c!ranboo memory book entry

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hey guys! i wanted to write a bit of c!ranboo memory book stuff, so that's what this is, but the next chap will be part two of the assassin thing :D

TWS: anxiety, mentions of derealization

a/n over

I barely know what's going on anymore. Techno's in prison, and Phil still hasn't told me and Niki what we're going to do to get him out, and Tubbo is barely talking to me. I haven't enderwalked recently, which is good, but I always feel like I'm about to slip into it. I don't go near Michael much anymore, because I'm scared I'll hurt him. Tubbo keeps on yelling at me that I'm being a bad father, but I don't know what to do. If I do spend time with him and I suddenly start enderwalking and I try to or do end up killing him, it'll be even worse, but I miss him so much.

Tubbo doesn't even sleep in the same bed as me anymore. I don't know what to do, I just want him to be safe, that's why I want him to leave Las Nevadas. But I'm also hurt because he acts like we never fell in love or anything, he acts like all of this is fake. Maybe it is fake? It feels fake sometimes, but it feels more numb than fake. Maybe Tubbo just never fell in love like I did, or I'm pretty sure I did, but who knows, I sure don't.

Tubbo used to help me with my tear burns, but now he doesn't even go close enough to me to help with them. Which really stinks, considering I'm getting a lot more burns now. I guess it's sort of a vicious cycle; we don't go near each other so I cry, but then he doesn't go near me and I cry more.

Whatever, that made more sense in my head.

Every time I see the prison, I get so much anxiety. Techno is there, and I need to get him out somehow, but what if Dream takes control of me while I'm helping him escape and then I get Dream out too? what would happen to Tubbo, what would happen to Michael? I couldn't do that to them, I couldn't do that to anyone. And poor Tommy would have to go through all of that pain again-

It would be awful.

So yeah, I'm conflicted. I guess that's sort of in character, with the black and white. I just wish I knew what to do.

-Ranboo (Saturday, Nov. 27, 2021)


i know, i know, that was really short lmao i speedran it

but I'll probably update again soon, we'll see though lol

quackity lore is later today, im hyped but also freaked out lmao-

also, ranboo did an eye reveal and I'm super proud of him! it was really brave of him to do that :D

the fuckin gender envy though, he's so pretty- /p

i need a winter/christmas themed profile picture by december first, and  id really like to have one you guys made! here are the requirements:

-must be square dimensions

-digital or traditional art is fine, just make sure its a good quality picture if its traditional

-no copying other peoples art

-winter/christmas theme, think snow, fairy lights or rainbow string lights, y'all know the drill

I have dark brown, almost black hair thats about shoulder length, hazel eyes, and im white. im assinged female at birth, and feminine or masculine looking clothes are fine, so is nail polish

if you have an entry, put it in a book and @ me, then dm me about it! 

but yeah, thats it! have a great day/night/4am, i love you💚

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