they both die at the end (au, PT 1)

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hello my guys gals and gender non-comforming pals how are you? I hope ur good :))

this is a "they both die at the end" au

in that book, you get a call the day your gonna die, and ran and tubs get their call in this but dont tell the other (this is gonna be an irl fic, so they are ccs and stuff)

TWS: mentions of death

a/n over

4:05 AM

Ranboo woke up to his phone ringing. The room was dark, so he figured it was either really early or really late. He was planning on just sleeping it off, but through the haziness of sleep still clouding his head like cotton candy, he noticed the unfamiliarity of the ringtone.


No, no, no. That was not Death Cast. Ranboo was just Imagining it because he had been more paranoid of getting the call now.

But there was no mistaking that ringtone, Ranboo knew. And he knew it would just keep ringing if he didn't pick up, and he didn't want it to wake Tubbo up.

Oh gods, Tubbo. How would Tubbo react? They'd never talked about what would happen if one of them got the call, probably because they'd both figured they would have a long time before it would be their turn.

Hah, jokes on past them. Ranboo was 17 and getting a call that was telling him he'd die in the next 24 hours. That was quite the tragic irony, wow. Ranboo smirked at it, despite the sinking feeling in his chest.

"Hello, is this Mark Nathaniel?" The person from Death Cast chirped. Fuck them for sounding so damn cheerful, that was not fair.

"Uh- Yeah... Hi." Ranboo whispered. He tried getting out of bed quietly, but there was a loud creak when he stood up, and he cringed internally, but continued to go to the garden so he wouldn't wake his friend up.

"Hello! I'm Myra, calling from Death Cast."

No shit. Ranboo rolled his eyes at them. Inside, he was crumbling, but he felt uncomfortable, subconsciously, showing that in his appearance.

"Mark, I regret to inform you that sometime in the next 24 hours you will be dying. It is quite untimely and tragic, but there is nothing you can do to suspend it. So, though you will be dying, you still have time to have fun and say goodbyes, and live one more day."

As the woman kept talking about the things Ranboo could spend his day doing, Ranboo kept tuning her out. The sinking feeling in his stomach was growing stronger, and it was dawning on him quickly that he was dying today.

He was dying today, a few weeks before he moved away from his best friend. A few weeks before he would just feel like he was dying. If Death Cast could've just given him a few more weeks, he could've been dying when he was already wallowing in self pity and grief.

But today? This was alien. It was out of the blue, and just truly unreal.

"Oh, Tubbo..." Ranboo whispered.

"Hm?" Myra asked. "What did you say?"

"Oh, I just-" Ranboo almost wanted to just drop dead now. He didn't want to explain. But he didn't want Myra to think he was crazy, so he explained anyway; "I'm just thinking about my friend. I would've been moving away from him in a few weeks and I just wish we could've had more time together." Ranboo felt himself tearing up, and he immediately wiped his eyes dry. The effort was obviously in vain, but he tried not to let himself be bothered.

bee and boo (platonic ranboo and tubbo oneshots) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now