Chapter 41 - Change in attitude

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The afternoon glow was only starting to settle, the winter wind creeping along the frosted grounds as heat was no longer sourced from the sun. When your breath could be seen, you fold your arms up, turning away from the two as they spoke about... something. It was proving difficult to focus.

"So, where to for dinner, kid?"

"Uh... I'll see what's good," the teen takes out his phone and scrolls.

This gives Stephen a chance to glance at the blue curling up your finger tips. Removing his coat, he walks to place it over you, "is my princess cold?"

"Just a little," you lie though your teeth, relief washing over regardless. "Thank you," sharing a kiss, there was a small gagging sound ruining the moment.

"You guys are gross," Peter shields his face. "At least in the tower I won't have to witness this, thank god!"

Strange shakes his head, placing one hand on your waist instead, "so, are we going to eat or stand out here all night?"


"That's amazing!" You congratulate Peter who had informed you of the awards he got so far from his work last year. "I'm so proud of you,"

"Thanks," he then groans in embarrassment when you pinch his cheek. "Come on, I'm not a baby,"

"I know, I know,"

Stephen finished up his dinner, happily listening on to the conversation without worry. Instead he was surprised at your sudden change in demeanour. Maybe not so sudden, but you were overjoyed, not once did he see anything close to a frown.

Last night was like any other, your passive scowls and scoffs of disagreement. Now all there was is your laugh and affectionate holds to his hand.

His words and the events of today had changed you a little but it seems that interaction with Vieanna had given you a new breath of life. As if the switch had been flicked, light bulb changed, glowing bright as it should have always been.

"How about dessert? We can head to the grocery store and buy some ice cream, I'm sure everyone would want something nice," you suggest once the bill was paid.

"Yes!" Peter cheers, getting up and sipping the last of his drink. "Can we get cones as well? And- oh, oh! Can we get some chocolate sauce and sprinkles??"

"I'm sure Stark wouldn't mind," you gesture him to go ahead and lead the way while Stephen slipped the coat back over you. "Thank you,"

"It's nice seeing you all happy like this," he held your hand while walking out the restaurant.

"Today was just a good day," leaning into him, you both walk down the street, Peter rambling about different ice cream flavours, "a really good day,"

Stephen gave your hand a soft squeeze: It really was.


"We're back with ice cream!" You announce but no one was around. "Friday, could you possibly ask the team to come down to the kitchen if they would like ice cream?"

"Of course," the AI seemed slightly taken aback at your jolly mood.

"Peter, could you please help Stephen with some bowls and spoons?"

"Sure thing," he salutes.

"Hell yeah!" Bucky and Sam run to the kitchen as Thor stumbles from his room with Pietro and Clint racing in soon after.

"Tell me you got some Pistachio?" Clint asks hopefully.

"Of course, would you like a cone or just a bowl?" You grab the scooper with a bright look on your face.

"Uh... what the fuck?" Bruce blurts out.

"You're not going to... insult me?" Clint hesitantly asks.

"Why would I? Everyone has their favourite flavour, I don't judge,"

"But you d-" Pietro was slapped over the head by Wanda.

"Careful, Wanda, try not to be too harsh," you hand a bowl to Clint, placing a cone on top as he had requested. "What would you like, Pietro?"

"Cheesecake, Strawberry, Bubblegum, Coffee and... Rocky road," he grins, "all in a bowl with three cones crushed and extra chocolate sauce on top,"

"I'll let you put your own toppings, leave some for the others though," you happily put some all in a larger bowl Strange handed.

"Okay, what did you two do?" Nat folds her arms at Stephen and Peter who were happily enjoying the ice cream you already served them.

"Nothing!" Peter says truthfully.

"He isn't lying," Stephen leans against the counter, watching the disguised cloak place the scooper into the hot water every so often.

"Sister, whatever has gotten into you?" Loki looked like he had seen a ghost while Anna happily enjoyed their Mint chocolate chip ice cream.

"What do you mean?"

"You're smiling and being... nice," Steve took his Vanilla cone from your hands. "Thank you,"

"Not a problem, Captain," you then work on Wanda's request, "I guess today has been one of the best in centuries,"

"Why so?" Thor scoffs down another plain cone.

"Apparently people still give offerings to me, and... care," you glance to Strange for a split second.

Loki caught this instantly as well as the rest of the group who were squirming in their seats just wanting to burst out with cheers. Bets would have to be exchanged later on.

"Anyhow," you clean up quickly and take your own serving once everyone was happy. "How was everyone's afternoon? Hopefully Clint didn't break too many kitchen utensils."

"There it is," the archer sighs.

"Well you did break like... four things," Nat coughs.

"Three, but whatever," he retorts.

Chuckling softly, you lean against the counter next to Stephen when you felt a small tingle on your fingers:

"Another offering?"

"Go ahead, I'll clean up," Stephen gives you a side eye. "Have fun, alright? Don't get sick from all the sweets,"

"If I do then you'll just have to take care of me," you stop a smirk from forming. "And don't think I won't be requesting cuddles,"

"You act as if I have a problem with that,"

Nudging him with your hip, attention was directed to the group, "deepest apologies," you quickly cut in, "I need to sort this out, I'll be back," you take your bowl and walk down the hall.

"Did I hear that right? That was a...sorry?" Thor chokes on his ice cream.

"Yes... it was," Anna says proudly while Loki only let his face fall into a deeper scowl when looking to Strange.

Something was going on.


To those in the server I just joined, comment your name/just comment who you are on the server so I know what your Wattpad is 😩

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To those in the server I just joined, comment your name/just comment who you are on the server so I know what your Wattpad is 😩

- Anna ❤️

Chaos magic: Doctor Strange x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now