Chapter 51 - Not a word

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You sat back on the fountain ledge, faced away from him. From just this he couldn't be more stunned at just how amazing you looked. He hadn't seen you in such formal wear before, layered fabric clung against you and your face... fell.

There wasn't that smile any longer.

"What are you doing?" Loki asks making the sorcerer nearly fall out from behind the hedge.

"Reading the damn room," he glares. "I'm too late, that Sir whatever his name is already asked her out,"

"You're a child," the god who stood just a little taller than Stephen smacks his head, turning him back around. "Does Y/n look happy?"

"No..." he hated to see you frown. All he wanted was to make sure you were happy and deep down, he knew, if that meant you going out with someone else then so be it.

"Exactly, and you know why Y/n was smiling before but not now?" Loki's question was rhetorical but it seems Strange was still lost. "Because she thinks no one can see her."

"That's my fault-"

"No, that's Y/n before you even came into the picture, and ever since you did this hasn't happened. My sister was over the moon with you around and I was too stupid to see it," Loki takes rough holds on Stephen's shoulders. "So if you do not fix it this instant I will skin you alive," one rough push out from behind the hedge and Loki was left alone in the shadows.


"I'm glad you've finally come to your senses," Anna quips making the god nearly shriek. "I'm proud of you,"

Loki gave a shy smile before running into her arms when she opened them. "I'm sorry for being an idiot,"

"Oh, that's why I love you," she chuckles.

The sorcerer stood awkwardly a few metres from you. His hands curl and uncurl until he settles on a plan of attack.

One iridescent bubble floats by your face making your smile plaster back on. "Again? Mother, I'm fine- Stephen," when you looked back all you saw was the sorcerer. That smile soon became true as you rush on over only to be held back by a reminder. Oh, how your mood flipped.


"Don't 'hi' me, what the hel do you think you're doing here?!" Fumes could only leave your ears if the realm abided by cartoon logic. "Leave now before I call my sister to send Fenrir on you,"

"I'm slightly terrified you won't hesitate but please hear me out?"


"Y/n, please, let me tell you why I had to say all that," he pleads, stepping forward only for you to raise a dagger.

"I don't care what you- wait... did you say 'had to'? What do you mean you had to??"

"I'm not saying who threatened me with a green and silver dagger which had a horned symbol on its base, because I respect their safety," he adds casually with a sly tone making your features drop. "If I hadn't then I wouldn't know the lengths this mystery person who is definitely not related to you by blood but has greasy hair would go through to make you hate me,"

"You can stop that,"

He saw the held back grin. "Yeah, but it's more fun," he holds up a necklace. Your necklace. "It's quite hard to put the chains back together after you ripped it off. Took a week after going to the craft store for the right pliers over and over,"

"Shut up," you grab the necklace and fling your arms around him. "Just shut up..."

"Like, shut up right now... or?" He groans when you nudge his gut. "I'm sorry I couldn't have stopped all this..."

"You could have," you pull back, sniffling a little. "You could have simply told me Loki's plan and terms and I would have figured out a way around it- or just talk to him like the adults we are,"

"I'm an idiot..." Strange sighs against you, burying his head into your neck more.

"Yes, you are," you kiss his shoulder. "I am going to kill him though,"

"One less person on my list," he teases, kissing your forehead then lifting your chin for a soft kiss.

"Okay... what just happened?" Bruce tilts his head from beside everyone who had just watched the interaction.

"They made up without even opening their damn mouths," Bucky gapes in confusion.

"Except to smooch," Pietro makes gross kissing noises, pretending to make out with himself.

"Perfect balance of magical capability and subconscious problem solving," Anna says brightly, seeing William walk past with the children. "Thanks, Liam!" She yells, tossing him a bag of gold.

"No problem, doll," he salutes, walking away with a whistle before doing a double take at Bucky. "Is he single?" The man mouths.

Anna shakes her head, pointing to Sam and Steve. "Yeah, I planned that," she confirms to the group.

"This is why I love you," Loki hugs her tight.

"So, can we eat now?" Clint points to the dining hall.

"Last one there is a loser," Nat challenges, running off as everyone else follows.

"Are they gone?" You finally whisper to Strange who nods, who pulls you into a dip and kissing you much more openly.

"AH!" Thor screeches before collecting himself. "Sorry," he shield his eyes; stumbling away from you and Stephen who laugh quietly.

"So... are you coming back to Earth?" The soft and questioning voice from behind you both couldn't be mistaken for anyone other than Peter.

Turning with wide eyes and bright smile, there he was. So, the moment you nod, the boy runs into your arms. Of course this included pulling Stephen for a hug as well. "I missed you too pumpkin," you whisper to him.

It was a perfect silence. Comforting and relishing in the final peace.

"Can we go for ice cream when we get back?" He muffles suddenly into the hug making Stephen shake his head as you nod.

"Yes, we can," you kiss Peter's forehead. "And Stephen is paying for it,"

"No, I'm not," he rolls his eyes, huffing a little until you kiss his cheek. "Okay, fine, but only one scoop,"

"Two and any topping," you reason, with a small pout which he couldn't say no to.

"And a cone," Peter whispers before dodging Stephen's attempt to pinch his sides. "OKAY I'M SORRY!" He laughs.



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- Anna ❤️

Chaos magic: Doctor Strange x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now