Chapter 39 - PTC

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"Keys?" Stephen asks, fixing his tie.

"Card?" You ask, walking into the living room.

"Starks," he holds up a platinum one that he had Pietro get for him as you held up the keys.

"Where are you two going?" Loki had stood while the others gave suggestive glances.

"Peter has a parent teacher conference and wanted us to attend," you explain, checking the time, "we will be back later because we're having dinner out with Peter... as a celebration, not because the bird is cooking,"

"Hey!" Clint pops out the vent. "You're not wrong but at least this time I'm using a recipe!"

"Emergency number is right there next to the first aid kit," Stephen smiles.

"Rude," Clint crawls away with grumble fading away.

"Weapons," Strange holds his hand out to you. Clicking your tongue, you place three daggers in his hand from your purse and remove one from a leg garter under your more-so business casual dress which he eyed less than subtly.

"You know I wore this for that exact reason," you hand it over reluctantly.

"You can't bring weapons to his school. Besides, you have your magic," he could feel the prying eyes of the others. "Alright, we should head on over now,"

"Try not to get food poisoning!" You yell once through the portal. Stephen puts one hand on your waist just the the orange sparks diminished: yes, he knew what he was doing. The sight of a fuming Loki glaring at the empty space being enjoyed by the team was enough for him.

"I know what you're doing," you walk through the car park like the other adults.

"What?" He drags on in a dramatically fake confusion. "I'm doing anything,"

"Mhm, and pissing off my brother wasn't what I just heard you snickering about in that mind of yours?"

"Not at all," he confirms. "You look great by the way,"

"Thank you. I like this suit on you, the coat is a nice touch too,"

Sleek, all black, with a white shirt. Creases were rid of, even on the pin dotted black tie, each small white point seemingly invisible from a distance. Over him was a mid-thigh length woollen black coat, one of his hands in one pocket while the other slipped into yours.

"The cloak wanted me to change it up a bit," he confesses.

"Well, I'll have to thank him when we get home," you bring his knuckles up to kiss.

"You can do it now," he looks down to the end of the coat waving. "Simple spell,"

"What a loyal cloak you are," giving the sleeve a pat, the collars stand upright in delight, swaying to hug you which irritates Stephen for a moment.


"Hey! There you guys are- oh, sorry," Peter squeezes past a few people to get to you both. "Hi, thanks for coming to this thing,"

"Anything for you, pumpkin," you give him a small hug.

"Where to first?" Stephen asks, "good job, kid," he takes the paper of Peter's hand. "All teachers?"

"All of them, first one is in... oh shoot," he looks to the schedule. "Oh, no, no, I forgot I to put my AP Calc time,"

"Peter," Stephen gives a stern glance. "When is it?"

"Right... now?" He scratches his neck awkwardly. "My teacher had to leave early and was fully booked so-"

"Where is the meeting?"

"In his classroom, MA03-"

"Right," Stephen puts on the sling ring, orange sparking to draw attention, "ignore them, we don't want to be late,"

"I'm so sorry," Peter cringes once the portal shut to reveal the quiet hallway.

"That's alright, Kid, I'm just glad you told us," Stephen opens the door after knocking twice.


"So... this is the final grade?" You point to the marking.

"Not necessarily," Peter's teacher explains. "These are just test scores, but while Peter is doing fine in these in class tests, he struggles with these questions which will be more prominent on the exams,"

"Sorry, I'm not used to this system," you quip, looking over the sheet.

"Not from the USA?" She laughs.

"Not from Earth," you say nonchalantly making her pale. "I'm sure we can get Bruce to run over this with you, hm?"

"Yup," Peter nods happily.


"He's often distracted in class, I must say," the AP History teacher informs. "During our World War Two topics he seemed a little 'away with the fairies'," he jokes.

You obviously didn't catch the joke. "No, I assure you I put up protection barriers to ensure those pesky things stayed out of the tower," the test topics were so odd to you, you look to Stephen, "who's Hitler?- Never mind... Norns, I think I'll need to ask Rogers and Barnes about this,"

"I think that's a good idea," he squeezes your shoulder after reaching his arm from around Peter..


"He isn't completely understanding Shakespeare," the teacher expressed concern. "Obviously we all have difficulty with old English, but the importance of Shakespeare's original works such as Romeo and Juliet-"

"Original? Don't be silly, the afternoon he wrote that play, my brother had just given him the poem by Arthur Brooke 'The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet' as a thanks for helping him out of trouble," you scoff in amusement, "he was kind enough to give me the first manuscript which I suspect is still somewhere in my room,"

The teacher blinks a few times before chuckling nervously to Stephen while Peter looked to you in bewilderment. "On Asgard?"

"No, I think it's in my room... under the pile of other first copies,"

"That's worth a lot of money, right?" Stephen whispers to the teacher who nods in confusion.


I'm kinda at a lost on what to do- It's a new year- I'm- Wtf

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I'm kinda at a lost on what to do- It's a new year- I'm- Wtf

- Anna ❤️

Chaos magic: Doctor Strange x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now