Chapter 29 - Panic

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TW: Panic attacks - this will include descriptions of things felt during an attack including difficulty breathing.


Fox pin on your blazer, you fix on some fake blood before twisting a pocket knife between your fingers. "God, these would hardly harm an Einherjar,"

"Luckily you're not planning to hurt anyone, right?" Loki notes from your door way with a raised brow.

"Not yet," you clip it shut before slipping it into your pocket. "What can I do for you, brother?"

"What? Am I not allowed to visit you?"

"Usually you want something," fixing your collar, figuring whether or not you should put a tie on, you conclude to go tie-less.

"Well, I want to check up on you," he stands by your side. "How are you so far?"

That was a first. "I'm... I'm fine," you give a tight smile.

"Y/n, I only ever have your best interests at heart," your brother fixed your hair before sighing, "I need to you to tell me if you ever feel... anything less than okay,"

"Did earth make you go soft?"

"Oh shut up," he soon messes your hair up in a playful payback.

Hugging him tight, you could tell he was slightly taken aback before giving in. "Thank you, Loki,"

"No need to, family sticks together, hm? Through thick and thin," he pulls away.

"Mischief can't go about in lack of chaos,"

"Chaos without mischief is merely misfortune," he holds his hand which yours rests again until you twist so he fell to the ground.

"Tsk, tsk, brother," you ruffle his hair back.


"I hate this," you look at the obscene party. Clothing revealing enough to give your mother a heart attack on bodies filling up with alcohol.

It was like Samhain for unhinged spirits. Constant dancing and yelling to be heard for miles around, the flashing lights could signal extraterrestrials like a beacon to come to earth.

In fact the bifrost fell in last place to compare to this spectacle.

Your heart was less than ecstatic at all the noise. Alone at the entrance of the party floor, you saw no one you knew which proved dealing with this all the more difficult. People shove past with small apologies, laughing and yelling over the loud tunes. Purple and blue flash by followed by pink and green, yellow and red soon after.

Air felt thin. Your chest tightening and though you lacked a tie, you felt as though something was restricting your breathing. It was starting to become too much.

All this was too much.

Grabbing your chest subtly with grasps for even the slightest bit of air, you turn and rush back to the elevator only for a body to stop you.

"Excuse me," you whimper in panic, head spinning too quickly, voice hoarse and desperate.

"Woah, leaving already?" That was Stephen. "Y/n, what's wrong?" Without looking at you, he knew something was off. "Hey, steady," he took your arm once he saw your knees nearly buckle.

"Please," you look up at him with teary eyes. You felt so lost, vulnerable, and alone. There was no control over anything, this sudden wave of emotion felt so unnatural, like someone had taken over the controls in your head.

Stephen wasted no time to lead you away to one of the empty rooms; One of many private lounges on the party floor. "Did you want to sit down?" He asks in a soft voice, leading you to a seat when you rapidly nod, tears streaming more often. "Did you want water?"

"What's happening?" You ask in panic, resuming hyperventilating.

"Y/n, take a deep breath, can you do that for me?" He kneels down, looking at you and holding his hands out for you to take at any time. "Good job, there we go,"

Your hands take his as you follow his every word, "what's happening?"

"I think you might have gotten a little overwhelmed out there," his thumb caresses the back of your hand, "has this happened before?"

"I don't... I don't know," you start to breath more rapidly.

"Woah, let's not forget our deep breaths," he soon took a spot by your side. "Good girl," soft rubs on your back and moments of silence drew you back into your calm pattern.

The tears had started to subside but you still felt like one wrong move and another wave would come crashing.

"Here," he helped you out your suit jacket. "Did you want something to eat or drink? What about a blanket?" His magic was ready to retrieve whatever you needed. "Cookies and milk?"

"Please," you whisper after a nod, leaning against the couch more comfortably once he put a fluffy blanket over your shoulders. There was no trouble as he conjured some from the Avengers kitchen, holding the plate while you sipped at the drink.

"Better?" He asks, frowning when you shrug uncertainly.

"I'm sorry... this-" you stop when you see a bubble float by. Then two more follow, all sourcing from Strange who was creating them using his magic. "Stephen..." a smile almost fully takes over your face.

"Is this helping?" He holds his hand out as each bubble inflated above his palm, sighing thankfully when you nod a little. "Come here," his arms open for you after seeing the look in your eyes.

Shuffling closer, you move into his arms, clutching tight. Your head nuzzles into his chest, flushing him closer as the cloud of anxiety slowly faded. You felt safe. Just here, simple as that.

Stephen places his chin on your head, drawing small shapes on your back. He matches the small rise and fall of your chest before letting out small words of assurance. "It's okay... you're okay,"

And you were. Just here, you felt okay.

"Good girl, just let it out, don't worry," he could feel the tears dry against the fabric of his shirt. "That's it,"


Nearly 2022 yall 😩

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Nearly 2022 yall 😩

- Anna ❤️

Chaos magic: Doctor Strange x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now