i love you, just know that (part two!)

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hello everyone how are you? i hope you are doing well, i am! im so sorry this is so late i was having a really hard time writing, and then ranboo lore happened (it was so pog he deserves an oscar) and i read flowers from 1970 and couldnt stop crying

so this is a part two of the previous chapter, in which there is a search for tubbo

TWS: death, blood, grief, panic attack, mental shock, depression, physical and mental pain :')

a/n over

"Please answer..." Ranboo shakily breathed in, choking out a few dry sobs. "Tubbo.... Please..."

But deep down the half-enderman knew something terrible had happened, and even if he found Tubbo he may not even be able to help him. Tubbo wouldn't trick him like this, and if it wasn't a trick, but he was okay, he would have said something within the last five minutes.

Ranboo sat on the bed, trying to breathe, trying to make sure he didn't start teleporting or scare Michael. "Don't panic, don't panic, just breathe." He repeated to himself in a hushed voice. "Just breathe." But he couldn't, he just couldn't breathe. Was Tubbo okay? Was he in danger? Was he-

Ranboo didn't want to think about that.

But still, what else could have happened? The last things he'd said before he was quiet was telling Ranboo he loved him. And a cough. And then quiet.

But no, no way. There's no way that could've happened to Tubbo, there was just no way. No way.

But still, Ranboo continued tapping his foot at a hyper pace, tapping his fingers nervously. He had to try and find Tubbo, but how? Tubbo hadn't shared his location with Ranboo, so the only thing left would be too search. But all alone, that wouldn't work, Ranboo wouldn't find him for days, and by that time, if he wasn't already-... y'know... He would be.

He sat, shaken, curled up on to the bed frame trying to think, trying to breathe, but he just couldn't, what happened to Tubbo?

In his panic, all he could think was that he needed to get someone who could help. And being as Techno and Phil didn't like Tubbo very much, they were the only ones he could think of at the moment.


Techno sat in his armchair, reading The Art of War, the fireplace burning next to him and a mug of tea on the circular table beside him, when his phone vibrated, so he picked up to hear Ranboo's panicked breathing.

"Ranboo, what's wrong?" Techno asked.

"T- Tubbo- I think he's in trouble-" Techno was about to say no, that he wasn't going to involve himself with the same person who tried to execute him, but he knew how much Ranboo cared about his husband.

"What do you need me for?"

Relieved that Techno hadn't said no, Ranboo continued to explain what had happened on the phone call, ending the story with "I th- thought you could help me find him... Maybe with Phil and Niki as well? If- if that's okay?"

Techno exhaled heavily, thinking about what he should do.

"I'll bring them, do you have someone to watch Michael?"

That raised Ranboo's anxiety again, he didn't have someone to watch Michael while he was gone. He couldn't just leave the kid alone! "N- no, I don't... Shit..." Ranboo never swore, even under his breath, so he was obviously very on edge.

"It's alright, Ranboo, just stay calm." Techno's monotone voice was soothing in a different way that most people's voices are soothing, but it definitely was soothing. "One of us can watch him, the other two can go with you to look for Tubbo. Okay?"

bee and boo (platonic ranboo and tubbo oneshots) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now