Chapter 22 - School halls

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The moment the portal closed behind you both, the front lawn of the school field had their attention taken. Whispers were louder than shouts from the pure mass of students slowing down to eye you and Stephen. While your chin raised in dismay at them, you felt your heart beat faster, wanting nothing more than to shrink and hide away.

"This way," Stephen points the way, looking around to students who scramble their heads down.

"This... is a school?" You look around at the students crowding the halls or walking by. Chatter kept up strong in the halls, almost tormenting you by echoing against your ears.

"Sorry, I don't think we can accomodate for large structures like on Asgard," Strange shakes his head, turning down the halls before looking back. "Okay... maybe signs would help,"

"Oh, for Norns sake," you smack your head, turning to the side and spotting Peter walking by with Ned and MJ. "Sp-"

Cloaky slaps a bit of fabric over your mouth making you jump, "secret identity," Stephen whispers.

Nodding slowly, you give a smile to the collar of the cloak. "Peter!" You call out to the boy who does a double take.

"Hey, Miss Laufeydottir!" Ned waves as MJ snickers.

"Hello, Ned," you wave sweetly. "How are you?"

"Really great!"

Peter then interrupts, "what are you doing here??"

"Sorcery exams," Stephen looks over the three teens, trying to figure out where they were. "Hopefully you know where the principal's office is?"

"Come on, we can-"

"Where the hell is Penis Parker?!" That voice made Peter cringe, MJ glower, and Ned grin, the boy knowing Flash was finally going to get in trouble. "Hey, Penis! Why didn't you do my homework like I told you to?!"

"Flash, not-"

"Nah, move out the way, costume freaks," Flash pushes Stephen only for the cloak to grab his wrists. "AH! What the fuck?!"

"Be careful what you say," Ned smiles.

"Oh shit," he looks up at Stephen, recognising him. "I'm- I'm so sorry! Are you lost? I'm sure you can use better help and not from these losers," Flash scoffs.

"You should have listened to Ned and watched what words leave your mouth, mortal," snapping your glare to him, your eyes glowed a bright green which makes the hall stand still.

"What the- what are- who-?"

"Y/n," Stephen warns.

"Your disrespectful manner and nature of torment is dishonourable to both Bragi and your tongue which has to spew it," one palm created a ball of smoke. "Thankfully you won't have a tongue for much-" before you could send your spell out, Stephen grabs your wrist which caused a reaction of mass confusion to almost put your brain on pause.

(Bragi is the Norse god of poetry, but also know for his fluency of speech and skill with words)

Flash ran off in a scramble as your eyes stop its glow, the magic fading while MJ shouts for everyone to walk away. Your body tenses, fingers working up a tremble. Stephen could see the heavy rise and fall of your chest, the deep breaths leaving as you kept your glare on the now gone boy.

"Y/n," the sorcerer meets your zoned out gaze. "Y/n, look at me," he lets out in a softer tone, turning you to face him with the tip of his fingers. "Take a deep breath."

Doing once, you allowed him to keep the hold on your hand, then one more breath before saying "I'm fine," there was that uncertain look from him which made you sigh, "I'm calm, don't worry... I'm- I won't do anything,"

"Good girl, now could we please not assault a child, like you promised?"

You gave a mindless nod, focusing on his first two words with a clench of your jaw. "Fine." You then turn to Peter, "we are talking about this whether you like it or not,"


"That was stupid," you scorn, leaving the principals office.

"It was necessary,"

"Most of it were obvious rules,"

"Yet not threatening a child was one that wasn't so obvious?" He stops in the now empty hall. "Y/n, you can't let your anger take over so easily,"

"Are you kidding?? Suddenly I'm the one who's in the wrong because I wanted to defend Peter?! That is the most-" your words were muffled by his hand on your mouth.

You keep up your words in spite making him stare blankly, "you're just going to keep talking?" When you kept going he sighs, "not surprised," letting go made you shut up.

Folding your arms as a way to one up him in the mini glaring contest, it was discarded when you drop your head. There was a soft huff and your boots nudge the patterned ground. "Look... I just don't want Peter to go through things like that. I just thought-"

"That scaring Flash would end that? I understand," he places a hand on your shoulder which you back away from. It wasn't hard to note the boundary, after he fixes his posture, Stephen takes one step back, "come on, let's just get this all sorted,"

"Yeah... okay," tightening your crossed arms, you follow him in silence.

"After this we can take Peter for ice cream, hm? I can order and you can take that time to talk to Peter," he suggests to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, okay,"

Stephen purses his lips in thought, looking down at the tile floors while trying to find a way to lift the heavy atmosphere. "Oh, did you know that-"

"You're not mad at me right?" You blurt out.

"Mad?" He stops and looks at your nervous glances away. "Why would I be mad?"

"I mean, the entire- well before was-" you start to ramble but shut your mouth when he holds both hands up.

"Slow down." Strange looks at you with nothing that would indicate anger. "I'm not mad, not sure where you got that from but all I have to say is that everyone deals with things in their own way. Sometimes it's not the best solution, like yours, but I'm not mad, I just think we can figure out how to deal with it, if you want?"

"Another way to manage my anger?"

"Mange anything without bottling it up,"

"I don't bottle things up," you nudge him once you both get back into a paced walk. "But alright. Thank you,"

"You're welcome,"


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- Anna ❤️

Chaos magic: Doctor Strange x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now