Chapter 25 - Math help

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Peter was explaining the posters around the ice cream shop, but soon saw your contemplating looks. "Uhm... is this about-?"

"I'm worried is all," you clear up. "I think we need to sort this out because I know no one else knows, I assume, other than Stephen and I?"

"Yeah, I mean one time Happy thought something was wrong but I just shrugged it off,"

"Don't do that." You hesitantly reach out and hold his hand. "Peter, you need to tell people when this happens, and I'm sure my little incident with Flash will decrease the encounters but if it happens, anything bad at all, I need you to tell me,"

"It's not a big deal-"

"If you don't, I will have to take it up with Stark," this made his face drop, "I don't want to because he will mist likely blow it out of proportion, so at least talk to me... or Stephen, he's happy to deal with it- maybe better than I would," you laugh, comforting the boy.

"Alright... I promise,"

"Thank you, pumpkin," you pat his cheek lovingly, stopping when you see tears well up, "oh no, what's wrong? What-"

"What?" He sniffles, rubbing his eyes, "nothing's-" he then sees your look, "it's just... mum used to call me that, I only remember a little because I was so young but- sorry, it's just been a while,"

"Oh," you move to his side and invite him in an embrace. "It's alright, if you want me to not-"

"No," he looks up, "uhm... it's nice. I don't mind," he scrunches his nose up when you wipe his tears with a different silk handkerchief; wouldn't want to exchange tears with a stranger. "Thanks,"

"That's alright," you poke his nose before opening your palm and conjuring bubbles, "my mother always did this after a small cry, even when it was happy tears it seemed to distract me,"

"That's so cool!" He pokes each bubble, cheeks drying up the last of its work.

"Ice cream for three," Strange walks back after seeing everything calm.

"What flavour is that?" You look to his with a tilted head, looking down at your (favourite flavour). (Change if it's Rum Raisin)

"Rum raisin,"

"Ew!" Peter cringes. "That's such a weird flavour,"

"It's not," Stephen rolls his eyes, enjoying the dessert and seeing you, "no, you cannot have some,"

"Please," you pout your lips and bat your eyelashes a few times.

"Only one," he takes your spoon and scoops a bit. "I'm not letting you take too much and waste it,"

Taking a hesitant taste, you look at him with a grimace. "Gross,"

"Ha!" Peter throws a fist in the air in success.

"More for me," he gives a wink which you flip him off for. "Manners, princess,"

Your eyes widen and he catches the small loss of breath, noting it silently. "I've done centuries of training concerning my manners, and that was a polite response to yours," you stammer through the comment before sitting back.

There was a silent staring contest until Peter pipes up, "today we had a guest speaker at school,"

"And you enjoyed it?" You look to him.

"It was boring, but we had a really hard math test after so MJ took a hall pass from Betty while I got some from Miss Williams and Mr O'Clark so- I should not have told you that," he turns to Stephen, "I swear we just went to study!"

"I hope you returned them exactly as they were," he looks expectantly to Peter who nods. "Good, don't get caught,"

Looking to Stephen in surprise, you listened as he slid in extra tips and tricks he used during his early years. To say his bad habit of skipping seminars and playing small pranks didn't intrigue you more would be a lie.

Suddenly there was a new found respect for the sorcerer alongside... another feeling. What it was? Still no clue.

"But how did the test go?" Stephen asks after a moment.

"I think pretty well, but I definitely got the last question wrong," he admits with a frown. "I just didn't know how to do it, it was so stupid-"

"Do you remember the question?"

"Kinda," he scrambles in his bag and writes it down after Strange requested him to do so. "I'm just so stuck, and Mr Adams wasn't making sense when I asked him after,"

"Well, at least you asked him first," Stephen looks over the numbers, listening to how Peter got to some sort of conclusion. "Okay, well you did the first steps right, good job," he takes the pen and points to an error. "But this is where you made the mistake, it's not a big deal," he walked Peter through step by step.

"But why did you do that? And not this..." Peter points to his solving then listening to Strange's reasoning before groaning, "oh god I'm an idiot! Seriously?? That- oh man!"

"You're not an idiot," Stephen chuckles. "At least now you get it right?"

"Yup... uhm, can we do more questions? Is that okay with you?"

"Why not?" He shrugs.

"Come on, I'll switch spots," you stand and take the sorcerers old place. Continuing your mindless eating, you couldn't help but admire Stephen from this point. Helping Peter, actually helping and assuring the boy of his smarts. Your daydreams went on while you stare and play with the ice cream using your spoon.

He wouldn't make a bad father. With his handsome looks-

Now, hold on. Stop that thought, Y/n. Stop admiring him! That's disgusting.

There was a light buzzing sound in your head making you roll your eyes. "Stop trying to read my mind, Strange,"

"I'm not- I wasn't-" he stammers suddenly, watching you finally look up.

"Aw, can't get through a simple magic barrier?" You pout mockingly, "poor wizard... I'm going to the bathroom, let's see if you can figure a spell during that time," patting his shoulder, you walk off.

"You have a crush," Peter notes while chewing on his pen, looking back and forth from his calculator.

"I don't,"

"Right," he jots a few numbers on the paper before showing Stephen the answer. "And I got that wrong,"

"You did," Strange points to the paper making Peter's face fall. There wasn't a mistake, both knew that, but Peter pretended to rewrite a few things.


"What was that?" Strange snaps his head to the child.

"Nothing!" He smiles brightly back, grinning innocently.


As you can see I'm bad at maths so you're not getting any math terms

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As you can see I'm bad at maths so you're not getting any math terms

- Anna ❤️

Chaos magic: Doctor Strange x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now