Bonus Episode #2

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[Yay! Another bonus episode! That's what everyone wants... Right?]

I think, either way. You should keep writing

[Yeah, you're right. Anyway, let me explain for those who might not have seen the first Bonus Episode, these Skits are just things that would not fit into the main plot so i write them here. You can take the things that happen in these Skits to be canon or non-canon. As the things that happen in these bonus episodes will not be mentioned in the main story]

Skit #1: Passtime in the Air Force: 3rd POV


Though the Aigaion is cool looking, there's not much to do when you're up in the sky for months on end, movies and video games are the most common passtimes, but of course. Things can get rowdy and a lot more creative, especially when drunk

Y/N: "YOU SHALL NOT PROCEED!!!" Y/N yells as he holds a mop, looking at Karlo who is holding a pot lid and a bread roller

Karlo: "AS IF YOU CAN STOP ME!!!" They charge at each other while all the other members of Strigon Team and other squadrons cheer them on. Though when they're about six feet away from each other, they fall flat on their faces, shitfaced drunk.

Though that isn't the only thing that happens on the Aigaion, when on long patrols. Things can get boring and real quiet, so some casual tomfoolery is common

Y/N: <<<Hey Pegas>>>

Pegas: <<<Yes?>>> They were both on a six hour patrol along the border of the Eastern Faction and their allies, the Island Coalition, both very bored

Y/N: <<<Wanna see me do a flip?>>> Y/N casually asked, looking over at Pegas from his cockpit, a bit of silence, none of them saying anything in particular until Pegas responds

Pegas: <<<Do it>>> Y/N chuckles a bit before his Su-33 starts to flip and flip, and flip. His blip on radar spazzing the fuck out as Pegas laughs his ass off, that is until someone else gets on the comms

AWACS 'Morning Star': <<<What the fuck is going on with Strigon 1?! Ember, what the fuck are you doing!?" She yells as Y/N immediately stops his vigorous flipping and flies normally, pretending like nothing happened

Y/N: <<<The hell you talking about, Morning Star? Just been flying, you sure you're not losin' it?>>> He says as he holds back his laughter as best as he can Pegas doing the same as Morning Star gets suspicious but soon lets it go

AWACS 'Morning Star: <<<Uh Huh... Alright you two, get back to the Aigaion, your shift is over>>>

Y/N: <<<WHOO!! Finally, my ass is killin me!!>>>

Pegas: <<<I will agree with you on that, my friend>>>

AWACS: 'Morning Star': <<<Seriously, what the hell happened on radar...>>> She mumbles to herself as the two Aces fly back to the Aigaion

[For anyone wondering, this is how it looked like]

Skit# 2: Gamers: 3rd POV


Since Y/N has gotten better at using his computer, he found out computer games exist, so he decided to enlist Ichika for help on how to buy them. After a painful session on how to make a Vapor™ account, he finally bought a game called The Im's

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