Only to be met with nothing

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hey guys! how are y'all? this was gonna be fluff but then i wrote the sentence ""Of course." Ranboo answered, attempting to reach for Tubbo's hand, only to be met with nothing." so now it's angst :D

TW: loneliness, probably crying for y'all judging by how you react to my other chapters

a/n over

"Tubbo, this is going to end horribly." Ranboo almost fell as soon as he stepped on to the frozen pond. Tubbo just laughed, grabbing hold of his arm and guiding him towards the middle of the pond, giggling at all of the trouble Ranboo was having staying upright.

"Good luck," Tubbo winked at Ranboo, who was struggling to stay standing, and spun around on the skates, showing off the skill Ranboo had no idea he possessed. Ranboo, on the other hand, was obviously terrible at ice skating. Along with never really doing it, or learning, he was so tall that it was difficult to balance on the thin metal, and his size 12 feet made it difficult to keep them coordinated enough to skate. Volleyball was so much easier. Especially if you flirted with the other team.

Right now, the only person he could flirt with was Tubbo. But y'know...

He didn't mind. Flirting with Tubbo was always really funny, because Tubbo would say really random things back, but it also made Tubbo's face flush and the sides of his mouth would tug up, before he remembered he was supposed to brush it off with a laugh and funny retort instead of getting flustered.

Tubbo spun around, with a graceful pirouette, and Ranboo really wondered how the chaotic being that Tubbo was could suddenly turn to the man in front of him, gracefully dipping and turning, the cold air tinting his nose and cheeks a bright red color.

The shorter boy skated over to where his lanky companion stood- or rather, struggled to stand, giggling at Ranboo's difficulty and taking hold of his gloved hand, and though it wasn't much support, it seemed to help at least a-

"Ack!" The way Ranboo fell was almost comedic, like in a cartoon. His legs fell from under him and he hit the ice with a semi-painful thump.

"You good?" Tubbo took hold of Ranboo's hand once again, pulling the other boy back to his feet. "That seemed like it hurt, do you need a minute?"

Ranboo didn't.... But he could use this as an opportunity to "Tactically flirt", as Tubbo called it. "No, but I could use a Band-Aid, I hurt myself falling for you." Ranboo flashed a mischievous looking smile at the flushing boy next to him, who, like always, gave a small, sincere smile, then began laughing along with Ranboo, who, through the loud laughs, looked at Tubbo fondly. This was nice.

~~~~~~ (timeskip bc im lazy but i need to get out a chapter :'D)

Maybe an hour later, Ranboo had definitely gotten the hang of staying balanced on the skates (though he was still very terrible, and it was mainly because Tubbo would hold his hand in order to help keep him upright). The two skated hand in hand around the frozen pond, huge trees lining the slightly large but not huge body of water, powdery snow covering all surfaces it could and the air frigid. The sun, in the middle of the sky, barely offered any warmth to the day, it was almost like it was just more adding to the snapping cold. Tubbo and Ranboo could barely feel the effects of the icy air though, whether it was from frostbite or the happiness shooting through their veins like a satisfying sip of hot cocoa on a day like this, they couldn't tell. Perhaps it was both.

"Hey, wanna get a selfie for Twitter?" Tubbo asked, stopping his even strides and helping Ranboo slow down his choppy ones by holding his hand tight.

"Sure! The fans want content, we should give it to them." Ranboo laughed. Though the bench trio would usually stream every day or so, sometimes alone and sometimes together, Twitter could not get enough of the fact that now the trio were roommates. (And they were ROOMMATES!

lol i need help :'D)

Ranboo had long since done a face reveal, when he hit five mil on YouTube, right before the first Tubbo meetup. That day had been nerve-wrecking, but in a way, exhilarating. There was a weight lifted off of his shoulders and everyone was so supportive. And now he could post things freely, as long as they weren't his hands. He wasn't going to show the fans his hands.

Each boy pulled his phone out, snapping a picture with the other, and after laughing at how pink their faces were, they posted the pictures with the captions "Guys its cold out"

After what seemed to be less than a second, (it wasn't, it was a bit more) there were thousands of likes on both Tweets, a bunch of comments, and a lot of retweets. It was always insane to watch the chaos that followed a Tweet.

"Shall we continue skating?

"Of course." Ranboo answered, attempting to reach for Tubbo's hand, only to be met with nothing, nothing,

Where did he go?

Ranboo jolted awake from his dream, clutching his pillow, that had made its way out from under his head, close to his body, like a lifeline.

He shakily breathed in, trying to fight the tears, but they came anyway, ignoring the skillfully created blockade that Ranboo kept up at all time and rushing out of the gates and over the top. Tubbo was across the ocean again, out of Ranboo's reach, there was no way to hold his hand or watch his face flush pink in person. He couldn't feel Tubbo's head on his shoulder when they hugged each other, or his silky brown hair when Ranboo would ruffle it in response to a suggestive joke.

There was no ice skating, no posting selfies together, no laughing together at a dumb joke.

These things were not achievable across an ocean.

And unless things got better in the world..

It still wouldn't be achievable for a while. And Ranboo, the hopeless romantic, absolutely hated this.

After shakily breathing a few more breaths, Ranboo took one arm away from the now tear-soaked pillow and checked the time on his phone. 5:30 AM. Tubbo would probably be awake right now, wouldn't he?

Ranboo dialed the number, time time and time again, but Tubbo never picked up. He was probably still asleep. Along with a sigh, a few fresh tears of loneliness creeped from Ranboo's eyes. He'd just leave a voicemail.

"Hey, Tubbo." He whispered into the phone, as to not wake his parents. "I don't really know what to say... But I guess it's mainly that I miss you. Or rather, it's that I miss the idea of you. I miss the dream I was having, where we were ice skating and it was really fun. I just want to feel your hand in mine, and I want to feel happy, and full, and content, instead of feeling like I'm drowning in loneliness and tears. My pillow is soaking with tears right now, by the way." He choked out a laugh. "I really, really miss you, Tubbo."

Ranboo sat there for a few seconds, before debating whether he would send this.

The voicemail ended up being thrown out, more tears being shed and the ever growing ole in Ranboo's heart growing larger by the minute.


ayyy it was shit but i need content ig and im too lazy to re write or edit :D

i hope you have a great day/night/4am, love you guys💚

bee and boo (platonic ranboo and tubbo oneshots) [DISCONTINUED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon