Chapter 23 - Ink

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"Alright. I want no talking." You look to the crowd of young sorcerers. Of course when you looked about their age, though most definitely a few hundred older, you were just as nervous for any sort of assessment.

Of course there was no theory but it was more so your mother testing you on your lessons that year.

"All notes are to be handed in to me before the exam. All attempts at cheating will result in removal from the exam room and an immediate fail," you looks down at them, seeing a few glancing to their notes while also trying to pay attention to you.

"We will soon take you through the halls, there are students without magic, they will stare, they will whisper, but you are to ignore them," Strange orders, "we are here to move from one point to another. All use of magic is banned within these walls. Understand?"

They all nod before readying themselves. "You can start making sure the students stay out the way," you whisper to Stephen. Once he leaves you could see them growing more and more scared; maybe it was your presence or just the exam. "Listen. This is one exam, one fail does not mean the end of the world. Being a great sorcerer does not matter whether you have A's, it's about your application of magic and quick thinking,"

"Without A's I won't graduate," one whispers.

"I highly doubt that," you smirk when they turn to you. "Sure, it looks good on the report card but on Asgard we didn't have any of this," you move down to their level at the bottom of the stairs. "My magic may be a natural gift but what isn't is how I use it and how well I do,"

"No theory? Lucky," another grumbles.

"Very lucky," you chuckle. "But at the end of the day you're all gifted with the knowledge of magic. These students here don't know how to do what you do, you're not better than them because of that but you are better equipped to protect them from what they won't be able to fight on their own," they seemed to be uplifted by your words. "That is what matters."

"Not too bad of a motivational speaker, Rogers might have competition," Strange walks down two steps before nodding to the group. "Your majesty," his hand was held out for you to take as the students got into two lines.

"Master Strange," you do a small curtsy in amusement, taking his hand and following him to the doors. "Don't tempt Rogers to one up me, it could ruin my reputation,"

"What a disaster that would be," the doors were kept open as the students followed behind you and Strange. Without failure, Midtown students stopped and stared, talking with judging looks. Peter, Ned and MJ were in one of the halls passed, waving lightly which you nod at.

"Notes," you hold a hand out by a desk at the corner of the room, taking and placing away each one with care on it.

"Take your seats, reading time will be ten minutes, any writing before that time is over will count as a breach of exam rules causing an immediate failure," Strange stands at the front of the room. "And don't try using your Astral projection, I will know," he could assume a few plans were spoiled.


By the first hour you were bored out of your mind. Stephen's body was in a chair, hands in a prayer position which made you do a double take.

Tilting your angle when looking at him, you realise why it seemed so familiar. Dammit, Peter! There was no way no one had caught this.

Walking down the rows, you almost felt like someone was watching you but you dismissed it. Stephen watching you? What type of flattery were you convincing yourself with?

Your gut feeling wasn't off to be fair. Stephen couldn't help but admire you while walking through the astral plane. Obviously slightly bored, but the calm manner of your walk and eventual resting in the chair beside him was... nice.

Leaning against your palm, you look at Stephen's face, poking it with a grin as his head lulls a little. Poking him a few times, there was a sudden gasp of air entering your lungs when a force almost moved through you.

"Fine, sorry," you say under your breath with an eye roll. After a few moments, in retaliation, you cast an illusion over a marker, willing it to draw small doodles on his face.


Once each students had left the room with their notes, you look to Stephen who's face was covered in markings. How did you get away with this? Well you let the illusion fall when he was back in his body.

5 points for Y/n!

"Good job, you lasted three hours without causing chaos,"

"Did I?" You tilt your head at him, kicking off the wall.

The look of his face was priceless! After looking at the window, his reflection showed obvious markings. "Really? Are you 7 years old?"

"It's a little funny," you laugh behind your hand, jumping and dashing away when you notice his advance towards you. "No!"

"Come back here!" You both circle around a few desks until he was able to trick you, sliding across a row and grabbing you.

"Stephen!" You squeal at his hold on you, bursting into laughter as he tried to press a red marker on your cheek. "No! Wait!"

"This is karma! Give up!" He laughs, trying his best to get you as you dodge everything.

"Never!" You then felt the red ink line the tip of your nose and forehead.

"There, we're even," he lets go, a loose hold while looking at his wonky work in the window you were near.

"You're mean,"

"I'm aware, rudolf," his reference made you light up.

"I understood that reference!" You say proudly, looking at him with a smile which made him slightly weak at the knees.

"I'm very proud," he looks around before summoning a small wet cloth and wiping your nose. The small scrunch of your face when he pressed the fabric on your face made his heart swell instantly, making him extend the time it took to remove the ink.

"All gone?" You peak an eye open.

"All gone," he takes the other side of the cloth to remove the ink from his own face. "Me?"

"Mm," you take it and swipe certain bits of ink still left. "All gone,"

"Good, now I'll got find Peter, you can wait out the front, just in case you see him leave first,"

"You got it, doc,"


Flustered are we? 👁👁📸

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Flustered are we? 👁👁📸

- Anna ❤️

Chaos magic: Doctor Strange x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now