2| Bella

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"Everything will fall in place. Just be patient" - Betsy Farrel

Melody 🤍


Went her light as Melody walked into the bathroom. She was getting ready for her new school and elated, to say the least. After finishing her shower, the brown-skinned girl decided on an outfit.

She put her hair into a low puff that cascaded onto her shoulders, ensuring it was smoothed down. Afterward, she decided on a baby tee with baggy jeans with some gold jewelry.

After securing her small hoops, Melody looked into the mirror, confirming that she liked the outfit. She grabbed her bag and made her way downstairs to have breakfast. She liked cooking, and when you live by yourself, that's something you have to do, so you might as well get used to it.

Even without an appetite, Melody tried to have breakfast every day. However, she wasn't sure about the food at her new school, so she had tea and a slightly stale bagel while reading a library book. The girl quickly lost track of time until her alarm went off. A sigh left her lips as she got up, tossing the book into her book bag. She put her sneakers on at the front door and headed for school.

The walk to school was almost 30 minutes, but it was better than her old one. The neighborhood was nice. There was a park by her house and a shopping plaza somewhere near her school.

Her mom would've loved this neighborhood. She died during Melody's freshman year of high school, and soon afterward, she got emancipated so she could live independently. Residing by herself was all right. Sure, she had to grow up a little quicker than she should, but she could do what she wanted and made all the rules. She had a decent part-time job to keep her afloat as well.

- - -

"So, keep going right, then take a left, and you'll find the office. Once you're there, they'll find someone to give you a tour if they're doing that." the woman at the front desk grumbled, looking down somewhere. Melody thought it was awkward looking at the top of her head, but she was probably busy with first-day-of-school stuff.

She walked to the office as instructed and took a seat. Shortly after, a woman came out with some papers in her hand. She had pale porcelain skin and wore a business suit and black heels. Her hair was a deep brown and was in a blunt-cut bob. She was beautiful and elegant, but something told Melody that she was at least forty years old. She stared at the girl inquisitively for a second before breaking out into a smile.

"Well, hello there. I'm Mrs. Meyers, the Vice Principal. You're Melody Davis, correct? she asked. The teen stood up and greeted her back, answering her question. Mrs. Meyers led Melody into her office and handed her the papers she had earlier.

"All right, since you're new, you were supposed to get a tour during the summer. However, due to some renovations that had to be postponed until now. Since you're early, Ms. Davis, you can still have a short tour before classes start. Does that sound ok?"

"Yes, ma'am," she answered shortly.

"Great!" she beamed. "So just stay here, and I'll get a student to show you around," she instructed.

"All right," Melody answered.

"Anyways, I'll be goi- oh, Mr. Romano, how nice to see you, come here please." she directed, calling out into the hallway.

It took a second, but soon, this boy who looked around Melody's age came in looking very irritated. She could only see one side of him, but he had a sharp jawline, dark hair, and a bandage on one hand. Melody wondered if he got in a fight, but it was barely the first day of school so that made no sense. He'd be more approachable and attractive even if he didn't look like he would bust a fuse.

"Mrs. Meyers," he grumbled very agitatedly. His oversized jeans and black sweater come into focus. He fidgeted with a silver ring as he stood.

"Good morning to you, Mr. Romano. Anyways, what perfect timing you have. I was looking for someone to show this young lady around the school since we were having minor renovations." she gleamed.

"I'm so glad to see you back. We can set up a meeting in my office later this week. I know that you weren't here last year, but I'm sure you still remember your way around the sch-"

"I don-" he started, also getting cut off.

"So, you'll do it, thank you very much!" she quickly retorts, and his face morphed into a nasty grimace. This guy must have the word irritation stitched to his soul or something.

"So, this is Melody Davis. This is her first year here. Show her around and be nice. I'll see you, kids, around. Have a good first day, tata!" she exclaimed, practically skipping away.

He finally turned to look at the girl, and when their eyes met, Melody felt a shiver race down her spine. She didn't like that feeling at all. It made her feel exposed.

He seemed to realize what he was doing and swiftly looked away.

"Let's go, Bella," he said, walking out the door.

Huh, Bella? My name isn't Bella. She thought while practically running to catch up with him.

A/N: Second chapter😎 What do you think about Melody?

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(Edited) 906 words

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