Uh, I'm Mel-"

"Melody, the new girl I know. Ya know you'd be more popular if you would stop hanging out with that entitled asshole." he stepped closer before she instinctively stepped back.

"So" he dragged on "what are you supposed to be?" he asked checking out her "costume".

"Um, an angel, how about you?" she asked looking around for something to get her ass out of here.

"A prisoner," he answered "I went to jail for stealing your heart," he smirked

"Oh," she whispered awkwardly

"Wanna, go upstairs?" he asked. She glanced upstairs confused by his question before realizing what the weirdo meant.

"Oh, no I-"

"C'mon it'll be fun," he added grabbing her wrist. Before he could drag her upstairs she yanked her hand away.

"I said no," she verified before walking away. She felt herself getting angrier and almost exploded when she saw Valerie.

"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in." she smirked "Oh dear what are you supposed to be, an Oreo or something? You know what you should just you know, get it somewhere else. Like Jake, the dude who threw the party" she grinned "You guys seemed to be getting along quite well until you stormed off, you really need to loosen up," she added feigning concern.

This made her more upset than she expected. Melody closed her eyes and sent a quick prayer to her mom before taking a deep breath and opening her eyes. Valerie looked at her confusingly before Melody answered.

"Are you done?" she deadpanned. Valerie didn't answer for a few seconds so Melody took that chance to push past her and walk away, not daring to turn back and see her stupid face.

She wandered around even seeing Hazel and Carter. She wanted to go talk to her but it seemed like she was having fun and didn't need someone's problems wearing her down. Melody looked around hoping to see Jack but she was nowhere in sight which was no surprise as the house was huge.

tw: alcohol

Melody eventually made her way to the kitchen with the drink table where she saw a clear bottle considerably smaller than the rest. She picked it up not really reading the words. She opened it up and drank some, instantly feeling the burn in her throat forcing her to chase it down with water before she could think to do anything else. She was dumb to think that all alcohol would taste like wine coolers. Dumb she was because she took several more gulps. Leaving the bottle half empty. Melody sat on a chair and laid her head on the table trying to decipher what she was feeling when she heard someone whistle.

"Look at what we have here," they taunted. She lifted her head in confusion.

"L-Luca?" SHE slurred confused

"What n- he cut himself off "Yea it's me, little lover boy Luca," he mocked scooping a cup into the read punch bowl which SHE learned was filled with edible and non-edible substances.

I'm drunk, not stupid, she thought

She stood up on the table, grabbed the bowl of punch, and poured it all over him, ignoring everyone turning around and talking.

"Leave me alone, dipshit," she demanded walking away as flashes lit up taking pictures of the drenched guy.

Melody made her way to the empty backyard where there was a pool. She walked up to it and looked at her reflection before deciding that she wanted to swim. She stepped forward as if she was walking and plunged into the water. It was surprisingly calming, maybe because she was drunk or maybe because she was alone, who knows. She floated around for what felt like an hour before getting bored.

She got out sitting at the edge starting to drift off when she heard a voice from behind her.


A/N: Ngl I don't like this chapter but it's too late😭Also for the trigger warning Mel's drinking isn't crazy bad or anything. It's also not a reoccurring problem. But if you or anyone you know is struggling with alcohol or any substance, please reach out to your local hotline, stay safe <3

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(Edited) Word Count: 927

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