Chapter 28 - Get help!

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"And that should do the trick, don't you think?" Stephen looks at the set up. A long trail of almost transparent sludge lines the hall while cling wrap blocks every door in the hall. Feathers on the main floor and silly string attached to an automatic contraption, what could go wrong.

"I think so,"

"Well, would you like to do the honours?"

"I would want nothing more," you clear your throat. "GET HELP! IM DYING! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" Cries and screams of terror were all that was heard. Soon there was the clambering of footsteps and weapons.

Screams of your name with tones of concern were heard as every door opened. Cling wrap across the face, first step was to shock and momentarily blind. Next was the sludge, cause distress from unknown texture and therefore movement from fear. Lastly, with build up from these two emotions we see the victims covering themselves in said residue while falling over, which will then allow feathers to attach to them.

Silly string was Strange's little extra step for colour.

"Y/n?!" Loki wipes his eyes frantically as Thor points Mjolnir at the wall, cling wrap and feathers over his eyes.

"Good morning," you say sweetly, looking to everyone who eventually got over the sudden scare.

"Did you get them?" Wanda yawns, floating out the hall with Vision as Nat, Bruce and Peter leave their rooms.

"Morning, Mr Stark," Peter waves to Tony who was half suited up.

"Kid?! What the hell-??" He moves away all the guck and sees Peter safe, sighing in relief.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Loki stands with a wobble.

"I believe it's a Halloween prank," Vision notes calmly.

"I believe you are two seconds away from having your wires cut with dull scissors!" Loki yells, Anna immediately walking out their bedroom with a small dagger.

"I'm here to save the day," she waves it around sleepily.

"I hate you," Sam pushes off the silly string as Bucky plucked feathers out small crevices in his arm.

"Apologies, Barnes, you took more of the brunt than I intended," you whisper, cleaning him up with a spell.

Loki stood with an angered look, using his magic to wash away all remnants left. "That was not of good taste, Y/n,"

"I thought it was funny," Anna muffles into Loki's back, hugging him from behind.

"See?" You stick your tongue out. "It's funny,"

"Almost funny," Stephen smiles, dumping the small jar he had taken earlier over your head.

"Ha!" Clint falls back in laughter at the sight, Pietro following in his steps.

"Oh... oh no," Steve looks to Thor, "that's not good is it?"

Soon the team feared the worst. Pain, suffering, endless anguish. Strange knew better and simply folded his arms.

"Run! Run while you still have legs!" Pietro whisper shouts.

Stephen raises a brow as you slowly turn to him with glowing green eyes. However that look of amusement on your face faded all hatred away, instead your body chose to laugh.

A loud and bright laugh which could make even the worst of the worse smile. His heart was beating faster at the sound, lips tilted up in a more down-kept laugh while the group gaped before the two.

"Nearly even," you click your fingers so two cans of a silly string sent his way, drenching him in cotton candy pink and cool mint green.

The group found this as their cue to join. Your fingers curling under the colour to peak at his face showed him trying to hold back a smile. "Fair play, princess,"

"I think we did a good job as partners in crime," you nudge him. Loki suddenly turns away and storms off which was hardly notice by anyone except Anna who was practically shoved away.


"Loki, what's wrong?" Anna closes the door after herself, looking to Loki sitting in his armchair with a scowl.

"This is ridiculous,"

"And maybe I could input if you told me what was ridiculous," she takes a spot on the armrest, waiting for him to lean into her. When he didn't, she knew something was truly off, "Loki, talk to me,"

"I don't understand why Y/n so easily trusts that idiot magician!" His foot kept up its rapid tapping, eyes fallen to the ground while his fists curled up to rest his cheek on. "Never once, in our long lives, has Y/n been open to anyone but our mother and yet here she is parading around with Strange as 'partners in crime' when it should be me! I'm family- not some mortal!"

"Loki," Anna sighs, uncurling his fist and holding it in her hands. "I don't understand-"

"I'm being replaced, Anna... Y/n disregards me everyday as if I'm no more than a grain of sand on a shore- that I'm no longer her brother,"

"You suffocate her, I presume," she kisses his temple and pulls him in. "Whether you mean to or not, your protectiveness does take a toll. Eventually it will,"

"I don't want to lose her... she's the only blood I have left,"

"Y/n is a grown adult, and can very well take care of herself. However, as I may entertain your doubts, I do think that letting her explore openly with the team can better both her ways on dealing with emotions as well as strengthening family bonds," she combs a hand soothingly through his hair. "I see nothing but benefit," she then stood and pulled him with her, "so let's return to bed and take in at least another two hours of sleep?"

"Of course, my darling," but Loki couldn't shake it off his mind that something more would be caused by all this.


Comic Doctor Strange has such perfect "why am I surrounded by idiots?" Energy while also being the best example of having "I'm an idiot but what's new?" Energy

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Comic Doctor Strange has such perfect "why am I surrounded by idiots?" Energy while also being the best example of having "I'm an idiot but what's new?" Energy

Also this is for you _s_w__a_g_

- Anna ❤️

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