Accidents happen

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Cap, Incoming from your left!" Tony shouted into his comm. Steve covered himself, using his shield, to stop himself from being hurt by the explosion caused by a grenade. The Avengers were at a warehouse by the docks, which was said to be housing military weapons. Hydra were stealing the most dangerous weapons, so naturally, Fury sent the Avengers to deal with them.

Clint was on a nearby rooftop, shooting arrows at the agents. Tony was in the air, in his iron man suit, using his repulsor beams to take them out. Steve, Thor, Bruce, in his Hulk form, and Natasha were taking them out from the ground. "We need to get into that warehouse! Widow, can you get in?" Cap asked. "I need a path cleared!" Black Widow responded. Hulk took this as an order and cleared a pathway for his teammate. Natasha thanked him and snuck into the building, and by doing so, losing all forms of communication with her team.

"Hawkeye, do you have eyes on Nat?" Steve asked after a few minutes of fighting. "Negative! What about you guys?" Clint asked. "Jarvis, scan the building for lifeforms." Stark ordered. The A.I was about to do as asked but the building exploded. "Widow! Widow do you copy?!" The archer yelled, recieving no answer. As all Hydra agents were unconscious, the team re-grouped around the, now, demolished building.

"Jarvis, scan for Nat!" Tony ordered. Jarvis responded "Miss Romanoff is in there, she seems to be stuck under the rubble and has gone through an interesting development." The men had looks of confusion plastered to their faces and Bruce, who transformed back after the fight, asked "What do you mean development?" Thor went to dig the woman from the rubble whilst the A.I informed them "Miss Romanoff has seemed to have been de-aged." The God came back with an unconscious eight year old with red hair in his arms. "I can confirm with the computer assistant that Lady Natasha has indeed reversed in age." Clint didn't know what to do so he did the only thing logical at that moment, he fainted.

"Well, legolas is down for a while. How an earth are we going to explain this director eye patch that one of his best and hottest agents got younger and looks like a primary school kid?" Tony wondered out loud. "Um yeah, I think we might have another issue." Bruce told the men. "Which is?" Steve asked. "We don't know about her past, for one thing. And two, what would she remember when she wakes up? I mean if she remembers all of us and has her adult memories then that's great but if she doesn't, we are going to have to improvise answers to the questions she's gonna be asking." The realisation dawned on the team, except Clint and Natasha for obvious reasons. "Ah, but Sir Barton knows Lady Natasha very well so he could answer the questions she has got!" Thor bellowed causing the girl in his arms to squirm a bit. The four go wide eyed for a moment until the kid goes limp again and they sigh in relief.

"Lets get to the quinjet. Thor, pass the little assasin to Capsicle there and then pick up the older assasin. We're going to the tower and then calling Fury." Iron man then walked off back to the jet and the others followed after doing as they were told. Once they were on the quinjet, Steve placed the eight year old girl on the medical bed and Thor placed Clint in a chair and strapped him in. "Incoming call from Director Fury!" Jarvis told them. "Answer it." Steve groaned out.

Fury: Mission report!

"Well hello to you to Director." Tony said sarcastically.

Fury: Don't get sarcastic with me Stark! Put one of the agents on as they would actually do as they're told!

"Yeah, about that... ClintisunconsciosandNatashahasbeenturnedintoachildandwearegoingbacktoAvengerstotryandfixher." Tony rushed out.


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