merry christmas!

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hey guys! merry christmas, if you celebrate!

im writing this on the 23rd help -_-

most of the dsmp members have met up for christmas and open their presents on christmas morning!

i hope y'all enjoy this, and i'm very sorry if it seems rushed -_-

a/n over

"Good morning, everyone! Merry Christmas!" Wilbur said cheerfully, greeting the groggy mass of his friends in his living room, cup of coffee in hand. "How are you all?"

The reply was mostly just grunts or tired groans of "fine." Well, whatever. It was 9 or so, and most of them were used to getting up around noon. Hah, sucks for them. Tommy and Ranboo had run around herding everyone to the living room at around 8:30, hyped to open presents.

"Will, you made coffee for yourself, but not us?" Tubbo groaned, stretching out on the armchair he'd claimed as his own.

"There's some in the kitchen, if you'd like me to get you a cup-"

"No!" Tommy said loudly. "We're opening presents. You can have coffee after."

Collective groans came from almost everyone, but Tommy, being Tommy, didn't give a shit.

"Tubster, open mine first!" Tommy exclaimed, shoving a small, soft package into Tubbo's arms.

"I- Okay-"

Tubbo ripped open the paper, gasping when he saw the contents. "It's Tubbo the hippo!"

"It is!" Tommy replied, proud of himself. "I found one on Ebay and was like; 'Holy shit, I've got to get this!'"

"Thanks, Toms," Tubbo smiled, folding the ripped wrapping paper and pushing it to the side. "Here's yours."

Tommy ripped open the red and gold paper to see a red dinosaur hoodie, smiling widely in Tubbo's direction when he opened it. "Thanks, Tubster!"

"Well, of course! Boo, you should open yours now." Tubbo threw a present at Ranboo, snorting with laughter when Ranboo yelped.

The content of the package was another dino hoodie, this time in black.

"We can recreate the fanart now!" Ranboo exclaimed, laughing. "Thanks, honey."

"Of course," Tubbo smiled. "And yes, that was my aim."

"Can you guys stop being sappy?" Tommy said, deadpan. "I'm taking a stand and outlawing pet-names."

"It's my house, Toms," Wilbur said, laughing. "I think it's fine."

"Fuck's sake-" Tommy groaned, smashing his face into his sweater.

"Wilbur, you should open mine now!" Tubbo said, grinning. The package was rather big, taking up a lot of space under the small tree. Not to mention it's weight, that shit was heavy.

"What the fuck did you get me, Tubbo?" Wilbur joked, ripping open the paper. "No, you did not-" Wilbur gasped in disbelief. Was Tubbo serious?

"The amp is getting here in a few days," Tubbo smiled, proud of himself for the present.

"You bought me a fucking guitar?! Holy shit, thanks!"

"Well yours did break, and you need it for Lovejoy! I figured it was the least I could do, what with all you've done for me."

"But a guitar? Oh, gods. Thank you, king. I cannot thank you enough."

Tubbo had bought him a new electric guitar! And this one looked fuckin' expensive, it was shiny and blue and just-

bee and boo (platonic ranboo and tubbo oneshots) [DISCONTINUED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ